Yun Qishen

Chapter 2052 Chapter 216 The Prosperous Heaven You Want

With the disappearance of the rich heaven that controls all desires, those who exist in the heaven have gradually lost the ability to realize their desires and ideas, and they can no longer even satisfy their own desires.

"Where's my money! Where's my money!"

"My family! Family!!"

"No! This is not what I want!"

"The Heaven of Prosperity! As long as you reach the Heaven of Prosperity, everything will be saved! No! No, you guys must have too many desires!"

"It's all because of you!"

"As long as I eliminate you! The Kingdom of Prosperity will only satisfy my desires! My money! My power will be back! Go to hell, you bunch of moths!"

"Who do you think you are! The Kingdom of Plenty disappeared because of people like you who are dissatisfied with your desires! Kill you selfish villains! The Kingdom of Plenty will naturally come back!"

People who lost what they wanted became uneasy, and soon their uneasiness turned into anger, and the final outcome of anger was to either kill others or be killed by others. The originally peaceful place instantly turned into a Shura hell.

Huang Shisan looked at the killing crowd in front of him. He kept looking for the figure of Zhuo Yao inside. Yun Qishen frowned for a moment and then turned and walked away.

Hao Qi followed Yun Qishen towards a door while covering the wound on his heart.

"Qishen, are you going to leave like this?" Zhai Qi noticed that Yun Qishen was pretending to be calm at this moment. He didn't know what Yun Qishen had eaten above the clouds, but he could feel it. There is a power deep inside his body that always wants to burst out, but he is trying his best to control it.

"It's the best result for them that I leave now. There are some things that I need to suppress in space to solve. Besides, we have already caught Xi, so there is no point in us staying." Yun Qishen did not turn around to look at Hao. Qi, he clenched his fists and walked towards a door in front of him.

Ji Qi couldn't say anything else. He looked back at Huang Shisan who was looking for Zhuo Yao in the fighting crowd. Just when he turned around and was about to leave with Yun Qishen, he stopped.

"I'm sorry, but I can't leave yet. I need to finish solving the current troubles."

Yun Qishen didn't stop when he heard what Ji Qi said, "Since you can go back by yourself, I won't wait for you." Ji Qi closed the door and turned around to look in the direction of Huang Shisan.

"Sister Zhuo Yao!" Although Huang Shisan's body is mature, his mind is just that of a fifteen or sixteen year old child. He has never seen such a chaotic scene when the Huang family was protected.

The people here are crazy. They only see killing. From their relatives to some livestock, everyone alive will be sucked into this hell.

Huang Shisan was chased and pulled in the bloody crowd. Just as the long knife was attacking his face, Ji Qi appeared to protect him and kicked away several of the attackers.

"Let's stay away from them first!"

"No!" Huang Shisan rejected Ji Qi, "Sister Zhuo Yao is also here, I can't leave her behind!"

Zaiqi clenched his fists, took a deep breath and said, "I'll help you find it, and we'll leave as soon as we find it."

"it is good!"

Black, red and yellow figures kept shuttling among these rioting and crazy people. Until Huang Shisan stopped in front of a pile of corpses.

"Sister Zhuo this the paradise of prosperity you thought of..."

When Hao Qi saw Huang Shisan stop, he came closer. Zhuo Yao's body was in pieces, and her original appearance was completely unrecognizable. Fortunately, Huang Shisan was able to recognize her.

"Do you want to take him away?" Zuo Qi asked.

Huang Shisan shook his head, "She likes it here, so let her stay here... But this place is no longer what she likes. I don't know what else we can do before we leave here. I just hope that outside Those who take pleasure in killing can stop fighting. Even if it is only for a moment, I hope that Sister Zhuoyao can live in the happiness she pursues.

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