Yun Qishen

Chapter 20 Exile?Master?Scumbag?Spirit Realm!

Chapter 20 Exile?Master?Scumbag?Spirit Realm!

I slept in my room until evening, and when I woke up, I saw Duan Xiwu dozing off beside my bed.

Don't tell me that this guy is here to call me, and fell asleep by my side...

"Hey!" I shook him and didn't wake up...

"Hey! Senior Brother!!" I yelled at him.

Duan Xi jumped up without a commotion, without wiping the saliva from his mouth, he covered his mouth in a panic, "Junior brother! Stop putting the little golden pills!!!!"

Look how scared he is...Is the little gold pill I made that scary?Obviously Taki Yunhua is still letting me let go...

"Senior brother..." I really don't know how to look at him, does this person lack a string?

!He seemed to have reacted.

"Ah... I'm sorry Junior Brother, Senior Brother I had nightmares... Hahaha..." Duan Xiwu laughed a few times to ease the atmosphere.

... "Sleep with me in order to have nightmares? Senior brother is really ambitious..."

Of course I am hurting him.

"Hey, junior brother, don't laugh at me anymore, senior brother, no matter how ambitious I am, junior brother will not be valued by Uncle Seven..." Duan Xi Wuyi wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth...

Yes, if he was harmed, he would be harmed... a little angry, what are you doing!
"Tell me, what's the matter with you coming to me?" There must be something for someone like him to fall asleep beside my bed.

"Well, it's still my junior brother who knows me. I'm here to ask junior brother you to accompany me to see the master..."

When I heard him say that, I didn't want to go.

"What are you going to do? I didn't bring back any holy relics. I don't want to see him!" I replied impatiently, "Besides, what about the two disciples who were dizzy? Are you ready?"

"...It's none of my business whether they're good or not..." Duan Xiwu muttered in a low voice.

"I see senior brother, you just don't know how to repent!" I don't know why the anger in my heart didn't subside after a sleep, but I wanted to spread it on Duan Xiwu, so I yelled at him.

"I just don't know what to do with repentance! What are you yelling at me! I'm also doing this for the Master and Senior Brothers of the Immortal Medicine Sect not to be threatened by their bastards! You don't know what Master is doing all day!" Duan Xiwu seemed to Because I yelled at him, I got irritable for a while.

"I know!" I retorted.

"What do you know!" Duan Xiwu interjected again.

The quarrel between the two of us attracted Qiu Shan and Jiang Qing.

Jiang Qing stopped me, and Qiu Shan pulled Duan Xiwu away.

I think if they come back later, Duan Xiwu and I will fight.

"Okay, okay, stop arguing." Jiang Qing persuaded me, "It's all brothers and sisters, is there anything that can't be resolved peacefully?"

"Hmm..." Qiu Shan just hummed.

Duan Xi couldn't hold back his anger and slapped his mouth.Turn around and leave my room.

Qiu Shan then followed him and left.

"Little Junior Brother is so angry... What is this for? Don't be angry with Fourth Junior Brother. It's not worth it..." Jiang Qing continued to persuade me.

Again, this persuasion.If Jiang Qing was blocking Duan Xiwu, he would definitely say the same.

"I'm just angry that he doesn't change after repeated teachings, it will only cause trouble!" He said so, but I was actually angry that he brought me and Qi Qi together.

"Well~ Well~ Fourth Junior Brother, he has the character of a child... um..." Jiang Qing said and suddenly closed his mouth.

I thought he was going to say something to comfort me, but Jiang Qing looked at me with a serious expression.

"The master just passed a message that the master wants to see you. Let you go to the Immortal Sword Sect to find him..."

Hearing what Jiang Qing said, I really didn't want to go to him, but he went to me first...

It happened that I also went to really confirm whether it was the irritable old man...

It's also good to determine the whereabouts of the magic bead... This kind of place really can't stay any longer.

--split line--

When I came to the Immortal Sword Sect, it turned out that the specifications surpassed the Immortal Medicine Sect by more than one realm.

If Immortal Medicine Sect is likened to a small cottage in the mountains, then Immortal Sword Sect is a luxurious building in the mountains.

Even the three golden characters on the sect did not reveal luxury.

There were two disciples guarding the gate of the sect. Jiang Qing sent me to the gate of the sect and said, Senior Brother, I will be sent here.

even left.

"Che, why did the people from the Immortal Medicine Sect come?"

Not far away, a disciple whispered in a low voice.

"I don't know, but if you look at that person's face, it's not from the Yun family..."

"It's the third son of Yun who compares swords with a scroll!"

"He is coming to our Immortal Sword Sect?"

