Yun Qishen

Chapter 186 Break Time

Chapter 186 Break Time (5)
(God's perspective)
Chen Yueluo was very distressed. How to get Xiaozhi out of the house, but if he doesn't get out, Xiaozhi will grow bigger little by little, and the whole house will be destroyed!
This can't be blamed on Daoist Xu Yun, he dotes on the beasts and is eager to give them better conditions than himself, besides how can Taotie meet easily?Here is the most luxurious room in Xuyun Palace for it to live in.

It's not Chen Yueluo's fault, although he has the ability to summon Xiaozhi back, but he still wants Xiaozhi and Taotie to stay together more.

In the end, this glutton really spoiled his son, let Xiao Zhi eat like this, and in turn stared at Chen Yueluo with complaining eyes and said that he would not give his son enough to eat...

Chen Yueluo planned to use the summoning array to get Xiao Zhi back, but he couldn't create such a huge summoning array without recovering his mana. If he could summon it, wouldn't he have summoned Taotie back sooner?

And because Xiao Zhi is Chen Yueluo's contract beast, Xu Yun can't help at all.Besides, he has the ability to summon Taotie back, but he is reluctant...

Chen Yueluo couldn't help it for a while, but Xiao Zhi was still growing up and was about to open the skylight in the house.

Lingjingdao sneezed not far from them.

Both Xu Yun and Chen Yueluo knew who it was, so they didn't look back, and then a vortex surrounded Xiao Zhi and sent it outside.

"Chirp—" Xiao Zhi lay down on the snow comfortably.

"Little squeak!!"

Chen Yueluo went directly to check on the huge mouse.

Xu Yun quickly bowed and bowed towards the Spiritual Realm Dao, with his eyes closed naturally.

"Since there's nothing else to do, come with me, let's discuss something, you go and call Shang Xuqing."


Xu Yun opened his eyes only after he sensed that the Spiritual Realm Dao had left.

The interior of the house that was destroyed by Xiaozhi just now has also been repaired, which is naturally the space magic of the Spirit Realm Dao.

"Are the third uncle and the masters and uncles going to discuss the Lingshan enchantment again?" Chen Yueluo patted Xiaozhi's stomach to make him vomit, but it didn't help.

"Then Yueluo, please go and find your seventh uncle. I have to find your fourth uncle."

"But the Seventh Master Uncle, before I came to Xuyun Palace, I saw him walking towards the gate of the sect." Chen Yueluo sighed after finishing speaking.

That's all, Daoist Xuyun turned around, "I'll leave this place to you for the time being."

"Understood, Third Master."

After watching Xuyun leave his sight, Chen Yueluo's attitude towards Xiaozhi was about to change, and if he wanted to reprimand him severely, he must have been eating recklessly again.

But with a pair of sharp eyes staring at him, Chen Yueluo couldn't help shivering.It's over, forget that its father is still there...

Chen Yueluo suddenly thought that Xiaozhi would vomit after drinking milk, so he decided to leave and go to the kitchen to get some milk.

Chen Yueluo, who didn't avoid Taotie's sharp gaze, met Yun Qishen in the kitchen.


"You said that mouse in your house suddenly became bigger?" Yun Qishen spread the cream to prevent Leah from stealing it.

"Yeah~ I don't know what it ate. I was thinking of feeding him some milk to make him vomit, but then I thought it would keep barking when it sees milk, alas~" Chen Yueluo looked at Yun Qishen's hand. cake, "Is this delicious? I also want to learn. I only use this refrigerator for kitchen things. I didn't expect you to know it without reading the instructions!"

...there is no way the culture is different...

"By the way, since it can vomit after drinking milk, why don't you bring it a piece of cake."

Speaking of which, Yun Qishen cut a piece and gave it to Chen Yueluo.

"It's cheaper for that mouse..." Leah stared straight at the small piece of cake.

"Thank you so much..." Chen Yue was too late to induce vomiting to his little Zhi.

"The dishes here are almost ready, Brother Long, help me bring the dishes... Brother Long...leave the cake under my mouth..."

Yun Qishen picked up the prepared food in a numb manner, but turned around to see that a dragon head was about to do something very outrageous to his cake.

I saw that Leia's body became the right size to swallow the cake in one bite...

As soon as Lai Ah opened his mouth wide, he saw Yun Qishen looking at it with very contemptuous eyes.

"...Believe it or not, I will never cook sweet and sour pork again in my life!"

"Okay! Ben Long serves the dishes!"

Yun Qishen and Lia put the cake aside, took the other dishes back first, and left the kitchen.

At the same time, Chen Yueluo was also walking on the way to Xuyun Palace with that small piece of cake.

"Hey! Chen Yueluo!"

When Chen Yueluo heard someone calling him, this impolite tone must be just in case.

Chen Yueluo looked back and saw that it was as expected, "What's the matter?"

"Have you seen Xiaoshao? I haven't been able to find her." Wan Wan came to Chen Yueluo very seriously.

"Xiao Shao said that she and Uncle Seven have gone to the sect, and I don't know exactly what they are doing."

"That's it...then what are you holding in your hand?"

The eyes of both of them were fixed on the cake in Chen Yueluo's hand.Neither of them had ever seen such a thing.

"Can you eat it?" Wan Wan asked.

"Yun Qishen made it. I believe his cooking skills are no less than that of Suzy Mian..." Chen Yueluo replied.

Chen Yueluo and Wanwan stretched out their hands towards the cake, and then both took a bite of the cream.

"It's over... This stuff is unexpectedly delicious..." Wan Wan seems to have discovered a new world of gourmet food.

"It's really good, I'll learn next time..." Chen Yueluo also admired.

Then Wanwan stretched out his hand to this piece of cake.

"Stop! If you eat, how can I make Xiaozhi spit out the mess!"

As soon as Chen Yueluo moved the cake, she shook her head and left.

Be stingy, in case you utter a disdainful voice, "Don't let me go!"

Wanwan also went to the kitchen afterwards, but did not see Yun Qishen's voice.But he saw that large round cake at the door, although it was a little less, it definitely wouldn't affect his delicious taste.

Yun Qishen and Lai Ah brought the dishes to Lingyao Pavilion, and then Taki Yunhua and Xiaoya naturally greeted them.

After going out for a while, Xiaoya was dressed up more beautifully by Taki Yunhua. Although her appearance and makeup were still not as good as Taki Yunhua, she already had that kind of attractiveness.

But who is Yun Qishen...a straight man with a blunt temper and a flattering mouth.

"Why did you change a piece of clothing in such a short time? How much lipstick is on your mouth... If you don't have to eat later..."

Before Yun Qishen finished speaking, Xiaoya also ran out in a bad mood.

Yun Qishen looked at Xiaoya with tears in his eyes.

"Master, look at you wearing so little clothes for her, she won't catch a cold after running out, I even saw her cry!"

After Yun Qishen finished speaking, Taki Yunhua's fist smashed Yun Qishen's head.

"Look at your sad words! The girl went out crying and you still don't want to comfort her!"

Taki Yunhua pushed Yun Qishen out forcefully.

Lia looked at Taki Yunhua with a little joy on her face.

"Yunhua, you did it after you calculated that Yun Qishen would say that..."

Taki Yunhua sat down at the table and picked up the chopsticks, "Instead of making the child feel a little uncomfortable now, it's better to make her heartbroken after standing in the middle. Don't worry about it, use the chopsticks... wait... Leah you What is the cake in your mind?"

 Writing a cake almost made me hungry! ! !

  got the title wrong

(End of this chapter)

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