Yun Qishen

Chapter 173 Support from Lingshan in the past

Chapter 173 Back to Jingling Mountain's Support (5)
(God's perspective)
"It's really a group of guys that are difficult to deal with." In case of using the national regiment to resist the rocks while climbing over the rugged mountain road.

"Elder brother be careful! On top!!" Xiaoshao's voice was sharp.

If you look up and see that a water-based spell is about to hit, if you suddenly see countless plants sprout from the ground, it will be cracked.

"This is...Chen Yueluo, you bastard! I can handle it myself without your intervention!" In case the newly grown grass and trees were blown from the middle with a wave of the fairy sword in his hand.

"I'm kind enough to save you. Your attitude here really makes me not know what to say!" Chen Yueluo walked over from a place holding an immortal sword, and suddenly he saw a small spoon holding Xuming sword. He knew that sword... As for this child……

"Where did this child come from? In case it's not your sister! Old Twelve (in case there are eleven brothers on it, so in case there are twelve in the row.)!"

"What did you call me!"

Wan Yi flew back in anger and hit Chen Yueluo's fairy sword with a sword.

"I'm just joking, as for you being so serious, who is this kid! He's still wearing the clothes of the Immortal Sword Sect!"

Just in case he stopped, "He is the disciple of Uncle Xuyun."

Chen Yueluo was surprised, "I'm glad that Jing Lingshan accepts a female disciple... But this is not a junior sister, isn't it? I heard her call you senior brother just now... If he is a disciple of Senior Uncle Xuyun, he is the same generation as us two. already?"

The three of them are indeed the eldest disciples of each hall, and they are the same generation.

"It's not about discussing things of the same generation and different generations!!" In case of a little impatient, this time another group of water-type water group spells came.

In case the angry flames ignited all over his body, Chen Yueluo subconsciously protected himself, and suddenly remembered that there was a little girl who should be protected. As a result, he turned his head and saw that Xu Mingjian was glowing to protect her.

Not bad, when Chen Yueluo praised.

A large group of electric lights attacked them.

In case one is easy to use the Thunder Calling Talisman to summon Purple Thunder to resolve it.

"Damn! These guys must have figured out that I am a fire-type spell that has been attacking with electric shock and water-type spells! Get out!" In case of anger, he stuck the fairy sword on the ground.

It has been five or six days since the day the war started, and they can't hurt them with all their strength no matter how much they spend all the time. This condition makes it very uncomfortable in case.

It's even more annoying when there is a small spoon that is holding you back, every time it's a big brother!Be careful!annoying!At this time, Chen Yueluo is here again!How can you be calm.

"It's easy to say, isn't it all solved with the wind element?" Chen Yueluo had an epiphany.

"It's easy to say!" In case, at this time, another water spell was cracked, "You are wood water! I am electric fire! Even she is just a single earth element! Where do you find the wind element? Let's talk about it. That cat demon of yours is also hydroelectric, what else can you do." If you hear it, you will be even more angry.

Chen Yueluo waved his hand helplessly, "You know me quite well, but in case of magic like a divine beast... You know that he doesn't know how to summon a divine beast."

"I know, if you're going to say that your mouse can help, I think you'd better go away! Don't make a mess!!"

In case of deftly dodging, he was almost hit by another electric ball.

"This group of shrunken turtles! Come out to me if you want to attack!!" In case the fire scythe attacked in the distance, it was a pity that it was blocked by the water spell.

"Damn..." In case he gritted his teeth and glared ahead.

Xiaoshao watched Chen Yueluo concentrating on what incantation.Suddenly there was a strange feeling in her heart.

Soon a purple vortex appeared from behind Chen Yueluo.

"Don't be dawdling! Chen Yueluo, if you want to summon your cat demon, hurry up! Otherwise, leave me!"

In case they focus on resisting the attacking spell, they must not be allowed to pass through the second barrier!

boom boom-

In case you suddenly feel a strong light behind you, in case you turn back curiously...

what's this!
What if you look at the huge divine beast in steel armor behind Chen Yueluo in surprise? !
When could he summon such a powerful divine beast!hateful!I actually lost to him again!

"Devouring the world! The tyrannical monarch! A roar of the mountains and rivers - gluttonous!!"

?What strange noises are mixed in here?

After Chen Yueluo noticed it, he looked up at Taotie, but he could only see Taotie's chin.

Suddenly, a round black shadow pressed down from above and happened to hit Chen Yueluo's face.

"啾——" Xiao Zhi landed perfectly!
"You!!" Chen Yueluo grabbed Xiao Zhi and was about to scold him habitually, but Chen Yueluo suddenly felt a strong breath coming from behind him.

As a result, when he turned around, the giant beast was leaning over to look at him...

...give...give back to you...

It was the first time that Chen Yueluo was so cowardly, no cowardice... He borrowed this gluttony, not his...

It just so happened that a group of water spells attacked the gluttonous steel armor.

All talents left this relatively awkward atmosphere and entered the topic.

Taotie roared in the distance, and everyone in Jingling Mountain could hear it clearly.

With the sound of gluttonous roaring out, a whirlwind gradually formed, and the strong wind instantly weathered the rocks and trees into sand...

"Chen Yueluo!!!!" In case they are behind Taotie, watching the rocks and trees in front of them disappear in an instant If they think that Chen Yueluo is an act of demolition, "We will definitely be punished by Master! I can I don’t want to go bungee jumping! It’s all your responsibility!!”

"I... I'll just grow it later!!" Chen Yueluo thought he was playing too big, and he planned to let the gluttonous spit out to find out the hidden group of people.

After Taotie shut his mouth, no one attacked again for a while.

Wouldn't it blow them all away... This shouldn't hurt anyone... It's normal when subduing divine beasts...

Just when Chen Yueluo and Wan Xiaospoon were temporarily relaxing.

Suddenly I heard someone applauding.

"That's right, it's amazing that one person can summon such a superior divine beast like a taotie!"

At this time, they walked away towards Chen Yueluo and the others, a red-haired man, even if it was said to be red-haired, it would not be flaming.

The poem says: Earth-splitting karst ghost, Xianmen slaughtering evil star.The one who dominates the beast, the ghost, Yamara.

"This guy..." Chen Yueluo had heard of this person, and no one knew about his red hair among the Xianmen beastmasters.Although this red hair is not as conspicuous as that of Uncle Seven...

"You're the ghost-fighting beastmaster - Mo Ruo?!" Chen Yueluo pointed at the person who came.

"Sure enough, no one among the beastmasters doesn't know about me... Since we're both beastmasters, why don't we have a competition!"

A huge skeleton sprang out from behind Moruo, and the skeleton slowly grew blood and flesh.

"Joke!! Your opponent is this girl!!"

A familiar voice came from not far away.

Aunt, are you going in the wrong direction!Chen Yueluo put one hand on his forehead embarrassedly.

(End of this chapter)

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