Yun Qishen

Chapter 1942 Nightmare

Guo Lao looked at the monster's happy expression calmly. He walked towards the door and said, "Humph, didn't you notice?"

The monster stopped smiling and asked, "What did you find?"

There was a hint of calculation in the corner of Guo Lao's mouth, "A way to invalidate that girl's Divine Martial Emperor Picture."

"What is the method?" The monster's eyes were shining. In order to avenge its hatred, Jun'er was standing in front of it.

"Luo Xiao's approach." Guo Lao explained, "The more Luo Xiao touches Jun'er, the easier it is for Jun'er's spells to malfunction. Since Jun'er returned to Luo Xiao, the number of her failures has increased again and again. . So it’s not impossible for you to kill Jun’er.”

"I can't go and kill her every time. Emperor Shenwu even issued an order. If I go again, even you will have to be held accountable." The monster scratched back and forth on the scales of his arm with his hands irritably.

Guo Lao stopped at the door. He suddenly thought of a good idea, "Go and investigate who broke into the palace at night and stabbed Jun'er. We really need their cooperation."

"Okay, I'll give you an answer soon!" In the blink of an eye, the monster responded and disappeared in front of Guo Lao.

Looking at the green candlelight in the room, Guo Lao slowly retreated from the room.As the candles were extinguished one by one, Guo Lao's voice also faded away, "Huh, as long as we have the same goal, we can become short-term friends."


The next morning, Huang Mian and Lady Zhuo Ying stood guard outside the palace hall early in the morning. They were not admitted into the hall until Emperor Shenwu entered the throne.

"Huang Mian has met Emperor Shenwu, who has a salary of Shenwu." Huang Mian was wearing a plain glazed gold-edged gown, and like the female official Zhuo Ying beside him, she was also dressed more luxuriously.He stopped in the center of the hall and saluted Emperor Shenwu on the throne.

Female officer Zhuo Ying also cupped her hands slightly, "Official Zhuo Ying has met Emperor Shenwu, Shenwu's salary virtue."

"Shenwu's salary virtue." Emperor Shenwu changed into a mask that was more luxurious than the one he usually wears today. He slightly raised his hand to indicate that Huang Mian and Female Officer Zhuo Ying were on the same level, "The travels of the Emperor's sister and General Huang can also be regarded as It’s over, I haven’t spoken to you two face to face for some years.”

There was no smile on Huang Mian's face, but more of a serious look between a monarch and his ministers. "I am meeting Emperor Shenwu today. Firstly, I want to resolve my long-lost relationship, and secondly, I want to show my respect by offering him a mirage."

"I remember that this seems to be the bronze mirror that General Huang gave to the emperor's sister. It turns out that this is the legendary mirage weapon that can be seen anywhere from ancient times to the present." Emperor Shenwu couldn't say anything, he even felt It's normal for Huang Mian to be like this, after all, he himself, King Paili, went to the Huang family for this artifact.

However, the superficial skills are only used to conceal the truth that everyone knows. Emperor Shenwu said to the female official Zhuo Ying who presented the mirage, "Sister Huang is willing to give up her love to this king. This friendship should be given to me by this king." What can I pay in return?"

The attitude of the female officer Zhuoying was also cold, "We are all one family, and Emperor Shenwu may not be too clear about it. It's just a divine weapon, so there's no such thing as a gift of friendship.

Besides, Emperor Shenwu gave me a lot of objects. This artifact is just an ordinary bronze mirror used in this palace. If you use it as Emperor Shenwu, you will definitely be able to better utilize its value as an artifact. "

At this time, Ji Qi strode in from outside the hall, his voice loud and clear, "I also heard that this artifact needs to meet the person who consecrated it before it can exert its power. Just get close to it and let it shine." , then this person is the user chosen by the bronze mirror."

Emperor Shenwu on the throne was slightly surprised by Xie Qi's special attitude. It was the first time that he had seen Xie Qi express his attitude so loudly. Today he even spoke with an open voice and spoke so loudly.This was really the first time that Emperor Shenwu met Xi Qi since the day he met him.

The somewhat excited Emperor Shenwu was immediately attracted by Zuo Qi, "The guards Wu are back too. Judging from your look, could it be that something good happened to you?" "Shenwu Feng De." Zuo Qi greeted politely. He responded to Emperor Shenwu with a smile, "I'd better wait until you and General Huang and the others finish meeting."

"That's fine." Emperor Shenwu put aside his happy mood and continued to talk seriously with Huang Mian and Lady Zhuo Ying, "Well, it's not easy to enter the palace. You two might as well stay in the palace today. There are some things I would like to have a good chat with General Huang."

"I understand." Huang Mian glanced at Xie Qi and then saluted Emperor Shenwu with his hands raised.


At the same time, outside the main hall, Yun Qishen and Huang Shisan were among the people who came to the palace with Xi Qi and the others.

At this moment, Yun Qishen still transformed into the appearance of a fat cook, appearing extremely nervous.

Huang Shisan naturally thought that he was nervous, so he kindly talked to him to relieve his nervousness, "I didn't expect that the evil guard would bring you to the palace, but it's okay, let everyone in the palace have a taste of the delicious food."

Seeing Huang Shisan talking to him, Yun Qishen responded in a low voice like a fat cook, "Master Thirteen, have you forgive me?"

Huang Shisan gently scratched his cheek with his hand. He was slightly embarrassed. "The reason why you forgive or not is actually my fault. Forget it. I think this is the last time you come to the palace in your life. I will take you to get familiar with it first." I’m familiar with it, and I’ll help you find the location of the dining room.”

As he spoke, Huang Shisan waved his hand, motioning for Yun Qishen to follow him.

"Thank you, Master Thirteen."

Yun Qi took a deep look at the door of the main hall and followed Huang Shisan to the side.

As they walked, Huang Shisan muttered again, "It's just a little strange that the great doctor didn't come with the evil guard yesterday. Isn't he from the palace..."

Yun Qishen, who had heard Huang Shisan's words, was still acting, "Master Thirteen, what are you talking about?"

Huang Shisan waved his hands quickly, "It's nothing. Oh, by the way, let me remind you, there is such a tall girl in this palace. When you see her, try not to talk and work hard, and don't provoke her."

"Yes, yes, yes." Yun Qishen nodded quickly in response.

Huang Shisan turned to Yun Qishen with some doubts and asked, "Don't you ask why?"

Yun Qishen bowed his body and lowered his head, "Young man is just a servant. It's useless to ask so many questions."

"You understand." Huang Shisan raised his eyebrows, then he turned and walked a few steps to the other side, "I'll take you there to have a look. There is a forest over there. I was in the palace before. When I lived there, I often went there to practice archery. The dining room is not far over there, just through the woods. I happened to want to go there and have a look."

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