Yun Qishen

Chapter 1871 Nightmare

Huang Shisan kicked the kitchen steward's shoulder, "Why do you still doubt him?"

The steward of the dining room shivered subconsciously, and then he made a trembling voice, "Because he was the only one who stayed here last night, there is really no one else who can doubt it..."

Huang Shisan immediately laughed out loud, "Haha, it's a coincidence, I was here before you came. Don't you think I stole the money?"

The steward of the dining room, listen to what Huang Shisan said, he immediately kowtowed to the ground with snot and tears, "Don't dare, I don't dare to think so! How dare I doubt you, Young Master Thirteen! It's a small damn, it's a small damn! It's a small negligence! It's a small dereliction of duty!"

Seeing the steward of the dining room kowtowed all the time, the other cooks in the company also knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.

Huang Shisan didn't want to let them go just like that. He found a whip and beat it on the ground fiercely. Then he said, "But I've been here all along, why don't you doubt me? Like this Wouldn’t it be nice if the vegetable seller pointed at my nose like that and said I stole the money?”

Although Huang Shisan is a teenager, his temper is not particularly good, but as long as he doesn't offend him, Huang Shisan is very gentle towards everyone.But if you really messed with him, you might become a living hell king.

That's why Huang Shisan was not underestimated by Huang Zhengyan and Huang Jingyang even though he was at the bottom of the ranking.

Under normal circumstances, he is just a naive young man, with a youthful recklessness and a heart to help others.But if someone really stepped on Huang Shisan's landmine, then Huang Shisan was not just a handsome young man.

The man who delivered the food just kowtowed for a while when he saw the steward of the dining room. He knelt on the ground and became afraid in his heart. He also knew Huang Shisan's identity at this moment.He was afraid that Huang Shisan would punish him instead, so he kowtowed and begged for mercy like the steward of the dining room, "I'm so young that I don't know Mount Tai, so I kowtow to you, Young Master Thirteen, to apologize! Please forgive me, Young Master Thirteen." It's a small one."

Huang Shisan whipped the whip to the man's leg, and he sneered, "Oh, you are quick to admit your mistakes, but I don't care about your business. You are just here to deliver the food. Deliver the food, take it Just leave the money. Don’t you come back tomorrow? When you deliver the food tomorrow, I’ll get back the lost money and give it to you.”

"Thank you Thirteenth Young Master! Thank you Young Master!"

The man who delivered the food scrambled and pushed the cart and left.

"Have you all heard it?" Huang Shisan turned around with a whip and looked fiercely at the cooks lying on the ground, "If you can't find out who took the money today, you guys Guy just wait to move my head!"

Huang Shisan wanted to put pressure on the cooks to force the person who stole the money to jump out, but the cooks kneeling on the ground didn't say a word, which made Huang Shisan a little distressed for a while.

"I see that you are like this, and you can't draw any conclusions. How about I give you time to discuss it!" Huang Shisan raised his hand and cast the picture of the Emperor of Martial Arts, which quickly condensed into a fist beside the stove. sized ice cubes.Huang Shisan pointed to the piece of ice and said to the cooks present, "Find out the person who stole the money before this piece of ice melts. I don't care what method you use, or when the time comes, you manager You will be guilty."

Before the steward of the dining room responded, Huang Shisan continued, "I'll go outside to get some fresh air. You guys can chat casually. When the time is almost up, I will naturally come in."

After saying these words, Huang Shisan also turned his head and left the dining room.

The steward of the dining room also wiped away his tears and saliva after Huang Shisan left, and then became angry instantly. He shouted, "Who is it! Who is it!"

"The steward..." A cook was about to speak, but the steward rushed over and grabbed him by the collar.

The dining room yelled at the cook: "Who the hell took the money! Come out soon! Hand over the money!"

The cooks who were far away also started talking at this time, "Yeah, who got the money? Don't implicate everyone!"

One of the cooks suddenly grabbed the collar of the other cook, "Is it you boy! Manager, if it wasn't for the fat man's money, it must be him. I see him dangling in front of the cabinet every day!"

"It's not me, don't slander me! You must be the villain who sued first!"

"You stole it!"

"I said you stole it!"

"Stop making noise!" The steward of the dining room was already trembling with frightened legs, he had to find a way to solve the problem in front of him, and he found it soon.

"It's not an option to go on like this. Let's do a body search and take out everything you bring with you! Let me see all the money you bring."

Some cooks did not dare to disobey the steward's order, and they all obediently took out all the things they carried with them.

"Okay, you go there! Next!"

One person after another, the efficiency is also very fast.

Some of them asked Zhou Jiang who was beside him, "Zhou Jiang, what's the matter with you? Your face is so red, are you sick?"

Zhou Jiang swallowed, and he said hoarsely, "Maybe I didn't sleep well last night."

The man suddenly said, "By the way, didn't you also come to the dining room last night? Did you see who took the money?"

Zhou Jiang smiled reluctantly, "That bumpkin was here last night, who else could it be? You don't doubt me anymore, you are not a brother at all."

The person next to Zhou Jiang quickly denied, "I'm not suspicious of you, can't you see the situation now? That thirteenth young master is here to protect the fat man! Hey, do you think this bumpkin from the countryside is really a bit What kind of power is it, look at how nervous and frightened our steward is."

The man and Zhou Jie hadn't finished talking when the kitchen steward came over angrily, "What are you two talking about here? Take out everything and let me have a look!"

The man obediently handed over all his belongings.

"Okay!" After letting the man go, the dining room steward saw that Zhou Jiang was not cooperating and quickly asked, "Where's yours, Zhou Jiang? Take it out quickly!"

"That's all for me." Zhou Jiang put some useless gadgets in front of him and showed them to the steward.

"Do you carry such a stinky flagon with you? Open the pockets of your trousers on both sides and let me look inside." The steward of the dining room glanced at Zhou Jiang and still found something unusual. "There's something in your trouser leg! Hand it over quickly!"

"No." Zhou Jiang quickly took out a bag of things from his trousers and hugged it in his arms to protect it.

"What do you mean!" It was the first time that the dining room steward saw that Zhou Jiang would resist him, pretending to be annoyed.

"Hey, Zhou Jiang! What do you mean!" The dining room steward hadn't asked clearly before he was about to reach out to grab Zhou Jiang.

Zhou Jiang dodged sideways and then ran away with the ball in his arms.

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