Yun Qishen

Chapter 2011 Accept it

Yun Qi's deep golden eyes rolled slightly, and he coughed twice weakly. Then he walked to Huang Mian softly and said, "General Huang, I have something to discuss with you, about the Burning Demon."

Huang Mian was slightly stunned. At this time, Yun Qishen suddenly asked him what the Burning Demon was doing, "You mean the woman who came over in a surprise attack?"

"Yes, she is related to the secret of the opening of the Kingdom of Prosperity, but her current condition is not very good, and she may need to be seen by a doctor." Yun Qi said in a deep voice, not too loud nor too soft, just enough to make people in the room Everybody can hear it. The fat doctor was no exception. When he heard the name Zhuo Yao, the fat doctor's ears obviously moved slightly. Naturally, the subtle movements could not escape Yun Qishen's eyes. As expected, this guy pretending to be a doctor was indeed It's with the Burning Demon.

"Didn't you say that this injury was so deep before..." Huang Mian immediately understood what Yun Qishen meant when he was halfway through the sentence. He quickly looked at the fat doctor and said, "I understand. I'd like to trouble the doctor to finish diagnosing the evil guard." Follow me to heal a wounded person elsewhere.”

"Okay." The great doctor was wary, but he naturally agreed on the surface. He then left the bed and turned to look at Yun Qishen and said, "The elixir has been given to the guards. Let's rest for a few days and see how it goes."

Yun Qi took a deep look at the wound on Xi Qi's heart that was slowly healing, and concluded that it was his own elixir. "Well... is there anything else the doctor should pay attention to?"

This guy pretended to be a great doctor and tried his best. He then wrote a few prescriptions and gave them to Yun Qishen, "I'll prescribe a few more pills and you guys can help feed them and nurse them back to health."

Yun Qishen looked at the prescriptions but couldn't find any mistakes. Now he started to pretend to be really talented.

Although Xi Qi pretended to be unconscious, he was happy in his heart, "Ha~Feed and nurse~"

Yun Qishen held the list expressionlessly but rolled his eyes inwardly, "I can't stand the smile on your face!" Don't spend all your time thinking about what you have and what you don't have. 】

〖In fact, the devil can have an extra piece of candy, after all, the little Taoist priest is afraid of hardship~〗

【You are so beautiful...】

〖You know, the little Taoist priest has always resisted taking medicine, back then...〗

Yun Qi Shen simply cut off the communication with Xie Qi for the time being. Huang Mian opened the door and motioned for the fat doctor to go to Zhuo Yao's residence, "Here's the doctor, please."

"it is good……"

After Huang Mian and the doctor left, it became much quieter inside and outside the house, but the silence was quickly broken by a maid's voice, "Master Ninth, Master Five sent Xu Youneng to come and visit." Eyebrows, people came quite quickly, and I felt a little bit in my chest. 〗

Yun Qishen motioned to the maid to open the door while analyzing in his mind, "I think this is a further test by the nightmare. This power to control the nerves is likely to have something to do with Xu You." 】

〖I hope so, but even though he has suppressed part of his control power, the little Taoist's hands still seem to be out of control...〗After finishing speaking, Qi Qi sighed again.

Yun Qishen just replied coldly, [Act according to the situation. 】

As the door opened, Xu You came in holding a box, "Xu You has met the Ninth Young Master. This is the fairy grass that the Fifth Young Master specially sent to me. It is said to have the effect of promoting blood circulation."

"Just put it over there." Yun Qishen coughed so hard that he almost coughed up blood, "Cough cough cough."

Xu You, who put down the box, quickly asked, "Master Ninth, would you like to see a doctor to take a look at your health?"

"No, no need. You go back and thank Fifth Brother for your concern for me." Yun Qishen covered his mouth and raised his hand to signal Xu You to close the door and leave.

"Yes." But Xu You did not leave after responding but stood motionless at the door.

Yun Qishen asked falsely, "Huh? Xu You, why don't you leave yet?"

Unexpectedly, Xu You drew his sword and stabbed at Yun Qishen, "Young Master Ninth, be careful!"

When Xie Qi jumped up, he raised his hand to attack Yun Qishen's back. In fact, he and Yun Qishen had always maintained a mind-to-heart connection. "This kid, use your power to control me and attack you!" 〗

Yun Qishen took advantage of the situation to dodge, [Keep on acting, don't expose any flaws. 】

Although Xie Qi was reluctant, he still tried his best to play the role. To be honest, this power is quite difficult to suppress. 〗

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