"But he is wearing the Taoist uniform of the Immortal Medicine Sect..."

"Just those wastes from the Immortal Medicine Sect? Our Immortal Sword Sect is many times stronger than them!"

"I heard that they are still competing with us this time, and Uncle Seven is also involved."

Uncle Seven!Uncle Seven!
Not to mention that evil spirit can't do it!
Really!It's okay to have too good ears!
But listening to them, there is nothing wrong with Duan Xi not doing that.

He is also protecting the Immortal Medicine Sect, but in an extreme way.

However, who asked him to tell me evil spirits!snort!Deserved!
I'm not a bodhisattva, it's not my fault, I don't feel any guilt at all.

I followed a disciple of the Immortal Sword Sect through the long steps in front of the main hall.

"This is the main hall, where the disciples of Zongzhong do their morning salutes every day. There are five halls in the back, each under the jurisdiction of five masters."

The disciple took me across a cloud-filled bridge filled with lotus flowers.

"Junior Brother, keep walking from here and then you will see Master." After saying that, the disciple stopped.

I hesitated for a moment and then walked forward.

After crossing the bridge, I came to a place with very beautiful scenery.But not as amazing as Liu Yinfeng gave me.

The surroundings are nothing but ordinary scenery, but there is an indescribable beauty.

A stone table was placed not far away, and behind the stone table was the exiled priest.

The facts are already in front of them.

When the exiled Daoist priest saw me, he did not say hello, nor did he ask me anything else about Liu Yinfeng.He asked me coldly, "Where's my coat?"

jacket?Wouldn't it be the one I vomited dirty?

?Are you looking for me just for this?
"Ah... I didn't pick it up for you." I thought that I couldn't be fooled by this person's appearance anymore.

"I didn't let you pick it up, I asked you to pay it to me. I did the math these days, and I lost!"

... lose money?Do it for half a day.

"Big brother came to me just for this?" I can't believe he came to me just to pay for clothes?
"Call me Shizun here, and I'll be spared the gossip..." Daoist exiled took a sip from the tea on the stone table, "You must have known about me when you went to Liu Yinfeng... But I didn't expect you to still can come out."

Listening to this, there is no holy thing in it at all, you just want to trap Lao Tzu!
"Indeed, I learned some old things about Shizun in it!" I deliberately emphasized the word Shizun.

"In this way, I will introduce myself again. My name is Lingjing Dao, and I am the current sect master of this Jingling Mountain Dao Sect. You asked me how many years I have traveled here before, and I think it has been more than 100 years."

"But you didn't grow old, and you cheated on other girls and stole the magic beads!" I interrupted angrily.But why didn't he go back?
"You know what! I also wanted to go home at the time. After I stole the magic beads, I went to find the guy (the merchant), but the guy said that he would study for a few days, and I would go back to him after a few days. He [beep-] said it was lost!"

When it comes to this spiritual realm and that qi, I could not help but back away, for fear that he would take advantage of this to accidentally hurt me.

"Also, you said she was a girl? She was already an 800-year-old aunt back then. I lied to her? It's a joke! She didn't want to eat me alive, and she forced me to promise her!" I saw Lingjing said. There was also anger on the face of the exiled immortal.

After a while, I saw him calm down again, "I didn't know about my immortality, but that guy is the same as me. I thought I would never see that guy after I lost the magic bead. Fifty years later, I saw him by chance, and he said that the magic bead fell into reincarnation and became the devil king of the devils in the borderlands."

Demon Lord?not……

Hope it's not what I thought... that businessman said it before.

"I don't know where the news came from before I met him. It is said that a disciple of Taoist Guanyou was taken away by the devil, and this became the fuse of the war between Xianmen and Jiangbang. It is really once every 50 years, 50 Once a year. I'm tired of fighting."

After talking about the Spirit Realm Dao, he began to complain again.

"Watching Taoist?" This is the first time I have heard this name.

"Ah, this person, I heard that he was a very powerful person when I passed by. I heard that he was immortal, and some people regarded him as an immortal. He takes disciples once every 100 years, and only two people." Lingjing Dao smiled, "I think I still wanted to be his disciple back then, what a joke..."

"I heard from the businessman that the Demon Lord was killed, and the whereabouts of the Demon Bead are unknown." I was very concerned.

"What do I say! I didn't go to that war, who cares about that kind of thing! Later when I met that guy and heard what he said, I wanted to skin him on the spot! It's a pity that he slipped away!" Dun Lingjing Dao said again, "But before he escaped, he said a word, the magic bead will be reincarnated in 30 years. I have been looking for the reincarnation of the magic bead ever since."

