Yun Qishen

Chapter 1920 Nightmare

The golden lotus bloomed together with the purple lotus, and the silk threads were intertwined as tightly as a dense spider web.

Instead, the spider's torso is bound by silk threads, and the hunter descends from his high position and becomes the prey.The green snake curled up on its prey and bit into it, its fangs covered with black blood.

The red snakehead gently clicks on the prey's fur to find the easiest place to bite.

The blooming lotus begins to fade, everything around it begins to melt, and no matter how weird the scenery is, it will eventually enter the whirlpool of reality.


"Hiss..." Yun Qishen gritted his teeth and subconsciously touched the back of his neck with his hand, "Meow, he is a dog!"

Looking at the black blood cloud on his fingertips, his face was full of irritation.

However, Ji Qi was sitting cross-legged obediently on the side and looking very satisfied.Yun Qishen seemed to be able to see a pink flower growing on the gray-green hair.

Yun Qi gave Xiqi a deep white look.

Xie Qi continued to smile.

Yun Qishen opened his mouth and cursed Ji Qi.

Xie Qi continued to smile.

"I'm afraid you're really stupid." Yun Qishen glanced to the side with disgusted eyes, and simply stopped looking at Zuo Qi's stupid look at this time.

However, Hao Qi still maintained the same smile as before.

After arranging his clothes, Yun Qishen transformed back into the fat cook again. He kicked Su Qi's back and said, "Stop being silly and talk about business!"

"The Demon Lord is still..."

"Meow, can you be more serious?"

"Don't be so shy~"

"I'm so shy, you idiot!"

Saying that, Yun Qishen kicked Zuo Qi again on the back.

Zuoqi really just got the advantage and behaved well. Yun Qishen had been holding back his anger since just now.

"I'm talking about that evil wind."

Yun Qishen crossed his arms and frowned.

Ji Qi took out the Jinhua egg that locked the evil wind and used his telekinesis spell to release the evil wind.But because of the Jinhua Egg's ability, this demonic wind cannot escape even if it is released.

But the demon wind didn't know this. As soon as it was released, it banged around, until it was exhausted, Yun Qishen didn't speak.

"Have you bumped enough? Come down and chat for a while, brother!"

After noticing Yun Qishen's words, the demon wind was stunned at first, because it did not sense any power from the two people below.But he felt that the auras of the two people below him were very similar, as if a force had branched into two individuals.

Could it be that one of them is the incarnation of the other.

Yaofeng was wary and did not dare to talk to Yun Qishen and the two of them.

"We just want to ask you something. If you don't come down and talk to us, don't blame us for dragging you down!"

As he spoke, threads began to appear around Yun Qishen.

At this time, Hao Qi joked from the side, "The little Taoist priest's wrist is still hurting~"

"Meow, why didn't I cut your aorta directly?" Yun Qishen glanced at Zuo Qi and his expression automatically turned into a look of disgust, "Can you be more normal in a normal situation?" "Okay! This is normal, little Taoist!"

Hao Qi then stopped smiling at Yun Qishen and raised his head to look at Yaofeng on the beam.

"Come down."

Ji Qi just said something lightly, and Yaofeng suddenly felt a huge pressure pressing him down from top to bottom.

"How could this happen! Who are you?" Yaofeng was completely panicked at this time, "What kind of evil magic was used in this!"

Yun Qishen's silk threads were instantly entangled with the demonic wind. Through the effect of the mind-exploring spell, Yun Qishen also understood the structure of the demonic wind.

Although this demonic wind looks almost transparent, what is wrapped in it is indeed a living body. It seems that the ability of this demonic wind hides its true body.Protected by the shell of the demon wind, the power of Shenwu Huangtu would be difficult to harm the real body behind the strong wind shell.

But the power of Yun Qishen and Xie Qi is not the Divine Martial Emperor Picture. Yun Qishen only instilled the magic power to break the disguise on the silk thread, and the shell of the evil wind was broken through in the blink of an eye.

The shell exploded, and a middle-aged man emerged from the demonic wind. This man was wearing shorts and long trousers, and his body was clean. He didn't look like some country bandit, but rather like someone who ran business all year round. .

"This..." Yaofeng himself was so surprised that he was speechless. After all, this was the first time he had seen someone break through his Guangfeng disguise easily.

"Can you tell me what you want to do with Huang Shisan?"

"Why should I tell you?"

"Aren't you stupid? Look at the current situation. If you don't tell us, your life will be in danger." Yun Qishen said easily, but Yaofeng's face was full of disdain.

"Oh, I'm not afraid of death, you can just come!"

Yun Qishen almost couldn't help laughing when he heard this. Isn't he afraid of death?If you're not afraid of death, why don't you put a shield on yourself?Laughing to death.

"Since you are so uncooperative, I will use my own way."

I saw Yun Qishen's eyes staring at the Yaofeng body, and the Yaofeng body's eyes also turned golden along with Yun Qishen.

"We need Huang Shisan's power to help us open a door."

The controlled Yaofeng body directly told Yun Qishen what he wanted to know.

"What door is it?"

"It is a door that can lead to a wealthy paradise. As long as you pass through that door, you can obtain endless wealth and be carefree. You can also get magic medicine there, which will protect you from illness and pain throughout your life, and you can even... Give us great strength.”

Yun Qishen raised his head and looked at Zuo Qi. Zuo Qi smiled in response and then continued to ask Yun Qishen's question, "How can I open this door?"

"We need Huang Shisan..." Yaofeng said, "We need to take away Huang Shisan's Divine Martial Emperor Picture from his body, and then use his blood to refine the artifact key. According to our chief priest, only Huang Shisan can Only the skin and bones can guide us to the paradise of abundance.”

"Why does it have to be Huang Shisan?" Yun Qishen crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"Actually, there is another person who is also our target."

"who is it?"

"Qibel, but Qibel has disappeared. We can't find her now and can only use Huang Shisan more comprehensively."

Why is there still Qibel?Yun Qishen continued to ask the demonic body with doubts, "What are you using Qi Beier for?"

Yaofeng's main body said, "The priest said that Qibel's body has the ability to purify all the Divine Martial Emperor's Diagram. As long as Qibel's power is there, when he refines Huang Shisan into the artifact key, he will not be affected by the Divine Martial Emperor's Diagram. He ran away and died violently.”

Hao Qi looked at Yun Qishen and nodded slightly, "So Qi Beier is a power regulator?"

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