Yun Qishen

Chapter 1835 Nightmare [Shenwu Emperor Scroll]

Chapter 1835 Nightmare (2) [Shenwuhuangtian Volume]

[Shenwu Huangtian is thick, and the hero is majestic.

In the place of Shenwu Huangtian, if there is no power, it is a maggot that has been slaughtered and enslaved.People here will awaken a power when they are eight years old, and this power will bless them all their lives and give them endless wealth.And this force is called "Shenwuhuangtu" here.

It is said that the divine consciousness separated from a god named Shenwu Dashen turned into this world of Shenwu.But there happened to be a group of dictators who wanted to rule the entire continent, and their killings continued to arouse the dissatisfaction of many warriors.

The heroes of martial arts showed their abilities and fought endlessly with the gang of dictators. The war lasted for three years without end, and it was not until the birth of a baby in the world that the dark battle between the world and the earth was stopped.

The baby was regarded as the Emperor of Shenwu, and he established the current Shenwu Kingdom with the support of some people.The prosperity of Shenwu Kingdom is growing day by day, and people live and work in peace and contentment to enjoy the prosperity and wealth. 】


"Wake up! Wake up! Master Ninth has woken up!"

A girl's voice screamed in Yun Qishen's ear, Yun Qishen frowned tightly and struggled to open his eyes.

Why is it such an opening again, wouldn't the lawyer think of other ways?

Just when Yun Qishen was complaining in his heart, a smart, fair and beautiful woman broke into the room with the support of a group of maids.

Yun Qishen only felt pain all over his body, as if his bones had been shattered.He hadn't felt this kind of feeling for a long time, and before he got used to the pain in his body, the woman who broke in threw herself into his arms, almost crushing him.

It hurts!That hurts!He had never suffered such pain from a broken arm or leg before.Probably because his body was affected by the rules of the plot at this time, otherwise his body would not feel very painful.

Yun Qi gritted his teeth and endured it, but the woman in his arms began to cry at this moment.

"You said why you helped me at that time, you might as well let me be beaten to death by that guy. Look at you! I thought you would never wake up again! The doctor said that your bones were shattered and your meridians were broken , I’m sorry for you, it’s all my fault! I shouldn’t have messed with them! If I knew we were being bullied, I would have endured it. That’s right, I have no ability, I can’t do anything well.”

The woman was slurred when she was crying, but Yun Qishen felt lucky after hearing what she said, after all, his own name hadn't changed.The bones are shattered and the meridians are broken. It sounds a bit miserable, but it's not a big problem.

Now the main problem is to find the bad qi, the others are not very important.

Although Yun Qishen passed through and was assigned an identity, he didn't have any cognition or memory about this place.

Before coming, Sombra reminded him that spells would be restricted in the plot, but Yun Qishen felt that he was also very strong in physical fitness, so he didn't care too much, but he didn't expect to go through the plot and play with his whole body. broken.

This plot doesn't want him to be healthy.

The woman was still crying in Yun Qishen's arms, and Yun Qishen knew that this was not the way to go, so he had to pretend to be amnesiac information.

There should be nothing wrong with routines against routines...

"Who are you? It hurts my heart."

The moment Yun Qishen opened his mouth, he felt a stabbing pain in his throat, and his voice did indeed sound hoarse and weak.

The woman sat up after sobbing twice. She moved to the side of the bed and touched the tears in the corners of her eyes, "You're kidding me again. You don't know anyone else, so you shouldn't know Belle. I'm Belle. Son, Qi Beier! It's your green plum! Your servant!

Serving?What does it mean?
Yun Qi frowned deeply and didn't understand, but he felt that the relationship with the word "servant" was not so simple...


Yun Qishen continued to pretend not to understand and shook his head, "My head is so dizzy, I don't remember anything. What is this place? Who am I? What is servant energy?"

Qi Beier blushed, and the bluish-white dress on her body showed her shyness even more.

Absolutely, this is definitely not a good relationship!In the high martial arts plot where men fight with men, the existence of female characters is indeed a big problem.

"This is Shenwu Huang's family, the husband's family of Zhuoying, the daughter of Emperor Shenwu. You are Yun Qishen, the ninth son of Huang Zongzhu, or the illegitimate son brought back from abroad. I am Qi Beier, and it is you samurai. samurai is..."

Qi Beier said with a blushing face while holding Yun Qishen's hand and closing his eyes, then a red light came out from Qi Beier's hand and spread to Yun Qishen's whole body.

Yun Qishen only felt that his perception was like being electrocuted, and he was uncomfortable, so he hurriedly stopped it.

"no need!"

Qi Beier was taken aback and let go of Yun Qishen's hand, "What's the matter? You used to like to pass on energy to you like this. I know that my ability is weak, and I can't give you a stronger stab..."

"Needless to say, you don't have to transfer energy to me like this in the future." Yun Qishen closed his eyes in trouble. The feeling just now was not a good thing for him. A kidnapping of emotional pleasure.

Do all the guys in this place get pleasure in this way?They are really 666, but they have been like this since they were young, so they should not have that ordinary sense of shame.

"You really hate me, right, because I hurt you, because of my fault... well, I won't pass on abilities to you anymore, I won't pass on abilities to you in this life!" Qi Beier Covering her face and weeping, her crying gradually became louder, and the maids around her also tried to persuade her.

"Sister Bell, don't cry, the son just lost his memory, he didn't blame Miss Bell."

"Yes, Sister Bell, son, he didn't mean it, he just didn't understand the situation."

This group of maids said to each other, Yun Qishen only felt irritated in his ears.

Fortunately, the doctor came to persuade them to leave, so Yun Qishen's ears were clean.

Doctors here are called "big doctors". It seems that doctors are still a profession that is very short of people.They all use the energy of servants to get pleasure and forget the pain, so they don't need to be healed in battle.The duty of a great doctor is only to save people in the end.It's good to be saved alive, but there are actually a lot of people who died.

These were also what Yun Qishen heard from the doctor.

"Doctor, can my health still recover?" Yun Qi looked at the old doctor deeply and asked.

"Young master is blessed. It is a miracle that he can wake up after suffering such a serious injury, but this body...Although there is medicine here, the chances of it being cured are really slim..."

Doctors are shaking their heads, the plot is really vicious.

That lawyer guy can't be serious when he writes a book!Can't he just die!
Yun Qishen smiled at death in his heart, but on the surface he still wanted to talk to the doctor in a friendly manner, "Even if it's vague, please ask the doctor to treat it first."

(End of this chapter)

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