Yun Qishen

Chapter 1888 Nightmare

After putting down the jug, Emperor Shenwu lay down on the bench in the pavilion. Feeling the cool night breeze, Emperor Shenwu hummed a tune with some enjoyment. Then he suddenly thought of something and asked Xiang Nieqi, "Yes Oh, I heard you humming a tune when I came here just now. What is it? Can you hum it to me in its entirety?"

Nie Qi glanced sideways at Emperor Shenwu and smiled slightly, "I also learned the Xiaodao from my sweetheart, and the singing is not good."

"Ha, what? This should be hidden too?" Emperor Shenwu even thought in his heart that Ei Qi had hidden his feelings for the other party too tightly.

"Not really, since Emperor Shenwu wants to listen, the little Taoist just hum a little." Ei Qi knew what kind of welcome he was in now, and it would not do him any good not to please Emperor Shenwu, in order to be better here To carry out his plan, he could only let go and persist.

Hearing the melodious tune of Evil Qi, Emperor Shenwu couldn't help sighing again, "This tune is too sad."

Nai Qi slowly stopped humming and explained, "After all, this song tells a tragic story."

Emperor Shenwu became curious, "Can you tell me the story?"

Ei Qi raised his eyebrows, and the evil red under his eyes flashed a trace of wariness, "Shenwu Emperor, do you believe in past and present lives? Or do you believe that fate is arranged by someone from beginning to end?"

Emperor Shenwu replied, "This king is more inclined to believe in past and present lives. You ask this, is it related to the story?"

"There is a certain relationship..." Seeing that Emperor Shenwu didn't awaken his self-awareness, Xie Qi let go of his worries. He cleared his throat and told the story of the so-called past life, "In a country called Gu Ao, there was a A very strict king, the king also has a beloved daughter. The king even gave all his kindness to the princess, and then the king got an elixir for the princess."

Hearing here, Emperor Shenwu burst out laughing, "Elixir of life? Is it so magical? Then King Gu Ao was fooled by others, right? How can there be any elixir of life in this world?"

Ei Qi shook his head flatly, "No, King Gu Ao succeeded, and his elixir of life is real."

"Then where did he get the elixir?" Emperor Shenwu became more concerned about Ei Qi's answer.

Nai Qi replied, "The king did it himself."

Emperor Shenwu snorted in surprise, and sat up from the bench, "He made it himself! Does it really have the effect of immortality? Then what? Did the princess live after taking the elixir?"

Nai Qi's mind recalled the appearance of the green-gray-haired ancestor when he and Yun Qishen were protecting him and Yun Qishen.

"It's not the princess who took the medicine, but someone else."

"This sounds really interesting." Emperor Shenwu simply moved to Nie Qi's side and listened seriously.

Nai Qi felt the pressure of Emperor Shenwu's approaching ability, and it took a while to get used to it, "The appearance of the elixir of life has been known by some caring people, and there are many more people in the world who want to live forever, so they are in the princess. On the day she got married, she broke into Gu Ao's palace and stole the elixir of life."

The face under the mask of Emperor Shenwu curled his lips slightly, "Well, the story is such a story...then what is the relationship between this story and the love between immortals and immortals you just sang?"

"Emperor Shenwu, don't worry, listen to Xiaodao and speak slowly." Ei Qi chuckled a few times before continuing, "This princess was ordered by the king to marry into the ghost kingdom. As long as the princess has status, the ancient Ao will also become stronger and stronger. The medicine of immortality is the selfishness of the king who wants the princess to live forever. He is a selfish father but also a cruel king. The king wants the princess to live forever, so Gu Ao will become stronger."

"But the princess, the princess didn't want to marry the ghost country at all, so her maid offered to pretend to be the princess and get on the float. Everything went smoothly. No one should find out that the princess was replaced by the maid, but it turned out that Because of the troubles of those who wanted to steal the elixir mentioned earlier, the maid was exposed in the float where everyone sent the princess to get married."

Emperor Shenwu became nervous, "Did the maid be killed? Or was she taken back for questioning?"

Ei Qi sighed slightly, "Nothing, the maid was rescued by a young general of Gu Ao. The two of them were about to elope, but how could the king let them go so easily? Ordered the execution of the maid and the general.

It was at this time that the young general's body was occupied by the demonic energy in his body and turned into a very dangerous abyss monster. "

Emperor Shenwu just felt that this story became more and more absurd, "So what? How could a person suddenly become a monster? Could it be his ability?"

"No, there were two kinds of people living in Gu Ao at that time, one was ordinary people and the other was demons." Evil Qi explained.

Emperor Shenwu then asked curiously, "Then is there any difference between them?"

"The blood of the devil is black and has a strong self-healing ability. Therefore, the king of Gu Ao used the flesh and blood of the devil to refine it into an elixir of life, and left the young general alone to let him Became a medicine man." Ei Qi replied patiently.

Emperor Shenwu nodded slightly, and he asked again, "What is a medicine man?"

Nai Qi continued his narration, "People who have been irrigated with various medicines to grow up are medicine people. To put it bluntly, they are people who test medicine. Pass.

Going back to the story, as a medicine man, he was rescued and then became a general, but he was too crazy as a general, and if he was not careful, he would turn into a monster that eats people and does not spit out bones on the battlefield.

The young general fought heroically on the battlefield, and was admired by the princess maid, and the two even secretly made a private decision for life.But Gu Ao has a rule that the maids of the princess cannot marry anyone in this life. They are the princess's servants forever and must obey the princess forever.

So the maid and the general could only meet and chat in private, and the maid even designed a dance for the general to watch.

But because of the accident of the princess's marriage, the maid's life was in danger. In order to protect the maid, the general had to fight against Gu Ao's soldiers. Pride was completely destroyed by it. "

Emperor Shenwu folded his arms across his chest, his attitude was obviously a little displeased, "No matter how you look at it, it's all about that princess's problem. If it wasn't for this princess's nature, this kind of problem wouldn't have happened."

Evil Qi shook his head and replied, "The princess just did what a princess would do. She has no problems. The source of all evil is actually because of that elixir of life." (End of this chapter)

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