Yun Qishen

Chapter 1996 See above

The cold wind blew in at night, and there were scattered snowflakes in the air. Hitting Huang Jingyang's frown, he held the hilt of the sword and angrily returned to his bedroom. The concubines were all left to lecture by the female officer Zhuo Ying. He was destined to spend this night alone, and it was impossible to hug him from left to right. This made Huang Jingyang feel even more unhappy.

After closing the door, he threw the sword on the table, "Damn it! It must be the complaint filed by that good-for-nothing Old Nine. Even my mother is...damn it this time!"

Huang Jingyang kicked the stool next to him angrily. The dog named Thunder Wolf was shouting excitedly next to him. Among Huang Jingyang's dogs, only Thunder Wolf would stay by Huang Jingyang's bed.

"Wang! Wang Wang!"

Huang Jingyang yelled back irritably, "What are you talking about! Shut up!"

"Woof!" This dog is also very smart. It feels much better when it sees its master yelling at it.

Huang Jingyang approached Thunder Wolf and rubbed his neck with his hand, "Are you even going to laugh at me! Thunder Wolf!"

Seeing the right moment, Xiang used the thunder wolf's mouth to speak human words, "Do you want to become stronger?" Become stronger than anyone else and crush all those who look down on you. 】

"Huh? Who is talking?" Huang Jingyang became more wary after noticing Thunder Wolf's strange behavior. He slowly backed away and tentatively looked into Thunder Wolf's eyes, "Thunder Wolf, are you talking?"

Nightmare continued, [I am your god. I saw that you wanted to become stronger, so I came to help you. 】

Huang Jingyang's eyes moved, "Can I really become as strong as you say? Are you kidding me?"

[If you don’t believe it, just open your hand and take a look. 】

"Open your hand?" Huang Jingyang opened his hand, and then a translucent red elixir appeared in his palm. This was the elixir he wanted to get most recently, "Is this... seriously?" magic."

Seeing that Huang Jingyang took the bait, Yan became more active, "I can conjure what you want out of thin air. Do you believe that I am a god now?" I will give you power, supreme power, but I also have a request. ] Huang Jingyang raised his eyebrows, "Request? What request?"

[You should be able to kill Yun Qishen and Ji Qi, right? 】

After all, this is the true purpose of Xi, and Yun Qishen is unwilling to cooperate, so Zhi Qi cannot stay.

Huang Jingyang put his hand against his chin and thought for a moment, "Oh, I can kill that trash even without the strength you gave me. As for the evil one you are talking it the green-haired guard from before?"

【Yes. You have to prevent them from going to the Kingdom of Prosperity. Only in this way can I meet my requirements. 】

Nightmare thought that with Huang Jingyang's aggressive personality, he would definitely agree in order to pursue the ultimate power, but Nightmare saw a proud smile on Huang Jingyang's lips.

Huang Jingyang smiled and approached Thunder Wolf again, "I know your purpose. You want to use my hands to get rid of these two people. But why is this? Why should a loser like you be so afraid of a god? Today, Dad My dear, I just told you that I was bullying him, and I was worried about it. But a thing like you showed up again at night, maybe some people with good intentions came here to play tricks on me, right? Huh??!"

Seeing that the temptation failed, Xiang simply changed his aggressive tactics and said, "Are you really that incompetent?" Have you ever seen anyone with such power? It doesn't matter if you don't want to help me. At worst, you will just maintain the status quo. Afraid of this person, afraid of that person. I will never be able to hold my head high in front of your big brother. 】

These words completely angered Huang Jingyang. A ball of fire was born in Huang Jingyang's hands. He stared at the Thunder Wolf fiercely. He wanted to see clearly the nightmare in his body through the Thunder Wolf.

"You damn thing, get out of my dog's body!"

Nightmare didn't dare to take risks, so he could only use his identity to threaten, "I am a god, is this your attitude when talking to gods?" 】

But after all, Huang Jingyang was the child raised by the female officer Zhuo Ying, and his personality naturally followed that of the female officer Zhuo Ying. He spat, and then cursed: "What kind of bullshit god? You are worthy of threatening me!"

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