Yun Qishen

Chapter 166

Chapter 166 The Dharma Door of Pure Mountain (8)
(God's perspective)
One day, Xiao Jiangliu was caught by some naughty older children in the village, and the children pushed Jiangliu directly into the nearby river.

The river is very wide and the water is shallow, and they pushed the river into the river only to the child's knees.

But the hateful things about this group of children don't stop there. They bully Jiang Liu even harder, calling him a ghost child!It's a monster!They shouted the slogan of exorcism and smashed the river with pebbles.

Jiang Liu was in great pain, but A-Niang said, laugh!Can't show sadness in front of outsiders!

"Wow! It's disgusting to laugh! What's so funny! You monster!!"

The violent kick hit Jiang Liu's chin, Jiang Liu felt something was wrong with his chin, and it didn't hurt at all...

The group of children had been making a fuss for an hour.

When Jiang Liu returned home alone, his mother came to check on his injuries.

Obviously her own has a new injury, why can't she leave this place?
At this time, Jiang Liu didn't know any magic, and her mother was indeed not a normal person.

Jiang Liu's mother was a ghost who loved each other. She originally lived in the ghost tribe, but she fell in love with Jiang Liu's father.The two lived in peace, but Jiang Liu's father fell ill and died when Jiang Liu's mother was pregnant with him. That kind of disease was a curse, a punishment for marrying a ghost clan.But men are willing.

This village is the hometown of men, and Jiang Liu's mother is reluctant to leave.

Those who rumored that Jiang Liuniangqin was a ghost originally coveted her beauty, but later they were jealous of her for not giving them a good face.Some were jealous of her stealing business from other tofu shops.

Everyone has good rumors, but no one knows if she is really.But it has been rumored for a long time, and people who thought it was not will inevitably have doubts in their hearts.

Because Jiang Liu was injured by those urchins and even dislocated his chin.The only time Jiang Liuniang was angry with this group of people.

Jiang Liu's mother used magic to heal Jiang Liu's wounds and silenced his voice by the way.

"You are disobedient, look at the next time you come back with dirty clothes, I won't wash you!" Jiang Liuniang touched Jiang Liu's head with her hands.

Jiang Liu nodded with a coquettish smile.

Not long after Jiang Liu returned, those disgusting people gathered at the door of Jiang Liu's tofu shop.

"The Daoist is here."

Listening to the voice, you can tell that it is a glib person.

"Yes... um there's a ghost!! It's in this house now!!"

When Jiang Liu and his mother came out, they saw an old man in gray with a compass in one hand and a sword in the other.

"Sure enough! Even the Daoist said it! You are monsters! Daoist! Find a way to destroy them!"

The glib man started to abet people.

Jiang Liu wanted to rush out to judge, but he couldn't make a sound.He was a little anxious all of a sudden, and Jiang Liuniang hurriedly hugged him.

"Isn't this doll called very fierce at the beginning? Is it really dumb now?"

There are also some people who watch the fun and don't think it's a big deal.

"Old Daoist thinks that he must be speechless when he sees me!! The monster hasn't shown its original form quickly!!"

The old man in gray clothes used his sword to go straight to the river, and Jiang Liu's mother leaned over to block the old man's sight of Jiang Liu.

"Say we are monsters? What evidence do you have?"

When Jiang Liuniang said this, the old man couldn't speak for a while.

The glib man on the side spoke again, "How can you prove that you are not a monster! If you dare to take off your hood, let us see if you are a monster. In order to prevent you from using tricks, I specially invited someone to buy a special treatment for monsters and monsters. The divine salt makes you appear!"

"What divine salt, I think it's leftover salt!" Jiang Liuniang was rude, and the grumpy man blushed and sprinkled salt on the two of them.

But this time, what this glib person bought was really divine salt that could ward off evil spirits and ward off ghosts.

When this divine salt was sprinkled on Jiang Liuniang's body, it was a stinging pain.

Xiao Jiangliu couldn't understand seeing his mother's uncomfortable expression. Didn't he say that as long as he smiled, everything would pass?Why is this expression auntie?
Xiao Jiangliu felt uncomfortable but he couldn't make a sound.

