Yun Qishen

Chapter 1817 Chaos Dream Core

Yun Qishen once again led Cindy to the red door stained with green, and when he pushed the door open, darkness appeared before his eyes.

At this time, Cindy asked again, "It's pitch dark in here, you stinky guy, can you see what's going on inside?"

"I can't see..." Yun Qishen pursed the corners of his mouth, he lowered his brows in concern and stepped directly towards the darkness, "But we have to get through—"

Suddenly he fell from the red door with his feet empty.

Cindy flew away from Yun Qishen's hand because of its light weight, and he even shouted excitedly, "Wow - are we falling! It's so exciting!"

Yun Qishen, who couldn't see the surrounding situation, felt a little more worried. For some reason, the darkness he was in couldn't allow him to use his mind-peeping ability.

"You must illuminate everything around you!" Yun Qishen felt his limbs in the dark and moved his hands.

Immediately afterwards, two gusts of wind rose from his hands.

"Smelly guy! Wow! The wind is so strong! What are you going to do!" Sensing that he was being blown by the strong wind, Cindy yelled and asked Yun Qishen.

Yun Qishen closed his eyes to search for the condensation point of his own mana, and suddenly he found several voices in the center of his consciousness, these sounds came from the thousand gods of his own soul.

Yun Qishen, who got the power from Qianshen's hand, pointed his hands down, and then shouted: "Qianshen—Lamp!"

The originally dark environment suddenly became brighter.At the same time, around Yun Qishen and Cindy, some phantoms of Qianshen Shenshen appeared and fell together with them.

"It's lit up!" Cindy's eyes lit up, and he looked at those thousand gods with novelty, "What are these big guys! Why did they disappear all of a sudden?"

"This is..." After the surroundings lit up, Yun Qishen understood his current situation, "Are you falling into a dream?"

Yes, in his senses, he was falling.

They fell infinitely between the tall buildings, as if they fell into the deep pit of the building.

Cindy looked at the white buildings around him, shaking his tentacles excitedly, and shouted, "Look, you stinky guy! There are a lot of guys in white clothes over there, they look like you! They have arms and legs Yes! We seem to be in a huge needle again!"

After Yun Qishen adjusted his mentality, he began to observe the surroundings carefully, "This is the building of the hospital, the infinitely falling floors and the graduation line of the syringe...the number of lines is increasing!"

Only then did Yun Qishen realize and exclaimed, "In other words, we are not falling! We are rising!"

He raised his head and looked up, seeing the pitch black area, and a blur of white below.

"So, when we reach a certain height—"

Just as Yun Qishen was about to speak, their falling stopped.

"Stopped!" Cindy was amazed. It didn't take long before he and Yun Qishen flew up again, "Wow - we're flying!"

Yun Qishen grabbed Cindy and yelled, "Idiot, we are not flying! At this speed, if the speed drops to zero, you and I will be turned into flesh!"

It's really called to praise first and then fall to disability!
Cindy trembled in fear, "Then, what shall we do then! Stinky bastard! Think of a way!"

"A solution..." Yun Qishen had run out of mana at this moment, what else could he do.

At this time, a voice broke through the space and reached Yun Qishen's ears.

[Yo ho!Do you need help? 】

It was the voice of that shameless Ritsuto.

"Lü Ren?" Yun Qishen was a little surprised and at the same time he was also afraid that Lu Ren would destroy another dimension.

"What is a legal person? A human being?" Cindy was wondering what Yun Qishen blurted out just now.

The lawyer cleared his throat and continued, [Yes, it's me, just talk to me in your heart.I just came back from watching my Hatsune concert, I didn't expect your progress to be quite fast!They have broken through so many layers of dreams! 】

Yun Qishen smacked his lips irritably as he rose, and he replied in his heart, 〖Stop talking nonsense, I have nothing to do now, if you want help, please help quickly!Save wasted time. 〗

[Is it because the lighting spell was used just now, and the only mana was consumed?I don't care, you still have the blessings of the Book of Power and the Divine Disk! 】The lawyer's words were too cheerful.

On the contrary, Yun Qishen became even more irritable, and he roared in his heart, 〖It's easy for you to say!How can those things be so easy to use! 〗

The lawyer sighed, 【Please, my hero!This is a dream!It's a dream!Where can there be things that can’t be done, he can lead his dream, you don’t belong to his dream, you can also change his dream at will, turn his dream into your dream, you are the leader!So you just need to think about using the tome of power and the disk.Although the tome of power in your body consumed a lot of mana when it revived you, it should still be able to support your actions now. 】

Yun Qi deeply clenched his fist, and the help from the lawyer was completely useless.Simply Yun Qishen didn't want to say anything more to him.

〖Alright, let me try first.You go about your business. 〗

The lawyer didn't realize that he was rejected at all, and he boasted happily, [Okay, take it easy!You said, my help is still timely! 】

〖Don't be too proud!Get out! 〗Yun Qishen has become extremely irritable.

【... Heartbroken. 】After the lawyer muttered something, his voice also disappeared from Yun Qishen's mind.

Cindy was still chattering and asking the bottom line, "What is a human being, tell me quickly, stinky bastard!"

Yun Qishen ignored Cindy. He closed his eyes, thinking about how to use his abilities, "Calm down, you have to control the dream...Use the book of power, use the magic disc..."

Cindy yelled annoyedly from the side: "Smelly guy! We are flying faster and faster!"


Yun Qishen suddenly felt a pain in his heart, he quickly grabbed the flesh of the heart with his hands.

"What's wrong with you, stinky guy!?" Cindy asked concerned.

Sweat broke out on Yun Qishen's forehead, he gritted his teeth and responded, "I'm fine, I'm about to succeed."

"What's going to succeed—wow!!!" Cindy was still wondering, and suddenly he was entangled by a dark silk thread and stopped his ascension.

Cindy was extremely excited, "What are these spider web-like things! You are so cool, you stinky bastard!"

At this moment, a huge net was also opened behind Yun Qishen, which was woven with pitch-black silk threads.These large nets connect those white buildings, and these silk threads are still moving as if they have self-awareness.

At this moment, before Yun Qishen came to his senses from the perception of overdrawn mana, a patch of red potion surged up under his feet.

Cindy cried out in fright, "Wow! There are so many red things! I said don't come in here! Wow!"

Yun Qishen wrapped Cindy's entire head with the black silk thread of the book of power, "Don't cry! You won't be able to see anything if you hide in here. Are these red potions or—— woo! Cough cough cough !"

The red potion came up too fast, and Yun Qishen swallowed several mouthfuls of the red potion before he finished speaking. The unpleasant smell and sticky taste made Yun Qishen cough non-stop.

Immediately after, a voice entered Yun Qishen's mind, 〖Using the dream will unravel everything—make these things disappear completely! 〗

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