Yun Qishen

Chapter 157 The Feast of the King of Kawahara ~ Chapter [-]

Chapter 157 The Feast of the King of Kawara Kingdom ~ Part 9 ([-])
(God's perspective)
The ancient ancient country, Gu Aoguo, mysteriously disappeared from this continent without making a sound.

There is also a legend that it was annihilated by Fengnan Kingdom, Yueyi Kingdom and Tianlang Kingdom.

There are a lot of secret treasures left by the ancient proud country, but no one knows the exact location of these treasures.

The royal family of the ancient proud country has a strange dark gray hair. When the mainland was opened, it was said that it was bestowed by a goddess, but this hair color was only passed on for women and not for men.

Therefore, a mysterious organization ordered to find a woman with blue-grey hair. Only by finding this woman would be the secret treasure of the ancient proud country and rule the world.

But 100 years and 100 years later, no one can find a woman with green hair...

There is also a legend that there is a powerful family of spirit formation masters, who have served the ancient proud country from generation to generation.Their enchantment family is gradually declining because of the disappearance of the ancient proud country.

The enchantment family is run by two sisters. The elder sister is a very powerful enchantment master, and she alone has invented many powerful enchantments.

Although the younger sister is better-looking than her elder sister, she will always go the wrong way when she learns enchantment, so she has learned a lot of evil spirit formation techniques.

Once the two sisters went out to practice, the sister accidentally encountered the monster that devours all things - Qiye.

Because the power of her sister's enchantment was too weak, she forcibly fought against Qi Xie but was seriously injured by the bullet from Qi Xie's body.

The heir of the King of Heyuan roamed around in search of rare treasures in the world, but he also accidentally met his sister who fell unconscious on the ground...

This was the opportunity for Immortal Fairy Ling Mei and King Heyuan to meet.


"Why don't you like to talk?" Ling Meixian Ji, who was still a little weird and provocative, looked at King Heyuan's heir with curiosity.

Immortal Fairy Ling Mei touched King Heyuan's face with her hand, "Can't you laugh? It's like a bitter melon face! I'll just call you bitter melon!!!"

Immortal Fairy Ling Mei was joking on the bed. The person holding the medicine bowl beside the bed had his eyes fixed on the girl who had descended from the sky.

"Just a joke! Bitter melon face! Thank you for saving me!" Immortal Fairy Ling Mei smiled at Wang Si.

For the first time, the heir of King Heyuan, who was not good at communicating with people, developed a feeling for a woman for the first time. He wanted to be with her again. He wanted to take her back to the country of Heyuan and make her his prince and concubine.

This girl is naive, beautiful, and has a heart...

Wang Si wanted to admit that the girl had a kind heart.

Wang Si is a person who takes care of everything, and he enthusiastically helps all those who are in trouble he sees.

But Immortal Fairy Ling Mei is not the kind of warm-hearted person, she is the kind of person who follows the doctrine of the law of the weak.

This difference also caused the two to never get together in the end.

Immortal Fairy Ling Mei will not help those who are in difficulty and even has a bad attitude towards those beggars who are suffering.And she also persuaded Wang Si to leave these weak people alone and let them fend for themselves.Life and death are in their own hands, can they be all right by helping them once?They are just insatiable!
Wang Si really did not agree with this kind of thinking, but he had already fallen in love with Immortal Fairy Ling Mei, as long as she said what she said, he would agree to him, whether it was right or wrong.

"This is Heyuan Country?" Immortal Fairy Ling Mei felt her sister's magic enchantment as she approached the border of Heyuan Country.

Immortal Fairy Ling Mei had a kind of disgust in her heart, how could she not compare to this elder sister?She looks so ugly! !I will definitely create an enchantment that is stronger than this one!
"Well..." Wang Si opened his mouth to Immortal Fairy Ling Mei for the first time, probably one step closer to Wang Si's wish, and he smiled happily for a while.

This smile broke into Immortal Fairy Ling Mei's eyes. He couldn't have liked me, right? I just said that men couldn't be nice to me for no reason, and who made me look good.

"So you're not dumb, bitter face!" Immortal Fairy Ling Mei, who knew Wang Si's thoughts, further wanted to seduce Wang Si.But when she thought about it, she was just playing with this kid, and when she got tired of it, she went back and killed the lacquer tree monster.

As a result, Wang Si brought Ling Meixian Ji to Heyuan King City.

He is the king of Heyuan Kingdom!How is this possible with this bitter melon face!Well, so I can go see the king!Then become the queen of this country, and then control the whole country.

The king of Heyuan was indulging in beauty, and there were countless beauties around him.

After Wang Si placed Fairy Ling Mei, he went to discuss with the king.

"Are you trying to take a concubine?" the king asked, holding the beauty in his arms and facing Wang Si who was under the throne.

"...No..." Wang Si said slowly, "I want her to marry me as a prince and concubine. Father..."


Before Wang Si could finish speaking, he was speechless by the king's roar.

"If you want to marry a commoner, you can marry a commoner and I don't care! But it's impossible if you want to marry a commoner! Otherwise, I will remove your identity as a king! You can marry any commoner!"

King Kawara's beard froze, and the women beside him stroked his face to tell him not to be angry.

Wang Si, who was under the throne, also spoke again, "I...will...I am willing to get rid of Wang Si's name and marry her like this...from now on, I will be a couple for the rest of my life..."

"Then get out! Get out of my palace! Be your commoner! Get rid of your name! I will never have a heir like you in the Heyuan Kingdom!!!" The king's roar shook the palace and shook.

Wang Si was removed, but he did not tell Ling Mei Xian Ji.

The chubby maid with a nice voice could hear all this clearly.

"His Royal Highness... No... Your Excellency, don't worry, the king must have said something angry! Your Excellency likes that girl very much, I know it! Why don't you just ask her for a kiss now!"

Wang Si thanked the maid very much, and unconsciously held hands to thank her.

But Ling Meixian Ji, who was thinking of exploring Heyuan King City to become the supreme powerhouse, couldn't rest peacefully in someone else's room.

As she walked, she happened to meet the scene of the fat maid holding hands with Wang Si.

How could my man give up to this ugly man!
Immortal Fairy Ling Mei rushed to the east and west in a hurry, and ended up breaking into the palace where the king was.

"Who are you?"

The king is different, but this is the first time he has seen such a beauty, and all the people around him are dimmed all of a sudden. If there is only one beauty here, he will definitely think about one pair for life like the stinky brat just now.

Immortal Fairy Ling Mei smiled evilly, "Who do you seem to make me?"

Wang Si followed the advice of the maid and went to find Fairy Ling Mei. Not only did he not find her, he also got a piece of news that shocked him.

The King of Kawon Kingdom will marry the princess at the next King's Feast.

That princess is Immortal Fairy Ling Mei...

Is this what she wants?As long as she wants, I will bless her... Now I can't give her happiness...

"Your Excellency!!" The fat maid also found Wang Si, and Wang Si shed tears for the first time since the death of his mother-in-law for Immortal Fairy Ling Mei.for his first love.

His cry made the fat maid's heart twitch.

"Your Excellency! Don't be sad! I'll ask this ungrateful woman later! Ask her what she thinks!!"

The fat maid offered Wang Si tea while comforting him.

 Come on

(End of this chapter)

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