Yun Qishen

Chapter 2020 Accept it

After listening to Yun Qishen's words, Huang Shisan focused his attention on the coil in Yun Qishen's hand, and asked, "How do I take this out?"

Yun Qishen squeezed the palm-sized coil with his hands and felt the weak power coming from inside, "This guy is very weak. If he accidentally breaks the thread, he will have to run away again... Let's do this, Thirteen, please extend your hand first."

"Okay." Huang Shisan obediently stretched out his hand in front of Yun Qishen, and then a hair-thick silk thread appeared out of thin air and plunged into the center of Huang Shisan's wrist. Huang Shisan frowned and couldn't help but gritted his teeth, " hiss--"

Yun Qishen carefully inserted the other end of the silk thread into the coil to extract the power that the nightmare had taken away. "Be patient, it will be fine soon."

Huang Shisan gritted his teeth and endured it, but after a while, he really felt like his stomach was churning. He raised his hand and pulled Yun Qishen's sleeve, "Brother Jiu, I suddenly feel that my stomach is not very good." Comfortable."

Yun Qishen didn't pay much attention at first, "It should be caused by spiritual repulsion. Just bear with it."

"Well -" Huang Shisan had just finished nodding and the surge in his stomach made him unable to help but vomit out a piece of reddish-brown meat. "Ugh -"

"What is this?!" Zao Qi looked at the piece of meat under the table with concern, and saw that the piece of meat was slowly squirming. Zao Qi narrowed his eyes and looked at it carefully for a moment, and was shocked, "It's so deep, Thirteenth Spit What came out had a face on it!”

At this time, Huang Shisan endured the nausea in his heart and asked, "Brother Ninth, is this also the rejection of spiritual power? Why do I feel that this is more like... vomit——"


Before Huang Shisan finished speaking, he vomited on the ground again. This time he vomited out three or four pieces of meat of different sizes.

Hao Qi looked at those squirming pieces of flesh gradually growing out of the human face and felt a little scared, "It's so deep, something is not right!"

【Hee hee hee--】

【So dark! Can't see anything! 】 There was a sound coming from the piece of meat, but the sound was exactly the same as Huang Shisan's.

"Thirteen, are you talking?" Yun Qishen asked confirmingly.

"I didn't - vomit!" At this moment, Huang Shisan was suffering from pain with his hands on the ground, and his eyes began to become bloodshot.

"This thing's face has turned into the face of Huang Shisan!" Zhaiqi watched the squirming faces gradually grow, and then the pieces of flesh grew into faces exactly like Huang Shisan, "How could this happen?"

Huang Shisan endured the turbulence in his stomach and his voice was hoarse. "This is the fifth brother's picture of the Divine Martial Emperor! He should be nearby."

"You mean Huang Wenxuan?"

Yun Qishen only knew how Huang Wenxuan's leg was injured, but he really didn't understand Huang Wenxuan's Shenwu Emperor Picture. But looking at the current situation, Huang Wenxuan's Shenwu Emperor Picture is just disgusting and powerful.

"He must be here because of the nightmare." Xie Qi said.

Yun Qishen disconnected the thread connecting the coil in his hand to Huang Shisan and carefully helped Huang Shisan up. He then looked at Xi Qi, "I don't understand what kind of thoughts this nightmare has instilled in Huang Wenxuan. Could it be that he is making conditions?" Treat his leg?”

"Most likely..." When Zuo Qi raised his head and looked at Yun Qishen, he suddenly found a palm-sized bump on Yun Qishen's face. The bump kept squirming, as if it had grown eyes and a nose. "It's so deep that you've started to grow a face too!"

"You're about the same." Looking at Zuo Qi from Yun Qishen's side, Zuo Qi also had an extra patch on his face, and also had a nose and eyes.

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