Yun Qishen

Chapter 1894 Nightmare

Chapter 1894 Nightmare (60)

"Hey." Yun Qi sighed deeply and shook his head

Seeing Yun Qi sighing deeply, the steward of the dining room slipped his words, "Chef Gou, are you tired? Sit down and have a rest!"

Yun Qishen waved his hands, "No need, keep working, if you are tired, take a break first."

The person in charge still had a flattering look, "We are not tired, you are not tired all the time, why are we tired, aren't we!"

"Yes, yes, yes." The cook who responded took up a large part.

Yun Qishen couldn't help admiring these cooks.

Oh, this group of people really flatter others...

Before Yun Qishen sighed for a long time, a familiar aura sounded the alarm in his mind.

Wait, this breath is——

Yun Qishen turned around and ran out of the dining room, this action also frightened the steward.

The steward yelled questions at Yun Qishen who was running away, "Chef Gou, what happened?"

"I suddenly thought of something, I'll go out and take a look first!" The moment the voice disappeared, Yun Qishen's figure also disappeared from the dining room.


"Oops, something happened." When Hei Ying turned to the next page of his notebook, his face suddenly turned pale with fright.

Mo Langqin turned his attention to Sombra's concerned question, "What's the matter?"

Hei Ying approached Mo Langqin with a notebook and said, "Everything behind the text has become blank!"

"What?!" Mo Langqin also grabbed the notebook in a panic and looked at it. He then patted Taisi in front of the computer where the character setting was written, "Hey Qin Shou! Haven't you written the character setting yet?"

Tai Si gave Mo Langqin a blank look, and then pressed Enter on the keyboard, "My name is Tai Si!"

It was rare for Mo Langqin to be so anxious, "What the hell, just tell me if the character you designed is good or not?"

Tai Si sighed helplessly, "The character is set, you have seen this fact, this thing can't live at all. Look, he didn't come to me either!"

Heiying stood aside and rubbed his hands anxiously, "What can I do? Now the contents of the book have completely disappeared, and I don't even know what's going on in it now."

Taiji turned the swivel chair to face Soi Ying, "So I said, since this method doesn't work, I should ask the lawyer to come back. After all, he is the only one known to have this ability now, isn't he?"

He then pointed to the computer screen behind him with his thumb, "Although I can create characters, I can also write novels. But I am not as lucky as him and can make the characters in my novels come to reality."

The black shadow pondered for a moment, and then said, "Why don't we go in too?"

Mo Langqin folded his arms on his chest and yelled at the black shadow, "Are you stupid? If we go in, we will die."

After Mo Langqin finished speaking, he picked up the pen and wanted to write on the book. When the black shadow saw it, he hurriedly said, "Do you want to write on it? I tried it just now, and the written words will disappear soon."

Although Mo Langqin heard Heiying's words, he still wrote a paragraph in the book, "What the young master wants is this, since it wants to devour the plot so much, then give it all the miscellaneous plots." In the past, let it eat until it vomits."

Soi Ying frowned worriedly, "But if we do this, will it affect my female cousin?"

Mo Langqin stopped writing and held his mouth slightly, "I think it shouldn't be affected."

Heiying took a deep breath, then snatched the blank book back, "What about the characters in other novels? Are they going to perish along with those words? Isn't it a bit..."

Mo Langqin interrupted Hei Ying and said, "Master can't think of any other way now."

Heiying closed the book and said, "Except for Taiji, there are many writers in this world, and it is not necessarily only Ritsu who can create miracles. There must be other people who are characters in novels like us. The world is so Big, sure to find one."

"Hmm..." Mo Langqin fell silent, but the sound of the environment became harsh.

Taiji rolled his eyes as if thinking of something, "Yan... this name is really common."

As soon as Qin Shou said this, Mo Langqin suddenly spoke up, "Qin Shou, you said that you plagiarized so many novels, but you didn't find a setting similar to this character in the novels?"

Qin Shou gave Mo Langqin a white look, "I didn't plagiarize."

Who would believe it...

Mo Langqin smiled and complained in his heart.

Qin Shou coughed twice and continued, "Let me analyze the characters with this name for you. Their existence must be related to dreams. After all, nightmares are nightmares, and only when there are dreams can there be nightmares. They are also more able to find people's dreams." Weaknesses, and a better understanding of what people want. They're a nightmare to keep people from getting what they want."

Soi Ying immediately understood, "So he collected a lot of space crystals, just to lure Ei Qi to cooperate with him, but didn't he think about giving these crystals to Ei Qi?"

Mo Langqin followed up with the analysis, "So from the beginning, the goal of this nightmare is not a space spar, nor is it devouring any plot text."

Hei Ying slapped the table, "He wants to turn Evil Qi into an existence like him!"

Mo Langqin frowned, "So it's hard for my son to enter this plot to find evil spirit..."

Heiying looked at the blank book in his hand in surprise, "I've been tricked! My cousin is in danger! Let's go to the lawyer for help!"

"We can't find him now, why don't we find a way by ourselves." Mo Langqin stopped the black shadow who was about to leave.

Soi Ying blamed, "Don't you have nothing to do? Why don't you let me find it?"

At this time, Taiji said again, "Well, I think, maybe we can go deeper into this issue in a different direction. Since we have no way to influence the plot of this book through other texts, then let's find this character nightmare The book that should have existed."

Mo Langqin turned his head to look at Tai Temple, and said with a serious expression, "Go and find the author who created this nightmare, right?"

Tai Si nodded, "That's right!"

Hei Ying also asked worriedly, "But the sea of ​​people is huge, can we really find someone in a short time? Besides, we don't know how far that person is from us."

"On the one hand, we can only trust Yun Qishen, on the other hand, how can we say no if we don't try." Tai Si turned back to the computer and opened a novel forum website, "I know there is a novel discussion forum that is still It’s quite well-known, so I’ll use my trumpet to post a post in it to spark a fight, and someone will naturally tell us the clues!”

"Is it really that fast?" Heiying moved to the computer with the book in his arms.

Mo Langqin raised his hand and patted Hei Ying's shoulder, "Hei Ying, I advise you to look forward. The reality is not as simple as the world in the novel world. There are wars everywhere in this reality, and the result is nothing but life and death."

(End of this chapter)

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