Yun Qishen

Chapter 163

Chapter 163 The Dharma Door of Pure Mountain (5)
Our group finally managed to deal with the matter of the King City of Heyuan, and the result was not good at all.

I also carefully checked the golden jade that I got back. It had very little mana, and I doubted whether it was the magic weapon I was looking for.

Not long after the end of a battle, from time to time, some orcs who came after him would pop up.Really annoying enough!

But I don't get it, they seem to be afraid of the alcoholic old man.Afraid not to worry about being smoked to death?Otherwise, I'm afraid of being forcibly brainwashed by "thinking about the past", and I'll be annoying!

"Ah~" I sighed, at this time I was standing by the hot spring with a long towel around a wooden basin.I use magic to hide that ugly wound on my body.

Chihua and Xin are in the women's soup next door, while I, Ye Qi and the alcoholic old man (yes, the pig) are in the men's soup.

Why is there such a modern thing about another world?The only explanation is that the people who originally operated the classical hot springs bought an architectural drawing from the black-hearted businessman, and built this so-called "hot spring hotel" according to the blueprint...

I want to spit, but I can't spit it out... I can't hold back!

But as a matter of fact, I think the alcoholic old man knows the rules here better than I do, and I feel ashamed of me.

Because of the fatigue of fighting, everyone plans to find a place to live.When I heard the alcoholic old man say that there was a hot spring hotel nearby, I knew it was definitely not easy.

When I really got here... I really felt like I was going back for a moment.I asked the owner of this hotel, and the black-hearted businessman also made some money from his sponsorship, and he came back two days ago.

I regret not coming here too soon to beat up that black-hearted businessman.

I was just about to test the temperature of the water in it, uh... it's a little hot...

?I suddenly felt someone kick me from behind and it was my ass.

My body fell forward uncontrollably, I hurriedly used the body protection spell, but I fell into the hot spring before it was too late.

"Ah!! It's burning to death!!!"

I was hot and changed my voice, but I got used to it after a while.

"Who pushed Lao Tzu just now?!" I looked back and saw that no one was there?
Looking at it again, Ye Qi had just come over wrapped in a piece of cloth.The alcoholic old man is also holding the jug with his fingers... but this kind of naked... ah~ I can't realistically take a bath in the big bathroom. I am used to it... No, the important thing now is not whether the alcoholic old man wears clothes or not. The important thing is that it was definitely not the two of them who pushed me, that is...

"Dead pig! You kill me!!!"

"It's a unicorn! You scumbag!"

The clouds are deep!Stop laughing!No, I can't help it... I searched for the source of the dead pig's voice, and I saw a creature with a fat "pig" head and flapping limbs.


I still couldn't stop laughing.

Who knows that this pig holds revenge, I said why he suddenly dived.

When the pig was on the surface I saw it was going to swim away with a long white cloth in its mouth.

"Damn it! That's... a dead pig, stop for me!! Give it back to me!!!"

"I won't pay it back! This divine beast is a unicorn! You scumbag!!"

Also playing a temper!How come the four short legs here are upside down so fast!

"The devil looks very happy~ What are you playing? Do you want me to participate as a little Taoist~"

Ye Qi's voice reached my ears, and when I turned my head to look, his fair skin filled my eyes.

This is the body a man should have!To have muscles and muscles, dress and be thin.

I...I'll look at me again...I have some muscles, but I'm not particularly strong, but when I compare with Ye Qi, it makes me look weak...No, I have to stay away from him...The closer I look, the more inferior I look... ...Wait for Lao Tzu to exercise later!grow taller!more than yours!

I ignored Ye Qi and went after the dead pig. I grabbed the dead pig's tail first!The dead pig hit me back with both paws.

I still got the towel back though!

I win this round! !
Seeing that this dead pig was about to spit unicorn fire at me, I shrewdly poured water on him.

The fire is out!It's smoking, can you see it?Hahahahaha!

"The devil looks so good when he smiles~" Nie Qi smiled and approached me again.

"You look good when you smile! Like a winter melon!" I replied when I picked up the plane.

Ye Qi was stunned, "?"

Take the opportunity!flash!

I managed to stay away from Qi Qi again, and I was really worried that he was joking with me.Fortunately, I escaped in time.

After a while, I only noticed that Ye Qi was still there, motionless, and I couldn't see his expression.

But he liked to eat winter melon later in this world, I have never understood why he liked it so much...

I saw that the blue studs on Ye Qi's ears were glowing.Hey?I didn't notice it before, so he still wears ear studs?
Ji Qi took off the ear studs, the ear studs emitted blue smoke, the blue smoke turned into a barrier, and the appearance of Chen Yueluo appeared in the barrier.

I took the opportunity to spy on the past.

It turned out that Jiang Liu's child was injured, and it was the heart-killing palm?Although I haven't heard of it, but you need the blood of the devil as an introduction to medicine?

Then what are you waiting for, I'm going to get dressed and quickly find Jiang Liu and the others...

Wait... What is Chen Yueluo thinking?He remembered me! ! !No, I have to hurry up! !Damn Chen Yueluo! !

I was in a hurry to put on my clothes, and when I used space magic to clarify the location, I would arrive at the Dharma door in an instant, and when Chen Yueluo came, I would let you know Gu Choumian without knowing it! ! !

I think I was too anxious to find out that Lingshan was having trouble leaving the country, so I ran to get dressed.

After a while, Qi Qi also appeared in the changing compartment.

"It seems that the devil knows everything~"

"Ah." I replied unintentionally, my hands still wearing the belt.

Then I felt my hand being touched.

"Little Taoist, help you~"

It's Ye Qi's hand... I was stunned for two seconds, if I wasn't in a hurry, I wouldn't be able to help him.

"How much does the monarch know~ I only know how to use your blood as a medicine to save a bear child~? The monarch left in a hurry just now, I'm afraid some things don't know~"

"What else? Tell me seriously!" I turned my back to Xi Qi and couldn't see his expression. I could only feel his hands around my waist and tying me with a belt.

"Something happened to Jingling Mountain... The various factions of Xianmen regard you as the target of massacre, and they are besieging Jingling Mountain..."

"What!" I turned around excitedly, and carefully handed the only white cloth on Ye Qi's body...

"Uh... sorry."

Not Yunqishen!They're all men, what's the matter with you?I'm sorry for being a jerk! ! !

I'm embarrassed to turn away from looking at Ye Qi.

Ye Qi bent down and picked it up by himself.

"Nothing...just my hands are a little slippery, I wonder if you can put these earrings on for the little Taoist priest?" He looked at me again and smiled as he pushed aside the dark clouds and saw the sun.

In a calm mood, I took the earrings that he handed over, and just about to put them on, I found that it was difficult to lift my hand to put them on.

Who knew that Ye Qi leaned over and approached me, pulling his hair out of his ears.

And what I thought in my mind was, what the hell!Show off that you are taller than me! !

(End of this chapter)

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