Yun Qishen

Chapter 1542 Shuangwen Shenma does not exist

Chapter 1542 Shuangwen Shenma does not exist (12)

"It's thundering and raining! Whose underwear was left hanging outside yesterday!"

Mo Langqin beating gongs and drums called everyone up.

Black Shadow yawned sleepily and shook his head, "It's not mine anyway... I'll go to the toilet first... yawn~"

Ye Qi took off the mask and denied it with a smile, "It's not from the little Taoist priest and the devil, after all, it's ours..."

"I'm going! What did you eat yesterday! It stinks!"

Yun Qishen covered his nose and came out of the toilet. As soon as he came out, he saw Mo Langqin looking at him with a strange look.

"What's wrong?" Yun Qi raised his eyebrows deeply, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Mo Langqin squinted his eyes meaningfully, "It's nothing, it's just that the young master wants to ask whose panties are hanging outside and have been soaked through, um... Fat Tiger Broken Flowers..."

The lawyer blushed and took the underwear back from the outside, "My, I have an opinion!"

Mo Langqin smiled and spread out his hands, "Master, what are you talking about here? How dare I have an opinion on you! The fat tiger is very good, I have a new crayon here, and a Thomas car, you want don't want?"

"No...why do you sell everything?" After the lawyer twisted off part of the rainwater, he closed the balcony door and walked back.

It was still raining heavily outside, and there were not even pedestrians outside the apartment.

Mo Langqin showed a sad face, "The young master was poor in the past, and now the young master is all about making money, so naturally everything has to be involved. As long as you pay enough money, even the moon in the sky... The young master also has A way to get it for you."

"How much is enough for the moon?"

The lawyer thought it was ridiculous. He knew that Mo Langqin regarded wealth as his life, but he didn't expect that Mo Langqin's cowhide was also very big.

"With your current financial resources, you can't talk about this transaction with the young master."


The lawyer ignored Mo Langqin and turned to go to the toilet.

"Wow! Why is it so stinky! Did you eat too much snacks yesterday!"

The lawyer couldn't stand the smell of the toilet, so he threw his underwear into the washing machine and escaped.

"Door! Close it!"

Yun Qishen frowned in the distance, and Lu Ren hurriedly closed the door.

After everyone took turns to wash up, today it was Yun Qishen's turn to prepare meals, and everyone ate normal meals.

But the shadow is pulling to the point of collapse.

"It's good for him to rest and drink some warm water. He must have caught a cold last night. Who made him drink so much Coke yesterday..."

Yun Qishen took a look at the shadow, and there was nothing serious.

"I will never drink Coke in my life...never...I've decided that I will soak the wolfberry in water for the rest of my life..."

Shadow was resting on the sofa with a pillow in his arms.

The others froze idly after eating.


The lawman looked at the people who were staring with big eyes, "Don't you feel bored watching here without checking your mobile phone?"

Yun Qishen leaned back in his chair, "It's boring, but I have no interest in doing other things."

Ye Qi still smiled, "The little Taoist priest is waiting for the devil to decide things."

Mo Langqin lowered his head and counted the money, "Maybe the young master can open a store online. As long as the price is right, the money that can be earned here is limited, not as much as Gu Ao's.

Why don't you take out the next plot first so that everyone is familiar with it, and then pick someone in to find the spar. "

"It's not that I don't want to show it to you..." The lawyer smiled apologetically, "I only have an outline, after all, I'm not very good at writing, and I like to write half of it, eunuch, and the rest. They are all half-finished products. Some of the main plots are just outlines..."

"With only the outline, there are infinite possibilities, and there is no such thing as a breakdown here and a breakdown there. After all, the main line remains the same."

The lawyer said seriously, "I have already made a choice in the previous plots. I am not the creator who controls the fate of the characters. I am the recorder, and the plot development is for the characters to choose. So this time The plot should be free."

"I hope so..." Yun Qishen folded his arms around his chest, and he looked at the sky outside the window, "By the way, Lawren, do you have any activities today?"

"No, it's raining today, so I decided to sleep one day!" The lawyer replied.

"You really are a salted fish..." Yun Qishen squinted his eyes and complained.

"You told me, don't you have nothing to do? People still want to find a job. One of you stayed at home, and the other quit his model job. Aren't you a homeless like me?" smile.

Yun Qishen quickly returned ironically, "After all, we are not like you, the son of a big family~"

"Hey! That's Xiao Ye's lines!"

Mo Langqin complained.

"What big family, I don't even know what the family does... I thought I would go back today and ask them what you said, who made it rain so hard! It's a waste not to sleep, I By the way, go back and sort out the next plot space. I'll show you when it's sorted out."

After he finished speaking, he went back to his bedroom.

At this moment, the cat jumped on the sofa and climbed up to the chest of the shadow, which is a nest.

"It's so heavy..."

Seeing that the cat is too cute, Sombra endured the pressure and fell asleep with the cat.

Mo Langqin's recently established outlets also began to have customers' ideas.

Yun Qishen had no choice but to stare at Ye Qi.

Ye Qi squinted and smiled, Yun Qi Shen even sighed.

"Looking at how heartless you are, I always feel that you are hiding something from us.

I watched the plot behind the soul body yesterday, and the traps you set almost didn't send E away..." Yun Qishen looked at Mo Qi and opened his blue eyes, "This time, you did it without me. what. "

Ye Qi smiled, "Sure enough, the little Taoist can't hide from the devil~"

"Be serious..."

Yun Qishen now always has a feeling of returning to the original realm of Lingshan.

Ye Qi held his chin in his hand, "Didn't the Demon Lord also hear the conversation of the group of people yesterday? So the little Taoist priest bought some goodies from the merchant and sprinkled the group of people secretly~"

"Insidious... What did you buy?" Yun Qishen was also curious.

"A kind of particle that can generate a small electric current, it will be very interesting if it encounters water. The little Taoist priests used to do this to the brothers who passed through Lingshan. Looking back now, it was a little fun at that time.

It's just that the little Taoist priest didn't expect that Mo Langqin really had everything. "Yi Qi also took the opportunity to take out the remaining half bottle of particles and handed it to Yun Qishen.

Looking at those white particles like sand, Yun Qishen found that he still had a little understanding of those strange things.

Mo Langqin patted himself proudly, "Who is the young master! The young master is a businessman! A serious businessman! As long as the money is in place, nothing will be a problem!"

(End of this chapter)

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