Yun Qishen

Chapter 2029 Close

Just when everyone was talking about the strange sight of Tongyu, someone ran over panting, hitting the visitor with a sticky eyeball, and the pink sticky liquid was mixed in her hair, making the visitor look very embarrassed.

She stumbled over. He accidentally fell onto the sticky ground again, and the smell of rust made him feel like he was in some kind of slaughterhouse.

The visitor looked like a woman. She was almost lying on her stomach in thin clothes. She shouted in a hoarse voice, "Open it! Open it!"

"what sound?"

Huang Zhengyan looked in the direction of the person's voice, and he could only see a group of objects crawling here.

Huang Jingyang recognized the voice easily, "This voice is... Qi Beier?"

Huang Jingyang rubbed his eyes. He looked carefully and found that it was indeed Qi Beier. At the same time, a black figure braved the sticky and disgusting eyes and appeared next to Qi Beier.

Yue Feng pulled Qi Beier closer to Yun Qishen, and Yun Qishen asked with concern, "Why are you here?"

The moon wind slapped Qibel's eyeballs away, but he didn't pay attention to his own image at all. He was tortured by the rain of eyeballs and looked slovenly.

"Young Master Ninth... it was my subordinate who was careless. I don't know what happened, so Belle's disguise was gone. She ran this way with all her strength and I couldn't stop her."

Yun Qi took a deep look at Yue Bai and quickly asked the weak Qi Bei Er, "Qi Bei Er, what opened it?"

Qibel's eyes turned red, and she anxiously grabbed her cheeks with her hands, "The door to the Kingdom of Prosperity has opened!"

"Heaven of Fertility?" Huang Zhengyan heard this name for the first time, and he blinked with concern.

Huang Mian frowned, "Do you think this pupil rain phenomenon is also because of that wealthy heaven?"

Huang Jingyang, on the other hand, crossed his arms and showed an arrogant attitude, "I've never heard of the Heaven of Prosperity. Weren't you kidnapped by this green-haired man and given to Emperor Shenwu? Why did you appear in the Huang family again! "

Qibel remained silent and did not answer. After hearing this, Yun Qishen noticed something strange, "How is it possible that the door to the Kingdom of Prosperity will be opened? Is it possible..."

"Qishen, what happened?" Haoqi saw that Yun Qishen suddenly turned around and returned to the room, and he hurriedly followed.

Yun Qishen walked quickly to the bed. The wounded man who should have been lying next to Huang Wuchen disappeared, "Huang Shisan is missing."

Qi Qi felt incredible, "He disappeared right under his nose. How is this possible? The little Taoist priest didn't notice any abnormal power at all."

"That should be after we dealt with Huang Wenxuan, Huang Shisan was replaced." Yun Qishen looked around again and found nothing unusual.

"But Qishen, didn't you also give him a physical diagnosis?"

Yun Qishen turned to look at Xi Qi, "After diagnosing the body, there is always a time lag before the vision begins. Damn it, does that guy Xi have a helper? Could it be the Burning Demon?"

As he spoke, Yun Qishen suddenly groaned in pain while holding his waist and ribs.

"What's wrong with Qishen?" Hao Qi asked with a concerned look.

Yun Qishen replied calmly, "I just feel something strange in my waist and ribs. It's nothing. You don't have to worry."

"But, isn't it necessary to open the Kingdom of Prosperity..."

"Look at yourself first!" Yun Qishen asked Yun Qishen to search his body before he finished speaking.

After Ji Qi found the Mirage Realm weapon, he became even more confused, "The Mirage Realm is still there, but how on earth did this door open..." (End of Chapter)

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