Yun Qishen

Chapter 2057 Chapter 220 Bai Yueguang’s lethality

After Ritsuto Kayu came to the book world created by Zhenzhen, he met the heroine in that book. The heroine has a sweet appearance, and she looks a bit like the lively and healthy Zhenzhen she was before she became seriously ill. Because their looks were too similar, Ritsuto was a little afraid to get close to each other. If Kaori hadn't been there, it would have taken a long time to get into the topic of discussion.

"You said there's a nightmare inside this thing? That terrible demon?" Shu Yan, the heroine of the book, sat across from Ritsuto and the others with a suspicious look on her face. After all, the faces of Ritsuto and the others were very unfamiliar to her, and with the overwhelming power of Nightmare, how could they be sealed in such a small container.

"If you don't believe us, you can investigate. The nightmare is indeed sealed in this ball of thread. We came to you firstly to completely eliminate the nightmare, and secondly, we hope that you can help us extract something from the nightmare's body. ." Jia Yu spoke very seriously to explain his purpose, but Lu Ren was nervous and kept staring at Shu Yan's face that looked similar to Zhen Zhen's.

Do all authors have this problem? The appearance, demeanor and actions of the protagonist in the first book are almost modeled after his own. Luren's peek was so obvious that Shu Yan naturally noticed it.

"Why do you keep peeking at me?" Shu Yan was obviously not happy.

Ritsuto pursed his lips and lowered his head, his ears turning red, "Sorry, I...I..."

When Jia Yu saw Lü Ren's situation, he hurriedly came to the rescue, "That's right, you look a lot like one of his old friends, so he was a little nervous..."

Shu Yan looked away from Lü Ren, "Oh, so that's it. But I hope you guys understand the situation. It's me, not your old friend."

After saying that, Shu Yan stood up and said, "I will investigate the matter about Nightmare. After you eliminate the suspicion, I will naturally help you take out what you want from Nightmare's body. So please follow our rules these days. "

"Okay, we will cooperate." After Jiayu said that, he looked at Ritsuto beside him.

"Well..." Lu Ren still lowered his head and did not dare to look at Shu Yan again.

Shu Yan winked at the guards, and they came over with two pieces of clothing. Shu Yan pointed at the ring-shaped instrument on the clothes with the wand in her hand, "These are the changes of clothes, and the limiter, we will Someone is watching you dressed."

"Trouble." Jia Yu said politely, but Shu Yan's attitude was very cold.

"No trouble."

After Shu Yan said a few words, she left to investigate the nightmare.

After putting on the clothes prepared by the people here, the guards also left.

Jia Yu sat on the hammock and looked at Lü Ren and asked with concern, "Lü Ren? Are you okay?"

Ritsuto raised his hand and scratched his hair. He turned around and looked at the locked door, "I have nothing to do. I'm just nervous to see her. She actually likes to write about herself in her books just like me. Write it in. The character design also likes to use our own faces. We are both quite narcissistic in fact, haha. The same goes for the sinful ghosts and gods before... Otherwise, how could we be friends... In fact, we can see her again and see herself. I feel better when I write about her. Although this book has always been in my study, I don’t often open it and read it because I am afraid of seeing a protagonist similar to her and the death of the heroine at the end. So I can recall it again Bringing back those never-ending memories.”

Jiayu sat up straight and swung his legs out of the hammock. "It's a good thing that you can face your feelings now, so that you can feel the same as Yun Qi and them."

Lu Ren turned around and raised his head to look at Jia Yu, "Indeed, I may like to write characters too much, and so do the people around Yun Qishen, including your mother... But Jia Yu, you didn't blame me even once. You know Even after I became the author, you never blamed me, which makes me feel quite sorry for you."

Jiayu smiled, "What can I blame you for? We are friends, we have been friends from the moment we met. I know your pain, and it is enough that you understand my pain. I prefer others. You and I will both live happily. So I don’t want other people in Xuanruo to hate you. After all, where would Xuanruo come from without you? I can’t force you to resurrect the people around me just because you are my friend. .You owe Yun Qishen a lot, but you don’t owe me anything.”

"Thank you Jia Yu..." Ritsuto liked hearing these words very much, but in his heart he always felt that Jia Yu was able to say these things because of his own setting. This suspicion could never be eliminated.

Jiayu continued, "I feel the same way as you do when we meet again after so many years. My friend, I am not here to belittle you at the critical moment, but to be with you. I just hope we can't see each other again in the future. When you meet and think about the other person, you can laugh instead of blaming them." "Yeah."

To be able to laugh rather than blame.

Is this possible?

The next day, Shu Yan came over with her guards.

Shu Yan opened the door and found two more bowls of rice porridge in her hand, "It's time to eat. We are currently in a hurry to eat. We only have rice porridge. You can make do with it."

"That's enough rice porridge." Jiayu took the bowl of porridge and handed it to Ritsuto.

"Yeah." Ritsuto took the porridge and took a sip. Who cooked this porridge like this? Are the people here living such a hard life?

Seeing Luren drinking porridge with his head down, Shu Yan asked with concern, "Um...what's your name?"

When Lu Ren heard Shu Yan's question, he quickly raised his head and answered, "My name is Lu Ren, as I introduced you before."

"Lü Ren... I remember it." Shu Yan said lightly and left with the guards.

"Ha..." Ritsuto hugged the porridge bowl and was so happy that he couldn't recover for a moment.

"It seems there is some progress." After Jiayu finished speaking, he deliberately drank the porridge and made a sound.

"What!" Ritsuto shouted angrily at Jiayu with a red face, "What did you say, Jiayu?"

"That's what you mean. People have asked you your name." Jia Yu lowered his head to drink porridge and answered casually.

Ritsuto fidgeted around while holding the bowl of porridge, "Ah! What do you think I should wear when I see her tomorrow?"

When Jiayu heard this, he almost choked on his porridge and said, "Ahem! No... you are thinking too far."

Ritsuto didn't hear Jia Yu's words at all. He kept talking, "Do you think she likes the same things as Zhen Zhen? What should I buy her?"

Jia Yu put down the bowl of porridge and pressed his hands on Ritsuhito's shoulders, "Ritsuto, calm down! Calm down! You are thinking too far, why are you going on a date all the time? She just asked your name now! Let's talk about it. While you are still under observation and supervision, you only have this piece of clothing to wear! And you can’t get out!”

"...I was so nervous, so nervous. But I was so excited! She asked me my name!"

If Jiayu hadn't pressed Lüren, Lüren might have jumped up with joy. Jiayu let out a long sigh. All friends are like clouds in front of lovers...

"This is the lethality of Bai Yueguang..."

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