That old man over there grabbed the glib man's salt-spraying hand, "Hey, you can't do anything here, there is no purified salt, they are not afraid! Let the old man come!"

The old man in gray clothes was so funny that he didn't know what moves to use, and he waved his hands randomly, "Come here and grab that little boy, I want to clean him up!"

Three or two people came forward and wanted to pull Jiang Liu out. Jiang Liuniang thought about this kind of thing herself and she endured it, so she hugged Jiang Liu all the time.

But Jiang Liu's mother, who couldn't use mana to reveal her identity, was forced to separate from Jiang Liu.

Because of the sudden pull on Jiang Liu, the wound, which had not fully recovered, opened again.The arm was also dislocated by those who did not know the importance of the adults.

Jiang Liu's voice was blocked, and he couldn't even speak out in pain.

Jiang Liu was abruptly pulled in front of the Taoist priest, and Jiang Liu mother saw the old Taoist in gray to stab Jiang Liu with a sword.

The momentary excitement combined with the depression in the past made this person who wanted to face everything unsatisfactory with a smile, and gave birth to an angry emotion.

All the people present saw the change of Jiang Liu's mother. Her body gradually became huge and her skin turned red, and she gave birth to fangs and steel claws to attack everyone.

The old man collapsed to the ground in fright, and Jiang Liuniang killed the old man with one paw.

The villagers fled in private, and the glib little man even ran away with Jiang Liu in his arms.

Jiang Liu's arm hurt even more because of the intense movement.

Jiang Liuniang also quickly discovered this cunning self-righteous person.

Jiang Liu's mother's steel claws stabbed at him.

Who would have known that at this time, there would be an elder of the Jingshan Dharma Door going to Jingling Mountain and happened to pass by and saw all this.

The elder Dufamen's sword pierced Jiang Liuniang's chest with a single blow.

Jiang Liu looked at everything in his eyes, and the glib person felt that he had a savior and quickly left Jiang Liu and ran to Elder Dufamen.

Jiang Liuniang raised her hand in one breath and instantly killed the treacherous villain, which was so heartwarming!
"The immortal...that kid is also a monster! He is a monster's child." Some other villagers pointed to Jiang Liu and said.

Dufa Sect Master took his sword and walked towards Jiang Liu.

Jiang Liu was so scared that he didn't dare to move, and he couldn't make a sound.

Over there, Jiang Liuniangqin slowly returned to human form, and on Jiang Liuniangqin's head were two blood-red ghost horns.

"Hahahahaha! How can I have children laughing at me!"

Jiang Liu's mother's words shocked Jiang Liu, how is it possible, what are you talking about, mother?
"Don't believe immortals! This monster is lying!!"

"Yeah! We've all seen her listen to her big belly, and she's the one who was born here!! The Taoist priest killed them to avenge the people in our village!"

"She must have eaten the child who disappeared before!"

Jiang Liu knew that the child who disappeared before was taken away by that eloquent person!But he couldn't speak.

"Yes! That's right!!! I eat it!! I raised this child to satisfy my hunger! Children with high spiritual power are only worth eating when their spiritual power is high!"

Auntie! ! !Why are you lying! !

After Jiang Liuniang finished speaking, she self-destructed and turned into dust.

Jiang Liu's mother smiled at Jiang Liu for the last time before disappearing.

The river burst into tears.

Elder Dufamen listened to everything with his ears and his eyes.

The elder Dufamen summoned the wolf beast, and the nonsense villagers fled again.

The wolf sniffed the river and bowed his head to show his friendship.

"This kid likes you very much. Do you want to learn how to master beasts, kid?"

Jiang Liu thought that his mother said that if you want to laugh, you must laugh, and then he smiled and nodded.

you don't have a name?
Then call it Jiangliu!

I heard that people with this name will be stronger in the future!
The voice of the elder Dufamen echoed in Jiang Liu's mind, warm... sunshine.

(End of this chapter)

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