Yun Qishen

Chapter 1533 Shuangwen Shenma does not exist

Chapter 1533 Shuangwen Shenma does not exist (3)

"Please come with us."

A few guys who were wearing sunglasses at night blocked the way for the lawyer to escape.

The lawyer sighed and said, "I said, eldest brothers, do well, let the younger ones go, and the younger ones will often go to see if you can succeed! Good people have good rewards, and I will not marry that eldest lady of yours. "

But no matter where the bodyguards care about him, they will surround the lawyer when they go up. Fortunately, with the help of Qi Qi, the lawyer can escape the disaster.

At this time, Rong Mi was also under the escort of bodyguards to the place where they found Ritsuren.

"Didn't you say you found someone? What about people?"

Rong Mi had already taken off her heavy protective suit and put on a rose red dress.

The red-clothed woman was even more distinguished among a group of bodyguards who were five big and three thick, and the lawyer could see the anger on Rong Mi's beautiful face even when hiding in the dark.

"Miss back..." A security guard on the side bent down and reported to Rong Mi, "We lost the person."

"You guys are really trash, he must not have escaped very far. Even if you pull up all the trees and grass here, you have to find him for me! Immediately!"

Rong Mi vented the anger she had just received from Mo Langqin, and naturally those bodyguards didn't dare to neglect and turned around to search.

"No, you and I go back! We may have been tricked!"

Rong Mi noticed that something was wrong, and she hurried back with her servant in the direction of Lulu's house.

The sound of high heels echoed on the road, and the lawyer saw Rong Mi and the bodyguards are far away before speaking.

"This woman is really scary. Yun Qishen should have succeeded. I hope he can bring out the litter box by the way, so that I can settle the cat." Just as the lawyer said this, a cat meowing came from a distance. Voice.

The lawyer looked curiously at the sound, and finally saw that Rong Mi and her bodyguard were carrying a cage, and the cage was his cat.

"That won't work!"

The law man couldn't bear it, so he rushed out regardless of Mo Qi's obstruction.

Ye Qi had to sigh helplessly,

At the same time, Yun Qishen also noticed the cat's disappearance.

Mo Langqin's analysis is also correct, "I'm sure it's the self-satisfied eldest lady who took it away as a bargaining chip, she knows that the lawyer can't live without his cat, and she might want to use this to threaten the lawyer to show up. "

"That's really what he's saying. The lawyer can't be rational when he hooks up with cats."

On the other hand, Rong Mi looked at the cat in the cage and gently covered her mouth and nose, she said to the bodyguard, "There are really such strange people in the world, I heard before that this young son of the Lu family likes it Cat, I don't even want the family's money for the cat, but I moved out and lived with the cat. Can this thing stay with him for a few years? Sooner or later, it will be destroyed by myself..."

"Let the cat go first, everything is easy to say!"

The lawyer came to Rong Mi without a trace from the obstruction of those bodyguards.

Rong Mi's first impression when she looked at the lawyer with the blades of grass on her head was that she was a little disgusted, but after seeing that it was the lawyer, she straightened her posture and turned to face the lawyer.

"Knowing that I could let you out so easily, I should have started with cats from the beginning."

Rong Mi couldn't help laughing when she saw the angry brows of the lawyer, "Look at your ridiculous appearance, I don't feel good at the thought of marrying you in the future. Let me marry a man who will only look at cats. The weird people you like, that's really ridiculous. However, if you can get rid of these bad habits in the future, I think our marriage should..."

"Don't be too self-righteous. The matter between us has nothing to do with cats! Since you don't like me, why do you agree to your family's arrangements!

how!Do you think you are valuable?You came out just to give to others?Do you think I'm weird?I also think you are not a good thing! "

The lawman stepped forward to snatch the cat, but the bodyguard was strong, and the height of the lawman was also a disadvantage, so the snatch failed.

"I'm not what? How can you talk to me like this! I'll go back and tell your mother if you do this!" Rong Mi was so angry that she didn't know what to say, it had never been said that way.

"Tell me! That's their decision, not mine! I'll tell you clearly, it's impossible for us! It's me who's not worthy of you! Come on! Give me back the cat! Go back with you too! The family is making a fuss! The two of us have nothing to do with each other!"

The lawyer himself also wondered, he and Rongmi didn't like each other, why did they have to be together for the benefit of their parents?Like your sister and brother-in-law?Lawyers are not rare!
"Give me the cat!" Shouyou ordered to the bodyguard, with tears in her eyes and an angry expression.

The lawyer noticed something was wrong and hurried forward, "Give me the cat!"

Rong Mi gritted her teeth and stomped the cat's cage to the ground, and the cat made a terrified squeak.


Li Ren picked up the cat cage in panic, and he looked at the cat in the cat cage worriedly, "It's alright, I'm back! I'm back! It's alright! Don't fry! Don't fry! It's okay..."

Rong Mi pouted angrily, and she was about to turn her head to leave, when Lu Ren grabbed her clothes and slapped her in the face.

The crisp snap made the surrounding bodyguards stunned, and then they reacted and pulled the lawyer.

"You actually hit me? You hit me in the face? You..." Rong Mi said while crying, she covered her face and felt hot, "It's not over! It's not over! What are you doing! Bring me an ice pack! !I want to go home!"

"Why don't I dare to hit you! Such a guy who will vent his anger on innocent little animals! I hit you lightly! Why! Why do you touch my cat! What are you! You are a jerk! what is this!

What to do when the cat is frightened!What to do when it's stressed!It's not just a life, it's my life too!do you understand! "The lawyer let out an angry roar," You are a girl, I will endure it!When you humiliated me!I also tolerated it!But don't touch my cat!Release me!And get your people out of my house! "

Rong Mi took a deep breath, glared at Ritsu Ren and left with the bodyguards.

After the lawyer watched them leave, he also opened the cage to check the cat's condition.

The cat's situation was not very optimistic. The cat was still bombing, and when the lawyer put his hand into the cage, the cat scratched and bit him and whimpered in fear.

Even so, the lawyer took the cat out of the cage and put it in his arms to comfort him.

"It's okay, I won't hurt you. Never, and no one will be able to hurt you in the future... I was wrong just now, I'm sorry for you... My fault... My fault."

Ye Qi also came out at this time. He silently watched Lu Ren comfort the cat. After a while, the cat calmed down and rubbed Lu Ren's chin where tears had already flowed with his nose.

(End of this chapter)

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