Yun Qishen

Chapter 192 The Coronation Ceremony of the Demon Lord!

Chapter 192 The Coronation Ceremony of the Demon Lord! (2)
I just received the news that someone from the demon clan broke the barrier of the border.Although it won't have any effect on Jiangbang, Laia said that I must go back and hold another coronation ceremony. If the Silver Bracers are successfully summoned, it may strengthen the border of Jiangbang.

Because the current barrier was set by Taki Qianye, but he has already...

"It's not too late to go back now. Come and catch Benlong..."

?Wouldn't it be better to just use the body-piercing space spell to go back?Besides...

"Do you have to leave at this time? Don't even say goodbye to them?" I just finished packing, and I still want to rest.

"Now that you've decided, don't hesitate to neglect... It's up to you sooner or later. Besides, you can afford it, Jiangbang can't afford it, let alone that stubborn idiot." Taki Yunhua approached me and touched it with her hand. Touching my cheek, "I will teach you a powerful summoning spell... Spiritual Dao has also taught you summoning spells. You just need to change the second half of the sentence to what I said will surely be able to summon the Silver Bracers. Maybe there will be more Even more amazing things."

Taki Yunhua approached my ear to teach the spell, and I could feel her breath clearly.If I thought before, I'd be happy to faint now.But now I really don't have that feeling anymore...

Taki Yunhua taught me to play and pushed my chest, and my whole body was pressed against Lai.

Laia instantly became bigger and took me soaring into the sky.

Hello! !I don't want to stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun! !
Taki Yunhua waved goodbye. Their purpose was to let the immortals at the foot of the mountain see Laia, the demon dragon, leaving Jingling Mountain to lure a group of immortals to the borderlands, and temporarily confront the demons with the hands of immortals.

Naturally, there were Xiandao disciples following us, and Lai A deliberately flew low to let them find it.In the white environment of the sky, with the obvious existence of black, Lai A was not less attacked, and it was natural that Lai A's defense resisted the attack.

After the temptation, Lea roared at the sky ahead, and a black vortex absorbed us all.In an instant, we arrived at the Demon King City of Jiangbang.

"Congratulations to the devil!"

"Congratulations to the devil!"

The Demon Envoy Tatum and the Demon Chief Envoy of Qiu Xiangqiu saluted me.Leia shrunk on my shoulders.

"You all know about my return?" I had no choice but to sit on the throne (otherwise there is no place to sit, should I stand??).

"The incident happened suddenly, and the coronation ceremony is already in a hurry, and it was decided to hold it tomorrow." Tatum's dark skin is really... very healthy compared to the envoy of haters.

"The devil wants to say that I am black, but I will not be angry." As a result, Tatum spoke.

Oh my god, I forgot that he can spy on the heart.

"The devil... I want the devil to meet someone before I explain the silver bracers."

The envoy of Qiu Mo bowed his hands and saluted. I was a little uncomfortable when he spoke so seriously and called him so formal.

Like the alcoholic old man, the long envoy liked to add baby boy to the end of the name.Speaking of which, what happened to the drunk old man in Guiyou City, did he find the ghost gate...

"It seems that the devil has already found the magic envoy..." Tatum straightened up with a meaningful smile, which made me elusive, but I couldn't spy on his heart.

I nodded and agreed to let the envoy of the evil demon bring people in.

It was a child with those red Hiaka flowers in his hands.

I suddenly felt like I was about to yawn, and suddenly my eyes felt uncomfortable.

But the child in front of him had the appearance of Taki Qianye, but his actions and expressions were empty.

"This..." I couldn't speak for a while, and I didn't know if it was because of joy.

"Originally, all the Hiaka flowers in the underground withered, but just a few days ago, the Hiaka flowers reopened, and it was the servant who found him. At that time, he was holding the Hai Akko flowers in his hand and didn't say a word." Toum approached the child and pulled him over.

I hurriedly went up to see him, by the way...the seeds...the seeds that I owe me...

Damn... no... I clearly have something to keep...

I touched the child's face, and I was sure that the child was not Taki Qianye. His face was intact, and now it looked like an empty puppet.

I really couldn't bear to look at him again, and just as he was about to leave, this child pulled my sleeve, and he held Hai Ake Hua's hand and stretched out towards me.

"No... cry... flowers for you..." can I cry to a child, what kind of flowers do I want as a big man...

"Monarch, you did cry." Tatum said.

"Got it!!" You don't need to spy on my thoughts!

I really didn't feel good in my heart, and when I saw this child gave me his life - Hai Ake in his hand, my mood became even more unstable.

"The devil..." The envoy Qiu Mo quickly pulled the child away, "This servant knows how much the death of the holy son will hurt the devil, but this child also asks the devil not to let him become the next holy son."

I was stunned, the envoy of the hated demon thought of me so much?
"Chou Mo, don't worry, I will never let him go the way of Taki Qianye... By the way, does this child have a name?" I had no choice but to go back to the throne.

"He doesn't have a name, but the servant wants to use the name of the Holy Son..."

"Alright..." I interrupted before the Chief Envoy Qiu Mo finished speaking, "I'll ask Tatum about the silver bracer, Prime Minister Qiu, take the child Qianye and leave first."

"It's the minister who takes the lead!" The envoy Qiu Mo and Lai went down with the puppet-like child.

But the child looked at me motionless, and the envoy of the evil demon had nothing to do.

"Can I still... can... find you...?"

The child has some difficulty speaking.

I nodded at the child, and he left with the envoy of Qiu Mo.

When I was left with Tatum and I, I relaxed for a moment.

"The purpose of the devil only leaving me is not just for the silver bracer." Tatum is really smart.


"Is it for the alcoholic's demon? He's used to it. Besides, he's not a demon in Xinjiang, so let him do some things." Tatum paused, "Then you want to ask me to manage What happened at the time? Or the barrier breakthrough."

"I didn't expect that you can get a rough idea without the technique of peeping your heart." I really admire him a little bit.

"This is nothing to admire or not admire. If you always rely on the technique of peeping to understand all of a person, I don't think it is possible here." These words do not match the appearance of a teenager here in Tatum.

And what he said doesn't make sense. I should also abandon the technique of peeping my heart and get to know others well.

"Forget it... Since you know and don't make it clear to me, you don't want to tell me, so you can tell me about the silver bracers." I didn't bother to ask him, because even if I asked, I wouldn't be able to ask anything. Come.

Tatum smiled knowingly, his golden eyes flashing with a shrewd look.

Silver Bracers here...

(End of this chapter)

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