Yun Qishen

Chapter 1883 Nightmare

"That's all the little one knows." Yuebai told Yun Qishen everything she knew.

Yun Qishen nodded and sat down at the table. He raised his legs and turned to Yuebai, "It turns out that Huang Wuchen was framed, but the person who framed him may not necessarily be Huang Jingyang and Huang Zhengyan."

Yuebai was sitting on the bed at the moment, looking at Yun Qishen's serious thinking, and continued, "It's just that Fifth Young Master has always been suspicious of Eldest Young Master and Second Young Master. Although other people have doubts, they are not as persistent as Fifth Young Master." Pass."

Yun Qishen leaned his elbow against the table, and gently dragged his chin with this hand. He first glanced at the doctor, then turned his head and asked Yuebai, "What is the ability of Huang Wenxuan's Divine Martial Emperor Picture?"

Yuebai replied seriously, "Fifth Young Master's ability is the power of spells, just like setting a curse seal on the back of your neck, Ninth Young Master. Fifth Young Master can fully use the spell only after drawing this mark with strength. Powerful. Although the Huang family will not mention some things, the fifth young master did kill a few people with this ability. This matter is a family scandal, so only a few people know about it."

Yun Qishen didn't expect that this Huang Wenxuan would actually do harm to others.

Yuebai continued, "If you really want to talk about the degree of danger, the tenth young master is more dangerous. After all, he can't control his power, but the fifth young master can control his own power at will. It's just that the fifth young master is paralyzed because of his lower limbs. It also lost most of its abilities at the same time."

"Hey, if we only talk about the loss of power, then Huang Wenxuan is still a pretty miserable person." Yun Qishen said in a blink of an eye, "But since he can control it, the people he harmed back then are no accidents. .”

Yun Qi pondered deeply for a moment and asked Xiang Yuebai again, "Yuebai, who among the Huang family has a better relationship with him?"

Yuebai blinked and replied, "Although the fifth young master usually looks approachable, except for his servant Xu You, there is no one who is closer to him. The young masters and young ladies of the Huang family come alone They go a lot, and the only ones who are close to each other are the sixth young master and the seventh young lady who are brothers and sisters besides the eldest and second young masters..."

"Okay, I see." Yun Qishen nodded first, but soon he noticed the confusion on the faces of Yuebai and the doctor, "What's wrong? I think you look like you're hiding something from me, doctor." Your face is also weird."

The doctor sighed helplessly after listening to Yun Qishen's words, "Hey, that's what happened. Not long after the ten young masters left, the sixth young master and the seventh young lady came."

"What are they here for?" Although Yun Qishen had never met the Sixth Young Master and Seventh Miss that the doctor was talking about.But he could tell that the visitor was not kind.

"I want the elixir that the thirteenth young master gave you before." Yuebai said after talking to the doctor, "Didn't the ninth young master give some to the tenth young master today? They seem to have taken it away too, saying they want it Use these to save the Thirteenth Young Master."

The doctor also followed up and said, "Yuefeng was not there at the time, and you had just left, so we gave them all the pills because we were afraid of being exposed."

Yun Qishen became more curious as he listened, and he asked aloud, "Save Huang Shisan? What's wrong with him?"

Seeing Yun Qishen turned his head to look at him, the doctor waved his hand in refusal, "Don't look at me, I have never seen Young Master Thirteen before, his illness was all helped by the servants in Thirteen's House for treatment."

"Why is everyone sick?" Yun Qishen couldn't help but spit out.

Yue Bai was so teased that she laughed out loud, "Ha, you are right to say that, Young Master Ninth."

Yun Qi took a deep breath and came back seriously, "So what's wrong with Huang Shisan?"

"Master Thirteen was kidnapped five years ago." Yue Bai replied very quickly.

After listening deeply, Yun Qi pondered, "Five years ago, Huang Shisan must have been about ten years old."

Yuebai narrated, "To be precise, he was 11 years old. Anyway, at the wife's birthday party of the Thirteenth Hospital that year, a maid poisoned the meal, which stunned most of the Huang family, and took advantage of the chaos. Abduct the thirteenth young master."

While talking, Yuebai lowered his eyes, he seemed to be hiding something in this part of the story, "When the Huang family found the thirteenth young master again, he was already poisoned and deprived of most of the emperor's map. It took two years for the restless power in his body to be completely subsided."

Yun Qishen nodded slightly and then asked again, "So once his condition worsens, he needs to be treated by attendants?"

This time it was Yuebai's turn to nod, "That's true, but we don't know exactly how much the thirteenth young master's illness has deteriorated."

After thinking about it, Yun Qishen also felt that there is nothing wrong with missing a life-saving elixir, and the medicine should be used on those who really need him, "Then it's okay to give him this life-saving elixir."

But Yuebai had a hard time, "But if this is the case, how will you be better tomorrow, young master?"

The great doctor also waved his hands and shook his head at this moment, "This old man's ability is limited, so you can't let you meet General Huang with a sigh of relief, this old man..."

Yun Qishen directly interrupted the doctor and said, "Let's say that you have developed a medicine that can strengthen the healing of flesh and blood with what you have learned all your life!"

The big doctor opened his eyes in surprise, "This...isn't right. If General Huang wants evidence, I won't be able to give it."

Yun Qi stood up with a deep smile and came to the doctor, "It's okay, I'll teach you how to do it!"

"What?" The doctor was quite surprised by Yun Qishen's words so easily.

Yun Qishen turned his head and hurriedly told Yuebai who was on the bed, "Yuebai, go out and find something for me with Yuefeng. If someone checks on you, say it's the medicine ordered by the great doctor."

"Yes, Young Master Ninth." Yue Bai lifted the quilt, got off the bed and left the room.

The big doctor here also stood up and bowed his hands to Yun Qishen, "The old man is here to thank Master Ninth for his help."

With a deep smile, Yun Qi put his hands on the doctor's arm and helped him up, "You have been tired these days, doctor. You helped me. This junior should repay you. It's just such a small pill refining method, doctor, don’t give up on it.”

"Don't dislike it, don't dislike it."

How could a great doctor dare to dislike him, it was too late for him to be happy.

"Oh, by the way, I heard that you have been practicing medicine outside the country for many years, and you have seen a lot. Is there anything rare and strange? Can you tell me about it?"

Yun Qishen's sudden change of subject made the doctor a little dazed, but soon the doctor came back to his senses and asked back, "Why is Master Ninth listening to this?"

Yun Qi smiled smugly, "Thinking about making some ideas for tomorrow's meal."

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