Yun Qishen

Chapter 1661 Meeting of the Four Gods

Chapter 1661 Meeting of the Four Gods (1)

Seeing Lilith's angry little expression, Xinzi smiled faintly, "Dad must be very busy, so he doesn't come to see me."

"You are so filial!" Lilith didn't have good intentions in her words, she really wanted to say Xinzi's stupid gentleness, "Since your father doesn't come to see you, what about your mother? She doesn't come to see you either? Left alone in this house without even a window?"

Xinzi grasped the sheets and quilts and slowly tightened them. She lowered her head and looked away, "I don't have a mother..."

Lilith got stuck in her mouth when she heard what she was about to say, so she had no choice but to swallow it and speak again, "Um... sorry, I didn't know you didn't have a mother."

Xinzi lowered her head and shook her head, "It's okay, I really like Lilith's way of speaking, it's completely different from mine."

"Actually... I don't have a mother either." Lilith was a little embarrassed, she could see that Nobuko was very smart, and she felt that Nobuko would understand her own eccentricity.She took Nobuko's hand, "Can I hug you?"

"Well, yes."

After getting permission, Lilith opened her arms to embrace Nobuko, and Nobuko also raised her hand to gently touch the bow on Lilith's back.

The two children put their heads on each other's shoulders, and Lilith closed her eyes and said softly, "We are all children without mothers."

Nobuko also closed her eyes and responded softly, "Well, that's right."

"But Xinzi, you have to believe that there must be people in this world who care about you and love you." Lilith thought of Lu Bai's smile in her heart, and she thought of the laughter every time Lu Bai raised her above her head.

"It's the same with you, Lilith." Xinzi only replied lightly.

At the same time, Baihu was overwhelmed with worry. Yunjin didn't go back for a long time, and they were already shaken because there was no leader. In addition, the meeting of the four gods was approaching, and Baihu didn't know who to send to the meeting.

In addition, they lost Lilith, if Lu Bai found out about this, he would definitely skin them.

Baihu's people knew that Yunjin was at the Xuanwu Chamber of Commerce, but their calls to Yunjin's side were never answered.

"What should we do now?"

Several White Tiger thugs gathered together to discuss countermeasures.

A relatively large white tiger thug smashed his hands against the wall in great anxiety, "I can't contact Mrs. Yunjin for this meeting of the Four Gods..."

The white tiger thug, who was as thin as a monkey, sat on the side and played poker, "If it doesn't work, we can only choose a representative among us."

"At the meeting, you are facing the presidents of the Sanshen Chamber of Commerce. Go if you have the guts. You will be scolded by Mrs. Yunjin when you come back." A bloated and obese thug was eating a donut in his hand.

The big guy sat between the two thugs, "Whether Mrs. Yunjin will be in the meeting is still a question! If Mrs. Yunjin is restricted by the Xuanwu guys, and we don't send people over from Baihu, it's not for people Read the joke!"

The fat man kept making noises while eating the donuts, and the chocolate sauce around the donuts even smeared on his face, "But our Baihu has only one hall master... the president doesn't choose a hall master at all." Who can send it! Who knows that such a thing will happen!"

Thin Monkey spread the cards in his hand, "Yeah, who knew that this kind of thing would happen! The eldest lady was tied up by Hall Master Mo, and Mrs. Yunjin's situation in Xuanwu is unknown, and the whereabouts of the president is unknown. Bai Hu They may not even be able to compare with Suzaku now. They Suzaku still have someone to inherit the position of president."

The fat man looked up at the big man and asked, "Didn't it mean that the president left three inheritance documents? There is one in Mo Langqin's hand, and one in Mrs. Yunjin's hand, and who has the other one?"

The big guy scratched his hair, "Ask me! I'll ask who! If I knew, Mrs. Yunjin would have known about it a long time ago, then the position of president of the White Tiger Chamber of Commerce would have belonged to Mrs. Yunjin long ago."

The thin monkey gave a gossiping smile, moved closer to the center of the three and said, "I just heard that the core of the four gods appeared on Suzaku's side. This meeting is not as simple as we imagined."

The fat man licked the chocolate on his finger, "Xuanwu Qinglong sent a message asking us to cooperate with them to deal with Suzaku. Suzaku is probably protecting himself by spreading such news at this time."

"But it's really hard to tell whether it's true or not. Suzaku has already shown the box and key, so I'm not sure. Could it be that he still wants to play tricks on everyone?" The thin monkey looked at the big man again, looking forward to it. What does the big guy think.

The big man also laughed, "How many sneak attacks on Suzaku's side at this moment, after all, only our three chambers of commerce are greedy at the core of the four gods, and other small chambers of commerce will definitely not miss this opportunity. Make a mess to get some benefits out of it, and we just happened to use them to find out if the news about Suzaku is true or not."

"However..." the big guy restrained his smile, "Let's put aside Suzaku for now, if we don't elect a representative to attend the meeting, the next one to be targeted will be us White Tiger."

"It's true, it's true." The thin monkey nodded and put the cards on the table away and stuffed them into his pockets.The fat man also took out a new donut and started to eat it. At this moment, Baihu's thugs rushed over to report to the big man.

"I'm back! I'm back!"

The big man stood up suddenly, and the thin monkey felt the wind blowing behind him, "Who's back? Mrs. Yunjin? Miss? Or Mo Langqin?"

"Lin Haide is back!" The white tiger thug who ran in panted and looked very anxious.

The fat man stopped eating the donut in his hand and stood up, "Heh, this kid is still alive after being captured by Qinglong, go and see!"

At this time, Lin Haide rushed to the chamber of commerce as soon as he returned to Baihu, "I want to see Yunjin! Where is she? I want to see her!"

"Hyde! You kid survived a catastrophe!"

The thin monkey ran to Lin Haide first, followed by the fat man and the big man. The four of them were considered good friends and partners who grew up together in the orphanage.

"Who survived a catastrophe!" Lin Haide clenched his fist and gritted his teeth angrily, "All of this is calculated! It's all calculated! I want to see Yunjin! I want to ask clearly what's going on! "

The big man put his hand on Lin Haide's shoulder, and he asked with concern, "Hyde, what happened to you in Qinglong? What is calculated? What are you talking about?"

"I don't want to tell you, I want to see Yunjin first!"

Lin Haide wanted to shake off the big man's hand, but the big man was stronger than Lin Haide no matter what.

The big man told Lin Haide very seriously, "Ms. Yunjin is not in Baihu now, don't you know? We are brothers, if you don't tell us, who else can you tell!"

(End of this chapter)

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