Yun Qishen

Chapter 2018 Collection

Huang Wuchen's fat body was covered with white smoke. He almost rolled and fell in front of Yun Qishen. He grabbed Yun Qishen's clothes. His beastly appearance had not faded away, and his attitude was extremely excited. "Brother Ninth! Brother Ninth, you're okay!"

Yun Qishen put away the ball of black silk thread entangled with the nightmare and hurriedly helped Huang Wuchen up, "I'm fine, you don't have to worry..."

After Huang Wuchen sucked the drool that could not be controlled from his mouth, he said in a voice that had regained some human language, "Is it Brother Ninth that I saved... Is it the effect of the elixir just now?"

Yun Qishen nodded, with a gentle smile on his face, "Yes, Wu Chen, your elixir saved me."

Huang Wuchen burst into tears immediately, and the tears soaked his clothes. He asked cautiously, "I won't hurt anyone anymore, right?"

Yun Qishen answered him affirmatively, "You didn't harm anyone, you saved someone."

Saved people.

What a beautiful three words. It was the first time in Huang Wuchen's life that someone would use these three words to describe him.

His whole body trembled with excitement, and a beast's whimpering sound came from his throat, "I saved people! Great! I saved people!!"

Yun Qishen hugged Huang Wuchen's fat body and patted his back reluctantly. At this moment, Huang Wuchen lay on Yun Qishen's back like a huge beast and cried for a while.

This is not a cry of sadness, but a precious feeling of joy and gratitude.

"What exactly is going on?"

At this moment, Huang Shisan was still kept in the dark. The young man who was so high-spirited before was now leaning on a crutch and looking at Yun Qishen with a surprised look on his face.

"I'll explain it to you later." Yun Qishen patted Huang Wuchen's back, looked at Huang Shisan and said calmly.

Hao Qi also stood up at this time. He patted the ground on his body and put his broken arm back together with his hands, "I'm sorry, I acted a show without telling you."

"Guard Bad, are you okay? But just now, the second brother and Xu You..." Huang Shisan looked at Bad Qi again. Bad Qi's healthy appearance made his mind unable to turn around for a while, thinking calmly. Afterwards, he understood and looked at Yun Qishen again, "Brother Ninth, you have been acting since before the evil guard was injured, right?"

Yun Qishen nodded, "That's right, but I didn't expect that Yan would be caught so carelessly."

At this moment, Huang Wuchen's voice completely returned to human language, and his voice became very weak, "Brother Ninth, I saved people! I saved people..."

Then Yun Qishen felt a slip on his shoulder, and Huang Wuchen fainted directly in his arms. Yun Qishen even motioned to Ji Qi to help him, "Hey... let's help him get on the bed first."

Ji Qi then supported Huang Wuchen and moved him to the bed.

Shenwu Huangtu's rampage consumed Huang Wuchen's vitality. In addition, Huang Wuchen tried his best to suppress the rampage and remained rational, which consumed even more of his vitality. Yun Qishen used his strength to calm the Shenwu Huangtu in Huang Wuchen's body. After seeing that Huang Wuchen's breathing was steady, he sat down opposite Huang Shisan.

Huang Shisan asked eagerly, "Brother Ninth, do you want to explain to me first what all this is about?"

Yun Qishen crossed his arms in front of his chest. He looked at Huang Shisan and cleared his throat, "You know everything about Zhuo Yao, right?"

Huang Shisan nodded slightly, "Sister Zhuo Yao wants to use the power in my body to open the door to the rich heaven, but the nightmare you are talking about is the thing that occupied my body before..."

Ji Qi was also sitting on the side. When he heard Huang Shisan's question, he quickly replied, "Nie does not belong here. At the same time, he also calls himself the god of this world."

"God?" Huang Shisan didn't remember the situation very clearly. He only remembered that Yun Qishen appeared in the palace when he woke up. Yun Qishen, who had been without any force for many years, was still fighting at that time. , "Then Brother Ninth, why did you catch him?"

"I'm leaving." Yun Qishen said seriously, while Zuo Qi beside him took a calm sip of tea.

Huang Shisan blinked, "Leave? What does this mean?" Yun Qishen continued, "It can also be said to be one of my missions. After I gained strength, I had a mission. This mission is to capture Live in the nightmare and open the paradise of abundance, then leave.”

Huang Shisan was confused after hearing this, and he looked at Evil Qi again for confirmation, "Then, what's the situation with Evil Guards?"

Hao Qi glanced at Yun Qishen with his peripheral vision and then said, "I am responsible for leaving with him."

"Is this also a mission?" Huang Shisan's face was full of confusion.

The two said dryly, "That's right."

〖Can you live in a lie? 〗He Qi couldn't help but have a deep connection with Yun Qi.

Yun Qishen's attitude was very serious, "I think this kid is easy to fool." 】

After a while, Huang Shisan spoke again, "Then do I also have a mission?"

Yun Qishen had no choice but to continue writing in this direction. He could not let any irresistible self-awareness appear in this plot world again, "You do have it."

Huang Shisan's hand clenched the crutch, "Brother Ninth, you know? Then what is my mission?"

Seeing Huang Shisan's expectant eyes, Yun Qishen's attitude did not change much, "After opening the paradise of prosperity, live a good life."

Live well?

Huang Shisan laughed at himself, "But, won't I die after turning it on? This mission is too ridiculous."

"You can't die. The mission allows you to live, so that means you can't die." Ji Qi echoed from the side.

Now it was Huang Shisan's turn to feel incredible, "Can I open a paradise of wealth without dying?"

"Yes." Yun Qishen replied affirmatively.

It turns out that he can be immortal, but if he does not die, will the Burning Demon become painful? Huang Shisan pursed his lips.

After a while, he spoke again, "Then... By the way, how is Sister Zhuoyao doing now? Since Brother Ninth came with a mission, do you know Sister Zhuoyao's mission?"

Yun Qishen didn't want to make up other people's settings anymore. After all, if he talked too much, he would reveal too much. If someone caught him and realized his self-awareness, that wouldn't be possible.

"I don't know, but I can guarantee that she won't die either."

Yun Qishen's words made Huang Shisan's lifeless eyes suddenly light up, and Huang Shisan also smiled, "Really! That's great!"

The evil blue eyes glanced at Yun Qishen. It seemed that this burning demon was very important in this kid's heart. 〗

Yun Qishen poured himself a cup of tea and took a sip, [Of course, everyone has a sun in their heart. 】

〖Yes, there are many living beings who are willing to die for the sun, including little Taoist priests~〗

Yun Qishen put the tea cup in his hand on the table. His other hand felt the silk thread that had just caught the nightmare, but a strange feeling could not disappear from his consciousness.

[But...Zi Qi, I always feel like something is weird. Do you think it's really that easy to get caught? He is so scheming, does he really have no backup plan? 】

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