Yun Qishen

Chapter 171 Support from Lingshan in the past

Chapter 171 Back to Jingling Mountain's Support (3)
(God's perspective)
Just after Yun Qishen left with Mi Zixin, Jiang Qing explained the events outside the barrier to Chen Yueluo and Ye Qi.

The elders of the halls of each hall went out to deal with the attacks of various immortals except Mi Zixin. Most of the disciples in the sect were poisoned and vomited, and those who were seriously unconscious were handed over to Mi Zixin for treatment.

Ye Qi, Xiao Ya, and Chen Yueluo went to help each other separately.

At the same time, the elders of the halls were exhausted. Although everyone was thinking of begging for help from the Spiritual Realm Dao, the master said that he didn't help if it wasn't because of him.There is no way to do it. For several days, a person who resists a hundred thousand immortals is simply procrastinating the battle, and without support, all parties will be dragged to death.

Let's talk about Daoist Master Liu Yun first - Murong Danran's side.

Because these immortals had hurt Yun Qiqing, Murong Danran would never forgive them until they apologized, but on the one hand, the Spiritual Realm ordered another one not to be killed, which made Murong Danran angry.

Even if a wave of attacks is delayed, they keep catching up like this, even if each of them is a small role, but together, Murong Danran alone can't always fight against hundreds of people with magic power.

Why!Why can they poison the people of Jingling Mountain?Why can't we attack them!
Murong Danran recalled what Xu Qing asked about the spiritual realm.

"It's not the main thing that you attack them or not, but to find a way to get this group of bastards back. Before you find out the real purpose of their coming this time, don't be in a hurry. It's impossible to get rid of this stigma for hundreds of years after that! If you really think about the disciples of Jinglingshan, find a way to quickly find out their purpose."

Spirit Realm Dao was sitting sideways on a chair with one foot on the handle of the chair.

After Murong Danran recalled, a powerful mana attack came over and broke the barrier of Murong Danran's enchantment, which was then somewhat weak.

"How long do I think you can hold on, how come your barrier is so destructive in just a few days!" A very powerful looking yellow-robed Taoist priest approached Murong Danran with a blue flame in his hand, "Aren't you? Very capable of kicking the elders of my sect, what kind of exhausted look is this now!"

With a wave of the Taoist priest in yellow, several disciples stepped forward and trapped Murong Danran with magic.

"Hmph... Even if the tiger consumes like this, sooner or later, it will become a sick cat." Murong Danran calmly took Fuchen and let the group block his way.

"Are you going to surrender? As long as you take us to the spiritual realm and ask for the magic weapon, we will let you die!" The Taoist priest in yellow grinned smugly.

"You must have more than one purpose here... What other purposes do you have?" Murong Danran wanted to test it out, but it was indeed a momentary negligence that allowed this guy to take advantage of it.As long as they sighed out their purpose, they wouldn't need to spend so much grievances. It was just a few chops, and they weren't his Murong Danran's opponent.

If it wasn't for Murong Danran not being able to hurt this group of people with too much power, they would have long since returned to the west!

"Other purposes? Find the magic weapon and let the Spirit Realm Dao hand over the Jiangbang Demon King to be executed! Let the Spirit Realm Dao give us an explanation for each of the Xianmen factions!"

The Taoist priest in yellow pointed his sword at Murong Danran, "We do have our own goals, but why should I tell you?"

Murong Danran also smiled, he turned the dust into a hairpin and carried it back, "I advise you to be careful."

The Taoist priest in yellow was still puzzled, but seeing Murong Danran withdraw his weapon, he thought that he must have surrendered.But what does it mean for him to be careful?
Suddenly, black smoke rose from all around, and there was a faint sound.

"If you don't tell a Taoist here, then tell me~"

"Who!! Come out and shrink your head! This is black energy! Is it a demon bastard from Jiangbang! Come out!"

For a time, the group of Taoists were guarding with swords in their hands.

"Who am I? Guess who I am?"

As soon as Murong Danran heard it, he knew it was the voice of Qi Qi, which meant that they had all returned.Then everything will go according to the plan of the spiritual realm.

"I'm guessing! I'm guessing a ghost! The tortoise has not yet come out for the official competition. Don't you dare to be a bastard from Xinjiang?"

As the yellow-clothed Taoist priest shouted louder, the black fog around him became more intense.

Until Murong Danran was completely plunged into the black mist.


"Ah!!" The apprentices of the Taoist priest in yellow also sank into the deep fog and shouted nervously.

"Come out!! Come out!!!" The Taoist priest in yellow was even more flustered, and he released the blue flame in his hand, but it was swallowed by the black mist.

The spell that trapped Murong Danran here has been untied by himself, and Murong Danran also jumped out of the black fog.

"As expected, the fifth senior brother is smart enough to know how to fly out~" Yan Qi clapped his hands at Murong Danran on the side, "Since the senior brother came out, I don't need to keep the exit in the air~"

After all, Qi Qi strengthened the mana at the top of the black mist.

The black fog gradually formed into a sphere and then gradually shrank. That's right, this move was developed by Ye Qi on the basis of Laiana's black group.

There is no way for Ye Qi to directly use a large amount of mana to make the black gas into a group, and it will gradually form.

Soon black fog covered the group of people to form a palm-sized black ball.

"Master can't hurt the lives of this group of people. To find out their real purpose is to do it." Murong Danran was suddenly alert, "It's coming wave after another."

Ye Qi played with the black group in his hand, "Don't worry about Fifth Senior Brother~ it doesn't matter if the old man won't let them kill them. I know Fifth Senior Brother is aggrieved in his heart. Junior Brother, I have a way to deal with them~"

"You stubborn bastard!"

"I'll take it as a senior brother, you are praising me as a junior brother~"

Nai Qi smiled maliciously, if Yun Qishen saw this kind of smile, he would be 100% far away from him.

Because the Taoist priest in yellow clothes suddenly lost his news, the old Taoist priest who was beaten by Murong Danran touched his swollen face and pulled a young Taoist priest in blue beside him.

"Bufan, you go and see why your uncle Huang has no news at all?"

After the Taoist priest in Tsing Yi saluted, he moved towards the mountain ahead.

The poem says: The leaves follow the flowing water, and the flowers are dust.Luo's surname is Tsing Yi Xian, and his Taoist name is extraordinary.

This blue-clothed Taoist priest is named Luo Bufan, and his strength is very strong.So arrogant that even Jingling Mountain Immortal Dharma Assembly doesn't even care about it, and he doesn't even take the strength of Spirit Realm Dao seriously.But he showed a respectful and humble appearance outside.

Just after Luo Bufan stepped into the first-layer Lingshan Barrier they destroyed, suddenly his feet collapsed.

Luo Bufan jumped up subconsciously, and a few flying swords flew towards him in the distance.

Luo Bufan nimbly ducked, and Yujian was looking for someone hiding in the dark to attack in the air.

"Don't hide and hide! Come out!"

As Luo Bufan screamed, a red sword flew out and attacked him, but Luo Bufan did not know that the red sword turned a corner.

?Just when Luo Bufan was confused, a huge gavel hit the back of his head.

One blow knocked Luo Bufan off the sword.

He secretly gave himself a compliment.Murong Danran, who was on the side, sighed that this move was a good move, and wondered if it would be a bit ruthless?This is the way up the mountain, in case that new disciple goes out to carry out the task...

(End of this chapter)

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