Yun Qishen

Chapter 1939 Nightmare

Not long after Luo Xiao and the woman left the village and entered the woods, the woman's sensitive ears quickly detected some chaotic footsteps.

"There is a seems to be from that direction!"

Looking in the direction indicated by the woman, Luo Xiao immediately spotted a familiar figure, that was his three-year-old child Luo Jun'er.

"It's... Jun'er!" Luo Xiao ran in the direction of Jun'er, and he even shouted, "Jun'er!"

But Jun'er, who was running towards her, slowed down and became alert. She didn't recognize the guy calling her name in front of her, "Is this guy... here to catch me? I'll fight for it!"

Jun'er thought that he could run past Luo Xiao with his small body, but he bumped into Luo Xiao.

Luo Xiao happily hugged Jun'er, "Jun'er, you hurt me! Are you okay? Dad is worried to death!"

Jun'er pushed Luo Xiao and frowned, "Uncle, who are you? Let me go! Let me go!"

Luo Xiao was surprised and felt that Jun'er was scared, but he didn't particularly care when Jun'er spoke so fluently, "Jun'er! I'm your father! When did you speak so fluently! You see clearly that I am you father!"

Jun'er yelled again, "Smelly uncle! Damn uncle! If you don't let me go, your hand will fall off!"

But not only was nothing wrong with Luo Xiao, he hugged Jun'er even tighter, "Drop it! Didn't dad teach you not to say strange things? Why didn't you listen!"

This time it was Jun'er's turn to be confused, "Who the hell are you! Why is nothing wrong with you?"

"You kid, what are you talking about!"

Luo Xiao was still wondering, and the woman here came forward to touch Jun'er.

"Is she the one who can help me go back?" As soon as the woman's hand touched Jun'er, her arm was severed from the joints and fell to the ground. The woman screamed in horror, "Ah! My arm !My arm!"

Luo Xiao immediately said sternly to Jun'er, "Jun'er, let her hand recover quickly! Hurry!"

Jun'er pursed her lips and said unhappy, "Why? I told you not to touch me, but she insists on touching me. You can't blame me!"

"Be obedient, just say let her arm recover." Luo Xiao's attitude made Jun'er a little scared, but in the end she followed Luo Xiao's words.

"Get her arm back."

After Jun'er finished speaking, the woman saw her arm fly up and return to her body. In the blink of an eye, even the cut and blood were gone.

As soon as the woman recovered from the fright, a group of people's shouts came from not far away,

"The person is over there! Someone screamed just now!"

The people who captured Jun'er discovered them. Luo Xiao held Jun'er and pulled the woman aside, "Let's hide quickly! I know there is a hole near here. I often hide here when it rains." .”

By the time those chasing after them arrived, Luo Xiao and the others were no longer around.

"What about people?"

"You go search over there, we're going this way!"

"Baby, if I catch you, you'll be doomed!"

The kidnappers' voices were loud, and Jun'er heard them clearly. She stared at the kidnappers through the gap at the edge of the hole, muttering her dissatisfaction. "Tch! If you want to finish it, you finish it too!"

As soon as Jun'er finished speaking, the kidnapper who had just spoken slipped and his neck was directly bitten by the trap, "Uh-huh——"

In an instant there was no one left.

The kidnapper's fellow kidnappers heard the noise and came over to check on the situation.

"What's wrong! What happened!"

"Why is there a bear trap here? This..."

"That doll must be nearby! Damn it, catch her and skin her!"

At the same time, Luo Xiao also saw what happened just now. He looked at Jun'er in horror, "Jun'er, what on earth have you done! Tell dad, who caught you here?"

Jun'er raised his head and looked at Luo Xiao's tired and darkened face, which was also full of confusion, "Are you asking me? I don't know. I was here as soon as I opened my eyes! These guys beat me and scolded me, but they still force me He says some strange things to me, and it’s really annoying!”

"Then you can't... Well, it doesn't make sense to you since you are so young." Luo Xiao rubbed Jun'er's head and really didn't know how to talk to Jun'er.

Jun'er pouted irritably, "Don't look at me as young, I'm very smart!"

Luo Xiao showed a tired smile, "How come you are so smart that you don't even recognize your own father?"

Jun'er waved away Luo Xiao's rough hand and she shouted. "I... who knows if your uncle is cheating on me? If you really want me to remember you, why don't you let me say something! Let me remember you! Let me remember you! You see it's useless!"

The woman also calmed down at this time. She did not dare to touch Jun'er but put her hand in front of her mouth to remind, "Shh - someone is approaching!"

Luo Xiao also pulled Jun'er to hide in the dark cave.

"I just saw the footprints in this direction. How could there be no one there!" The black figure was approaching slowly with slow footsteps. Luo Xiao saw the right moment and pounced to knock the shadow to the ground.

"Let's see if I don't catch you! Tell me who asked you to catch Jun'er!" Luo Xiao started to beat someone, but the black shadow made a familiar voice.

"Luo Xiao, it's me, Jiao Aqiao! Jiao Aqiao!" This voice indeed belongs to the woodcutter Jiao Aqiao.

Luo Xiao couldn't see clearly the appearance of the person in front of him, so he had to use his hands to determine Jiao Aqiao's facial features. After confirming that it was really him, Luo Xiao asked, "Xiao Jiao? Why are you here?"

Jiao Aqiao replied, "Didn't something happen in the village? Something happened to Aunt Zhao, and I was afraid that you wouldn't be able to come back from the mountain, so I went out alone to look for Jun'er. I didn't see any footprints at the entrance of the cave. I thought there must be someone like this here. Why don't you come and take a look. Just what you said just now, what happened when someone arrested Jun'er? "

"It turns out it was a misunderstanding. You got up first. I thought it was those people just now. I'm really sorry."

Just as Luo Xiao was about to pull Jiao Aqiao up, a woman from the depths of the cave emerged and shouted, "Mr. Luo, don't believe this guy! I remembered seeing him at Liu Laodao's house. He was the one who planned to kill and kidnap whom. , I suspect that Jun'er was arrested by those people because it was his idea!"


Luo Xiao was also a little surprised. How could someone as honest as Jiao Aqiao plot to kidnap Jun'er?Who else did this woman say he wanted to kill?Could it be that you are talking about Aunt Zhao?
When Jiao Aqiao heard this, he also cursed, "What nonsense are you talking about, woman! How could I catch Jun'er! Don't spit on me!"

"That's so easy to say!" Jun'er also popped her head up. She raised her head and said proudly, "If anyone lies, all his teeth will fall out!"

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