Yun Qishen

Chapter 1537 Shuangwen Shenma does not exist

Chapter 1537 Shuangwen Shenma does not exist (7)

The lawyer sat on the rattan chair arranged in the backyard of Rong's house, eating half-raw meat with the plate in one hand and the other in the other.

"I don't understand..."

He watched the chef in charge of cooking walking around in front of him, the meat was roasted and served, although it exuded a tempting aroma, it didn't taste good at all.

Rong Mi beside him and the two peers who met for the first time talked about it with relish. That Zhang Tingyu also said some strange words that made Lulu's head hurt.

This torment did not end until the lawyer was taken out of the Rong family by his father.


The lawyer took a long breath while sitting in the car, while his father looked at the documents in the notebook with a serious expression.

"How's it going this afternoon?"

The lawyer's father closed the notebook halfway before asking about the situation.

"What else can you do... You just bought me your son like this..." The lawyer looked at the scenery outside the car, "I don't want to marry Rong Mi, and I don't even want to get engaged..."

"You can only accept."

The words of the lawyer's father made the lawyer feel that there was little hope in his heart.

"But..." Lu Ren turned his head and looked at his father, "Why do you have to sacrifice me? It's not enough for you to sacrifice Lu Xia, do you want me to consolidate your interests? It's nice to say it for me, but you don't even think about it. Understand how I feel. You never try to understand me, and I think about how I fit into you!"

"Don't get sick again, go home quietly. If you can't answer me calmly, then you are not qualified to talk to me about anything."

As soon as the lawyer reached his lips, his father choked back again.He had no choice but to scratch his head irritably and unbutton the collar to take a deep breath.

He couldn't help muttering, "Qualification, shit qualification!"

When the car passed near the lawyer's apartment, he stopped the car.

"Stop, I want to get out of the car."

The car also stopped, and Lu Ren's father's slender eyes glanced at Lu Ren, "Aren't you going home?"

"If I don't go back, it's not my home at all."

The lawyer slammed the door behind him and walked towards his apartment.His father's car also quickly left the street.

He checked that it was already past three o'clock in the afternoon, and there was no one on the street.The law man looked up at the sky, the gray feeling that it was about to rain.

In the distance he saw a man in a purple coat walking towards him.

Yun Qishen waved at Lu Ren, "How's it going, young master? You failed because of your expression?"

"Don't call me young master, I can't stand it." Lawren felt unhappy when he heard this title, but instead of venting it completely, he cared about the clothes on Yun Qishen's body.

"It's not me, you look very good-looking. Why did you think about going out to buy clothes, and you even got a wolf's tail..."

The lawyer curiously tugged the fluorescent green pants chain on Yun Qishen's pants, "Follow the trend~ Yo, the shoes are still the latest!"

Yun Qishen raised his hand and rubbed Luren's hair, "Would you like to fix it too? You see that your hair is messy, so you should change your image."

"You don't have to worry about it!" Lawren pushed Yun Qishen's hand away, "Don't touch my hair. By the way, why are you alone? Ye Qi didn't follow you?"

The lawyer looked at both ends of the street curiously, but didn't notice Ye Qi's sight.

"He...was waiting for his fast food at the fast food restaurant. I'm really speechless. He ordered forty cokes by himself! I didn't stop him at all. I'll see how he gets it back!" Yun Qishen akimbo Going to such a stop at the street entrance really has the taste of a plane model.

Sure enough, relying on a face, it can shine anywhere...

The lawyer pushed his glasses, and an idea came to his mind, "The collection of space spar is still about two pieces... I only have two or three plausible plots in my remaining scrap books. Maybe we can change the trend a little bit. Yes, let me taste handsome too."

"Let you taste?" Yun Qishen raised his eyebrows, "Are you still going?"

"What! No way!" Lawrence thought to himself that he was so unwelcoming.

Yun Qishen shook his head, "What kind of you are, don't you know yourself? Taking you into the plot is more tiring than watching a bear child."

The lawyer half-squinted his eyes, "Listen to what you said, wouldn't you compare me to a giant baby?"

"do not you?"

"I'm not!"

Yun Qi smiled deeply, "Lordren, you need to figure out the situation, the spar collection is for Gu Ao, not for your enjoyment."

"But if I don't go, you won't know some special information." The lawyer flashed to the other side of Yun Qishen and said.

"If you go, we won't know too much. Don't talk about that." Yun Qi sighed deeply and pushed the lawyer away.

Ritsuren stood there and looked at Yun Qishen's back. He wondered if it was because he had been too indecisive and reckless before.If he can change, perhaps Yun Qishen can accept himself to act together.

"It's not impossible."

After Yun Qi deeply spy on Lu Ren's mind, he turned to look at Lu Ren, "But you have to let me see that you have changed. Or do it now, as long as you can find the space spar next time. Before resolving your own family conflicts, I agree with you to find the plot spar with us."

"Really! Then I will definitely be able to win it!" The lawyer's eyes lit up.


Yun Qishen decided to take a precaution, "If you can't solve your own problems neatly, then you can do your own duty here."

"I can do it!" said the lawyer.

Yun Qishen also responded unprecedentedly this time, "I trust you this time."

A word of faith is what lawyers desire most.

Lu Ren only felt warm in his heart, and Yun Qishen really had a knife-mouthed tofu heart.

"Stop, don't think about these messy things in your head, you're too close to me, it's hard for me not to hear. Don't think about it."


Now that Yun Qishen had spoken, Lu Ren also stopped thinking wildly.

Not long after Yun Qishen and Luren got home, Qi Qi also came back with his fast food and forty glasses of Coke.

Qi Qi was wearing a red coat and her long hair was tied into a ponytail. As soon as she entered the door, she smelled like a cyberpunk.

His dress matches Yun Qishen's dress very well, it should be the look made by the same magazine...

"Drink so much beware of tooth decay."

Yun Qishen leaned on the sofa and looked at Mo Qi's smiling face and couldn't help but say a few words.

Qi Qi put all the Cokes on the table, and the fast food was also put on the table.There was a hint of joke in his tone, "Then when a little Taoist can't eat with cavities, will you feed me, Demon Lord?"

Lawman: "Pfft! Don't say such things at this time!"

Mo Langqin: "Pfft! Damn it! I'm choking the young master to death!"

Yun Qishen: "You two, don't spit Coke on my face! It's right to spit on him!"

(End of this chapter)

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