Yun Qishen

Chapter 1864 Nightmare

Yun Qishen reacted quickly and then replied to Huang Shisan, "It is true that someone suddenly appeared and asked the little one to put down the chicken, but the little one ran so fast that I didn't see that person again after running out of the yard. It's just that the little one Before he ran away, he glanced at it carefully, and the man seemed to have fainted."

"Have passed out?" Huang Shisan's hands trembled, and then he pursed his lips and sighed helplessly.

Yun Qishen nodded affirmatively, "That's right."

Huang Shisan raised his eyebrows and pondered for a moment, then he said seriously to Yun Qishen, "Okay, I understand. You don't have to worry about this matter. Besides, no matter who proposes it to you later, don't Get closer to that yard."

Yun Qishen nodded and then asked Huang Shisan, "What do the ten young masters in the courtyard eat every day? No one goes to deliver food to him, people don't know... ah, you shouldn't be like this You said it! I hope the young master will forgive me."

Huang Shisan didn't mean to blame Yun Qishen, he just spoke slowly, "A great doctor once treated my tenth brother, but the doctor said that his disease can't be cured unless all the supernatural powers in his body are exhausted. Disappear, or you will always hurt the people around you. My fifth brother’s leg was bitten off by an animal controlled by tenth brother, so tenth brother’s place is very dangerous, and if you are not careful, you will pay for your life. I don’t know that he usually I only know that he is getting fatter and stronger, and the strength in his body is getting stronger and stronger, so my father completely restricted Brother Ten from traveling and locked him in that yard, no one can get close to him."

What about the animal?

While Yun Qi was deeply puzzled about the animal problem, he also talked about another abnormality, "But the courtyard door was not locked when I went there."

Huang Shisan was surprised when he heard it, "It's not locked? It's impossible! Didn't you climb over the wall to get in?"

Yun Qi gave a deep and simple smile, "Look at the stupid appearance of the little one, I can't climb over such a high wall. I entered the courtyard through the main entrance, and the door opened when the wind blew. "

"Someone must have broken the magic power of the seal from the outside, otherwise the door would not be able to open!" Huang Shisan thinks that is the only explanation that can be explained so far. At the same time, he is more concerned about who will break the seal. After all, with him According to Huang Laoshi's understanding, this seal will definitely not be broken by Huang Laoshi.

"Master Thirteen, do you mean that besides the younger one, there were other people in Master Ten's yard at that time?" Yun Qishen felt a little flustered after finishing speaking.

No, who could it be?Why didn't I notice that person's breath?Could it be that the opponent is very capable?Or was it overwhelmed by the breath of animals?Or is it that Huang Zhengyan deliberately arranged someone to investigate me?

So the matter of me sending Huang Laoshi into the room to check his pulse is also...

This person must be found before the abnormality occurs, but I am unable to move now, so I need help...

"What are you thinking about?"

Seeing that Yun Qishen was in a daze for a while, Huang Shisan asked about his condition with concern.

Yun Qishen agreed to put on an aggrieved look quickly and said, "No, I'm just afraid of being blamed. After all, this chicken was stolen from Master Ten..."

Huang Shisan also believed Yun Qishen's words, he raised his hand and patted Yun Qishen's shoulder lightly, and said, "Don't worry, I will protect you, and nothing will happen to you. Besides, you are still my cooking teacher, if they dare to make trouble with you, they will make trouble with me!"

"Young Master Thirteen, you are flattering me too much." Yun Qishen rubbed his hands together, showing a distressed look.

But Huang Shisan's nature didn't particularly care about Yun Qishen's disguise at the moment, he raised his head and looked around and said happily, "Now if you need my help, just tell me!"

Yun Qishen still looked like an ordinary cowardly little character, "How dare you bother you, Young Master Thirteen..."

Huang Shisan put one hand on his hip and said immediately, "Stop talking nonsense, you can't just give my elder brother a bowl of chicken soup! Don't look at his good temper, he's on the mend! No matter how delicious a bowl of soup is, it's impossible Satisfy him."

Yun Qishen bowed his waist slightly, he rubbed his hands, "Young master, what you said is true, it's just that the young one doesn't dare to do more, the young one just came here, and he still doesn't care about the master's liking..."

Huang Shisanyi patted his chest and said proudly, "I know, so I'm here to teach you? I know some of their preferences. Are you not happy to have me as your student?"

"happy happy……"

Yun Qishen responded like this on the surface, but in fact he was not happy in his heart.

Huang Shisan said beside him, "My elder brother likes light food. So you can't just bring a bowl of chicken soup over like this. Although he is testing you, you still have to make what he likes."

Yun Qishen pretended to be enlightened and sighed, "So that's why the other people in the dining room have so much confidence that I can't be appreciated."

"That's right, I'm also worried about this. After all, I haven't tasted your cooking yet."

As soon as Huang Shisan finished talking about Yun Qishen, he remembered that when he was in Yuefeng's mansion yesterday, Huang Shisan did not eat the food he made with Yuefeng and the others.

Yun Qi asked Huang Shisan with deep concern, "I'm offended to ask you, why didn't you taste the dishes that I made at that time, master? You didn't even try it, so you are so sure that you are a good cook. Why do you want to worship the younger one as your teacher?"

Huang Shisan replied simply, "I never eat out of Huang's house. If I do, I will eat the dry food I brought myself."

"Why?" Yun Qishen really cared about Huang Shisan's situation, but at the same time he also realized that as a foreign cook, he should not ask Huang Shisan so many questions, so he quickly apologized, " Ah! Master forgive me!"

Huang Shisan waved his hand lightly and smiled bitterly, "It's nothing, it's just that I was hurt outside once before, just in case."

Have been murdered?

Yun Qishen never thought that Huang Shisan would encounter such a thing. After all, Huang Shisan was not very good at martial arts, and he didn't have too much money. Just an ordinary kid.

Who would want to kill a child?
"Has the murderer been caught?" Yun Qishen asked.

"No, the murderer has escaped." After shaking his head, Huang Shisan changed the subject and asked Yun Qishen, "Do you have any ideas? About refreshing dishes."

"Hmm..." Yun Qishen glanced at the ingredients around the stove, and finally took out two watermelons, "Let's make it with cucumbers."

"I don't think so." Huang Shisan shook his head because he hated the smell of cucumber.

While clearing the cucumbers, Yun Qishen said to Huang Shisan, "Anyway, there's enough time, I'll make one for you to try."

Huang Shisan could only nod his head in agreement, "Yes."

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