Yun Qishen

Chapter 1790 End of unit

Chapter 1790 End of unit (7)

"Where's the murderer?"

The lawyer continued to question.

Yun Qishen raised his eyebrows and looked at the Xuanwu thugs who were still busy nearby, then he said seriously to the lawyer, "The murderer is still chasing."

After hearing Yun Qishen's answer, Li Ren also left the bed and went to the bathroom to wash his face. The sound of water mixed with his voice, "Have you checked Yun Jin's room?"

Yun Qishen was walking in the corridor of the Xuanwu rest area at the moment, and he happened to pass by Yun Jin's room, and then he raised his eyes to look at the door of that room, "Lü Ren, do you mean that the murderer was in Yun Jin's room?" In the house?"

The law man wiped his face with a towel and said, "I'm just skeptical, after all, there are only a few people who want to kill Jin Zhehu. Besides, the plot rules here, even if the subordinates are extremely dissatisfied with Jin Zhehu, they will not take the risk to assassinate him .”

Yun Qishen followed the lawer's thoughts and continued, "In other words, someone backed up the murderer?"

Lawyer nodded, and he cleared his throat by the way, "It should be so, Yun Jin is the biggest suspect."

Yun Qi took a deep breath and asked calmly, "I understand, how are you dealing with it?"

The lawyer patted his chest proudly, "Don't worry, I won't delay your plan."

"I see, I have time to talk." Although Yun Qishen's tone sounded flat, the lawyer felt that he still had some expectations for his own value.

"We'll talk when we have time." The lawyer hung up the communication while thinking about what he was going to do next.

"How did he die? It's really..." Jin Zhehu's death made Li Ren feel more surprised than frightened. He then looked at the time on his phone, "Damn, how long have I been sleeping? It's already one o'clock in the afternoon! It's over! !"

Lawyer blamed Suzaku's thugs for not waking him up, so he opened the door and rushed out of the room after putting on his coat.

He came here to advance the plot as soon as possible, and also to let Yao Shun target Jin Zhehu at the meeting. He is not here to enjoy a holiday.

Just when Lu Ren just pushed open the door of the room to find Yao Shun, Yao Shun was leaning against the wall on the side of the corridor outside the door and watching the flustered Lu Ren pop up.

Yao Shun crossed his arms in front of his chest, and his tone unconsciously became mocking, "What? Thinking about getting up now?"

You little brat, you were waiting here to mock me!

Lawyer complained in his heart and then asked Yao Shun, "Oh, why are you here?"

Yao Shun raised his eyebrows slightly, but his tone was still mocking, "This is my rest area. I generously gave you a room to rest. My place, I naturally come and leave whenever I want."

"You are really domineering!" Lu Ren also became angry with Yin and Yang.But he knew very well in his heart that he absolutely couldn't continue to be eccentric this time, and he had to complete the task as soon as possible.

Yao Shun stood up straight and lowered his arms in front of his chest. He looked at the lawyer and asked, "I heard you mentioned Jin Zhehu on the phone just now, what happened?"

It turns out that the news of Jin Zhehu's death hasn't reached Suzaku yet?
The lawyer said while thinking, "Jin Zhehu was killed."


Yao Shun thought he was discussing the resources that Jin Zhehu was going to acquire tomorrow, but it turned out that it was the news that Jin Zhehu had been killed. He was also a little surprised for a while.

"When did it happen?" Yao Shun asked Xiang Lvren while calculating in his mind. If Jin Zhehu's power disappeared, the important resources at the meeting would not be given to Xuanwu. Suzaku will definitely be brilliant if it has only a few resources, and Suzaku will no longer be so weak and powerless.

"What happened in the morning." Seeing that Yao Shun was thinking seriously, the lawyer replied loudly.

Yao Shun turned his eyes and continued to stare at the lawyer. Seeing the mobile phone in his hand, he asked again, "Then who called you just now?"

Lawyer was annoyed by Yao Shun's question at this moment, he frowned when he thought of Yao Shun's previous performance, and he was annoyed, "Are you coming again?"

Yao Shun waved his hand, "No, don't get me wrong, I just want to ask. I have no other ideas."

Lawyer felt awkward, but he still had to endure for his own goal, he explained, "Yun Qishen called me, he just let me know."

"The relationship between you is really good." Yao Shun's tone was indeed a bit eccentric.It was extremely uncomfortable for the lawyer to hear it.

"After all, we are friends." Li Ren felt that he was getting angry, and his teeth hurt a little.

Yao Shun still continued his eccentricity, "Speaking of friends, I'm curious how you made these friends when you were so timid before. From what I know about you, it's pretty cool that you have friends." Surprised me."

Lawyer put one hand on his hip, "Heh, in your opinion, it's normal for me to have no friends around me?"

"Of course not." Yao Shun felt that he was just expressing his thoughts, and he had no other meaning.

"I don't hear your tone."

After listening to his words, the lawyer always felt that he had been offended all the time.

"Think what you want." Yao Shun's attitude was not agitated, but he said calmly, "I also had a good night's sleep, and after waking up, I thought about a lot of things clearly. I was too confused before and took you too seriously. It’s over, it won’t happen in the future.”

Lawyer really didn't like to hear Yao Shun speak at this time, so he said, "Please, you are right to have this idea, but! Don't you think your tone of voice is very problematic, buddy!"

"Is there a problem? I don't think so." Yao Shun had a so-called appearance.

The angry lawyer clenched his fists, he wanted to be angry but finally held back, "You...I don't bother to argue with you now, it's better to talk about something serious."

Yao Shun imitated the law man's appearance and put one hand on his hip, "What business do you have?"

The lawyer sighed and said seriously, "As for the matter of Jin Zhehu or the matter of tomorrow's meeting, I will also enter this meeting."

Yao Shun denied the plan and shook his head, "Find out who you are now, and you go with me, then you are a sheep in the mouth of a tiger!"

The lawyer hurriedly said, "Of course I know, I know this matter better than you, are you taking me for a fool?"

Yao Shun chuckled, "Even if you're not a fool, you're not smart either."

Lawyer frowned and couldn't understand, "I didn't say I was smart either. What do you mean by this?"

"Heh." Yao Shun didn't say anything, but that chuckle was enough to challenge the line of reason.

Lawyer grabbed Yao Shun's collar and pulled it down in front of him, "What are you laughing at! What a disgusting attitude you have!"

"Didn't you mean cooperation? It's not appropriate to be angry." Yao Shun said with a serious face after grabbing Kailuren's hand.

The lawyer felt that he was even more angry, "Then you just control your mouth, can't you say something nice!"

(End of this chapter)

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