30 years?It's been 50 years now.The magic bead has been reincarnated!

"Am I the reincarnation of that magic bead?" I said, "Because you saw that you said I was a troublesome person!"

But it made Lingjing Dao almost irritable, "Use your brain! Do you know that you are so self-righteous as your mother? I said that you are a troublesome person! I didn't say that you [beep-] is the reincarnation of the magic bead!"

Che, I thought I was the hero of the legend.

"However, I did find someone who might be the reincarnation of the magic bead."

"Who is it?" So you can go home!excited.

"Nei Qi." Lingjing Dao took another sip of tea, "You must have met before."

As soon as I heard the name, my excitement instantly froze.

Because Mao is him!No wonder Lingjing Dao wanted to trap him in Jingling Mountain...

"You say it's possible? So uncertain?" I looked at the spiritual realm and saw that his brows were slightly wrinkled.

"Eighteen years ago, on my way out of the mountains, I passed by Yejia Village, which is a medium-sized village on the border between Dongyu Kingdom and Xinjiang State. I saw the black air there, and I thought whether there were demons who wanted to invade, so I went to check it out. .As a result, the entire Neijia Village, including the people and the houses, was completely destroyed... There is only one baby who is still in swaddling crying, and that is Neiqi..."

"So, you gave him his name?" Okay, my focus is off again.

"No, I originally called him Weiqi because he ranked seventh. When he grew up and literate, he wrote the wrong name, and I didn't bother to care about him..."

Uh... No wonder this education has cultivated such a person...

However, Qi Qi's life experience is still quite tragic.

"Because I have been in contact with the magic beads, I naturally understand that the black energy in Ye Qi's body is less than one-third of the magic beads, but his black energy has slaughtered the entire Neji village... I will bring Ye Qi back to Jingling Mountain. , trying his best to suppress the black energy in his body, it seems that he can only be relieved after eating the spirit beast..."

Well, I also know the reason why Ye Qi eats spirit beasts.

"This means that none of us can go back until we find the magic bead? The merchant also told me that there are treasures on the Jingling Mountain to find the magic bead!"

I was disappointed for a while and could only hope to find the treasure of the magic bead.

"Listen to that shit! How could I not know!" Lingjing Road slapped the table.

Well, my hopes are dashed!
I also understand why Spirit Realm Dao wants to beat the businessman as soon as he sees him, that's really bad! !

Next time I see him, I won't let him run away!

When I looked at the emerald gold bracelet in my hand, I saw my grumpy old brother showing a moment of tenderness!

Then Lingjing Dao came back to his senses and looked at me, "What kind of expression do you have? Damn it?"

Obviously scarier than ghosts.

Then Spirit Realm Dao slowly said, "How is she now?"

she?Wouldn't it be Taki Yunhua?Are you not a scumbag?Are you going to give up this character?

"It's business as usual..." I replied to him.

Suddenly Spirit Realm Dao stretched out his hand towards me.

"Why? I didn't bring any money for your clothes!"

I stared blankly at this very skinny hand.Can't help but compare my sissy little meat hand...Emmm not fair.

"Nonsense! If you don't have money or something to pledge, give me your gold bracelet!"

After hearing what he said, I quickly protected Taki Yunhua's gold bracelet, "No! Not here!!"

"Stop talking nonsense! Bring it here!" After that, the old man became irritable again.

Give?don't give?

Give it, I'm afraid that Taki Yunhua will kill me if she finds out!

If you don't give it, I'm afraid I will be beaten to death by this irritable old man!

Finally...I choose to live in the moment...

I had to give the gold bracelet to the spiritual realm.

The spiritual realm is very precious and received in his arms.

I suddenly feel sore...

These two people acted like they were each other's scum, but one danced for him and the other did.

Tsk, the sour smell of love!
Seeing that there was nothing to do, I proposed to leave.

Spirit Realm Dao said there was something he forgot to mention.

"Is this demon attack aimed at me?" I was startled when I heard Spirit Realm Dao say this.

"It won't be because you killed their clan last time, they came to the door! Who let that devil follow me, this matter must fall on my head! Your fault! I don't carry it!" Ah, It's really a mess!irritable!

"But this matter must be resolved by you, otherwise, the fuse this time may be you." Lingjing Dao was not polite at all, "If you can solve this matter well, maybe I can explain it to you. Open the seal, you can still learn some spells!"

Then the spiritual realm paused and smiled coldly, "By the way, there is one more thing that guy doesn't seem to tell you. It's useless for people without mana to find the magic bead, because you can't use it at all!"

what! ! !You are a threat! !A proper threat! ! !

God!you play with me!

(End of this chapter)

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