Yun Qishen

Chapter 1827 Chaos Dream Core

[No, no, this thing can't be eaten! 】

[No, no, he looks delicious! 】

【No, no, you should start eating from his head. 】The small voice comes from those tiny plant figures, they wrap their food tightly.

Yun Qishen had already seen this group of little guys twice, seeing that Sir William knew a lot, he asked curiously, "It's these little guys again, what are they?"

"In fact, they are the cleaners of this dream, and they are some good things." Sir William said.

Yun Qishen crossed his hands in front of his chest, he nodded slightly and asked again, "So it's not some strange little guy. Then what are they mainly cleaning?"

Sir William's slender legs kept gesticulating, "There are good and bad things, as long as they are dead things in dreams, they will clean them up."

"Good or bad?" Yun Qishen slightly raised his eyebrows.

Sir William replied in the affirmative, "Yes, for better or worse."

"But this thing is pointing at them and keeps flashing. It seems that there is something very important. I need to go and see."

Sir William was shocked when he heard that, he hurriedly blocked Yun Qishen's path, "Wait a minute! Don't disturb them, Mr. Eat!"

"Why?" Yun Qishen just took a step forward and then stopped.

Sir William explained, "Because they have a high chance of going berserk, sir!"

"Then what will happen when they run away?" Yun Qishen asked with concern, because he just felt that his footsteps seemed to disturb the eating of these little guys.

Sir William said seriously, "The dream is destroyed, and everything will fall into a cycle!"

Without waiting for Sir William's further explanation, the group of little fellows began to murmur and make strange noises.

Their words are naturally understood by Yun Qi.

[No, no, someone is moving our food! 】


As soon as Yun Qishen focused his eyes on the group of little guys, a white light enveloped him.


All Yun Qishen heard before closing his eyes was Sir William's shout.

When he opened his eyes again, he returned to the moment when the plot started.

[Dream monitoring first floor——] There was a sound from the dream detection instrument.

Then came the words of the mushroom man in that gorgeous environment, "You need to participate in the competition, or you will be caught by the guards and thrown down!"

[Second floor of dream monitoring——]

The dream detection device beeped again.

Immediately afterwards, the crying Cindy's head rolled down to Yun Qishen's feet, "Mom won't let Cindy go!"

[Dream Monitoring Level [-]——]

The dream detection device sounded again.

This time he was in a falling dream and saw himself in the distance, also falling.That self even yelled, "We're not falling!"

[Fourth floor of dream monitoring——]

It's the poor guy who turned into a mushroom, "Help me! Get me out! I'm human!"

[Dream Monitoring Level [-]——]

"Sir, don't touch them!" This time it became Sir William's warning.

[Sixth floor of dream monitoring——]

"You will fall into reincarnation!" This time it was still Sir William's reminder.


Every scene passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, many dream spaces had already been passed through.After going through it once, I will do it all over again, which is really annoying.

[Dream monitoring 84th floor——]


Yun Qishen forced himself to calm down and think. He no longer cared about the changes in the surrounding scenery. He muttered, "It's not a solution to keep doing this. There must be a way to escape this cycle of reincarnation?"

Yun Qishen then raised his head and tried his best to see clearly the environment of each dream reincarnation.

Then he concluded: "Every sixth floor is a cycle, and the words of the people in the dream are slightly different. I can see myself when I fell... There must be something that can jump out of this cycle.

But the time spent in each dream is too short, and I can't act at all. Could it be that my action speed is faster than the interval between dreams? "

He pondered for a while and then said, "No, this is a dream. I don't have to be bound by this dream, I can stop the transformation of this dream! But if you want to stop, you still need to find the layer that is the easiest to control just work.

In this case, the easiest dream layer to control is only the beginning of's not the beginning. Although the structure of the dream at the beginning is simple, I was in a state of being drawn in that dream.If you want to control the dream, you must be present, that is the layer where you have yourself in the dream - the falling dream! "

Soon Yun Qishen cycled to the falling dream, and he easily paused that dream.

But because the layers of the dream changed too quickly, Yun Qishen's stop also made the dream look blurry.

Seeing himself in a blur, Yun Qishen didn't pay too much attention to it, he was still thinking about what to do next, "Now the falling has stopped, and there is no change of reincarnation around. But how can I escape?" ? There is definitely a gap to leave in this dream, so what will happen? Kill myself in this dream? Or kill Cindy in this dream? Or fall, or rise?"

【Drip drip-】

At this time, the dream detection instrument rang again, and the instrument pointed downward with a red light.Yun Qishen also understood.

"So it fell down?"

The cloud was very deep and went down according to the instructions of the detection instrument.


Sir William's cry appeared again, and Yun Qishen knew that his method was correct and he had successfully escaped from the cycle of dreams.

He asked behind Sir William, "What's the matter, Sir William?"

Sir William turned around with tears in his eyes, and he rushed towards Yun Qishen, "Oh, you really scared me sir, I thought you would never come back."

"How long have I been gone?" Yun Qishen blinked and asked immediately.

Sir William said, "It's only 10 seconds, but this is the shortest time. After all, the people who came with me before can't come back."

"So that's the case." Yun Qishen nodded, and continued to approach the little plant guys, "But I still have to find out what it is before these little things eat up."




It's just that before Yun Qishen got too close this time, those little plant guys exploded one by one.

Yun Qishen was naturally a little surprised, "Why did it explode? Sir William, do you know what's going on?"

"I don't know sir!" Sir William's tentacles shook violently, and he then exclaimed: "Oh my God, sir! They are eating Cindy!"

Yun Qishen also looked at the object that was eaten in surprise. It was a middle-aged man in a blue and white striped hospital gown that looked sloppy.Half of his clothes and some flesh had been eaten away, and it didn't look like there was any sign of life.But Yun Qishen told him directly that the man in the middle was still alive.Alive in this dream.

"You said this middle-aged man is Cindy?" Yun Qishen was not particularly surprised. He wanted to be sure, so he asked Sir William again.

Sir William nodded affirmatively, "Yes, that's right, he is Cindy. He was like this before he died."

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