Yun Qishen

Chapter 1812 Chapter 189 Chaos Dream Core

Chapter 1812 Chapter 9 Chaos Dream Core ([-])

"Stop!" A black hairy spider suddenly appeared in front of Yun Qishen, and he sternly roared, "Who told you to approach this way?"

Cindy almost jumped up in fright, "Something popped out of nowhere!"

Yun Qishen explained calmly, "It looks like a big spider."

The black hairy spider coughed twice, and then said in a very elegant tone, "I'm not a spider. I came here to warn you. You won't be allowed to enter this way. I advise you to go back the same way. "

Cindy became very upset when he heard it, and its tentacles stopped shaking, "It's so bright in here, why don't you let it in?"

Black Spider said seriously. "This is the nursery for the babies, and you will eat them."

Cindy made a grimace at this moment, "Damn, I wouldn't eat such a disgusting thing."

At this moment, Yun Qishen heard the voice of the mushroom humanoid monster again, "If you want to save me, you must save me!"

Cindy was the first to notice the spores on Yun Qishen's shoulder, and he exclaimed, "Wow! What are these things! They can still talk!"

Yun Qishen didn't take it seriously, he looked at the little things on his shoulder and said, "I'm not surprised, why are you surprised, don't you know how to talk? It looks like they are the spores of the one just now."

Cindy looked disgusted, "It's like watching us, it's disgusting."

The black hairy spider suddenly became interested in those little things on Yun Qishen's shoulder, and he asked, "What are these things on your shoulder?"

Cindy quickly replied, " should be called that."

Mucus flowed from the black spider's mouth, and he stared at the spores in a daze, "They look delicious."

Cindy's eyes lit up. He thought it was a good trading opportunity and hurriedly said, "Do you want it? Take whatever you want! But we also have one condition, you have to let us pass!"

"Deal." The black spider readily agreed, grabbed the spores on Yun Qishen's shoulder, and hid in the darkness.

"Okay!" Cindy excitedly pointed at the light with his tentacles, "Hurry up, stinky bastard, let's go there!"

Yun Qi supported Cindy and ran quickly towards the bright direction.

As a result, when I went to the bright place, I saw crystal clear, huge eggs of unknown insects, surrounding a pile of blue gemstones to absorb the power of the gemstones.

Yun Qishen approached those sapphires with an expression of effortlessness, and he smiled lightly, "What about the cultivation room, hehe, it turns out that they are absorbing sapphires, what a novel cultivation method..."

Cindy was still sniffing just now, but now she took a fancy to those crystal clear giant insect eggs, "But these things do look delicious. Well, I take back what I just said. Can I eat them now?"

Yun Qishen wanted to lower his head to dissuade him, "You'd better not be too reckless——"

"But I've already eaten it, and it's still moving! It's really delicious!" But Cindy didn't know when he escaped from Yun Qishen's grasp, and he jumped onto those huge eggs and began to eat them.

"When will you... Forget it. I don't understand the rules here." Yun Qi sighed deeply and didn't care anymore.

Cindy was happy to eat, so she called Yun Qishen, "Would you like to eat some too?"

"No need." Yun Qishen waved his hands and hastily refused.

Suddenly a thick voice resounded through the space.

"Who let you in! Oh, my poor children!"

Immediately afterwards, a curved and sharp thorn pierced through the darkness.


Yun Qishen quickly hugged Cindy away, and the place where the sharp thorn hit hard also split open.

"What's wrong?" Cindy was immersed in eating the part of the white eggs, not knowing what happened.

Yun Qishen explained to Cindy while keeping an eye on his surroundings, "A thorn protruded from the top just now, it looks like some kind of bug's leg."

Cindy blinked her eyes in confusion, "Is there? Why didn't I see it just now?"

Yun Qishen sighed helplessly, "Hey, just eat it all at once."

Cindy ate it wholeheartedly, "This food is really delicious, I didn't lie to you."

"Eat slowly, it's coming!" Yun Qishen sensed a slight movement, and he quickly became vigilant.Then he quickly dodged and successfully avoided another attack from the spike.

Cindy suffered as a result.

"Wow, don't make me dizzy so fast!"

The transparent eggs fell out of his mouth, and instead of eating, he turned around several times because of Yun Qishen's dodge, which made him very dizzy and uncomfortable.

The thick voice continued to echo in this dim space, "You ate my child, and you still want to run! Stop! I'm going to eat you!"


A violent wind swept towards Yun Qishen with a blade full of killing intent.

Just as Yun Qishen dodged this sweep, he was followed by that sharp vertical slash.

The ground cracked apart.

Cindy shook her head and yelled, "Wow! The ground is untied! That monster must be in pain!"

"Perhaps." After Yun Qishen replied indifferently, he suddenly realized something was wrong, and quickly jumped away. "not good!"

"Wow, wow -" Cindy's head was also thrown into the sky and kept spinning.

Yun Qishen stepped on the air, jumped up and hugged Cindy's head.

After he landed, he also started to mutter in his heart, "This guy moves really fast, I have to find a way to see the real body of this monster..."

As soon as Yun Qishen thought of something, he would immediately put it into practice.

Now that the fire with fingers can be produced and destroyed freely, it shouldn't be a big problem to have a few more fires.

Cindy looked at Yun Qishen, frowning slightly, muttering something in his mouth, and then he saw several flames suddenly appearing from around Yun Qishen.

"Hey! Dude, you are surrounded by fire! What are you doing? Are you juggling? I love to watch! More, more!" Cindy was unparalleled excited.


Those flames quickly illuminated the dim surroundings.


The thick voice cursed, and her original appearance appeared in front of Yun Qishen.

This is a huge spider.The whole body is actually wrapped with the octopus' sucker.Her spider's legs were not those of a spider, but those of a scorpion.It was this thing that had been attacking Yun Qishen and the others just now.

"I see the real body!" Yun Qishen smiled proudly, then he put his fingers together and put out the knife in his hand.

Cindy also saw the big spider, of course, but he made a face at the big spider, "What a big spider! The shell is too hard, and it smells bad at first glance. Slightly—"

"Look at your tentacles! Don't break them!" Yun Qishen reminded Cindy at this moment.

"What?" Cindy blinked, completely unaware of what she was going through.

"'s impossible..." The spider also let out a final whine, "My child..."

Seeing the big spider being split in two, Cindy was both surprised and delighted. He hurriedly asked Yun Qishen, "What weapon did you use just now? You swiped it, why did it split in half?"

Yun Qishen waved to Cindy and said, "I split it with my hands."

"Ah..." Cindy had nothing to say, and was even a little afraid of Yun Qishen.

(I think I'd better not make him angry.)
Cindy thought so.

(End of this chapter)

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