Yun Qishen

Chapter 2062 Chapter 225 Time, very quickly

"That's it. Is there anything else you would like to add?" The lawyer, wearing myopia glasses, bent over and drew a piece of paper similar to a mind map on the table. He circled some people's names on it with a red pen and handed the paper to Yun Qishen.

Yun Qishen picked up the piece of paper and looked at it for a moment. He raised his hand and rubbed the wrinkled skin on his brow, "It's true that these people you drew out can't come back? Can't you resurrect them?"

Lü Ren sighed and took off his glasses and put on the black-framed plain glasses he always wore. "I said Gu Ao could recover, but I didn't say that everyone around you would have to come back with him. Let some people If I come back, I will cause trouble for myself again. Besides, in order to prevent the plot world from collapsing, their death is necessary."

"..." Yun Qi is deeply selfish. He wants the dead people around him to be resurrected. After discussing this matter with Lü Ren, he also knows that the resurrection of the characters is not a simple description. Lü Ren needs to construct the past and future of these people. , this will be a big project, but the lawyer said that it will not take long for him to set it up.

"I know you want them all to come back, but some of the plots were not forced by me in the later stage, so... forget it, just think of it as compensation from me. But you can't do it with two people." Ritsuto finally compromised. Coming down, he tapped his fingers on the table from time to time.

"Ling Yaoqing and a drunkard?"

Yun Qishen said it directly, and the lawyer nodded directly.

"Yes, the two of them have too much energy, which will destroy the space barrier. I didn't think so much when I originally designed it, but now that I have a better memory, those three books will be treated as if they don't exist. I will use the power to They have all been taken back. There are no more books like prophecies, but after you go back, the events it should have will still happen at a specific time. You'd better remind the people you love to pay attention."

"I understand, but I have one more request. Can I take a look at all of them before disappearing?"

Yun Qishen's request was not too much. The lawyer first straightened up, then leaned back and slumped on the back of the chair, "You want me to fill out a form for you, and you go find these people to stamp and collect stamps?"

"It's not like I want likes from Moments." Yun Qishen raised his eyebrows unhappily.

Ritsuto clapped his hands happily, "It feels the same, otherwise you would remember who you want to see?"

"I remember it very clearly and I will never forget it."

After hearing Yun Qishen's answer, the lawyer felt empty in his heart. He laughed softly to relieve the embarrassment, "Ha, there's no way I'm a bad person. As an author, I've even forgotten who I wrote about. Again. You are better than me at this point."

Yun Qishen held his heart with one hand and his eyes were very firm, "You wrote about these people, but I got to know them personally. A name to you is also a name to me. Living life.”

"It's my fault, I'll make up for it. Let me give you a small function that allows you to collect stamps using mana. It will be effective as soon as you meet." After saying this, the lawyer happily added a string of text to the mind map of the setting set.

"What is this?" Yun Qishen became curious as he looked at the golden pattern that appeared inexplicably on his arm.

The lawyer hurriedly explained, "It's the same thing to ask for a seal when meeting you. No, they don't have a seal, and it's unrealistic to give you a meter, so I directly set the mana collision between you as a visual effect. My idea is good. Bar."

"Do you still have the strength to do this?"

Yun Qishen felt dissatisfied that the lawyer was not doing business.

"My pleasure."

The lawyer put his hands on his hips and raised his head, completely unwilling to reason.

Yun Qishen looked away from Lu Ren and asked, "Then... when can I go back?"

"A week later." "So long?"

"How long? It's only been a week, and it passed in the blink of an eye. In the blink of an eye, summer will be here, and in the blink of an eye, the ending will be over. Time, very fast." After saying this, Ritsuto calmed down. He then sighed, "The only time you and I can get along is this week."

"..." Yun Qishen clenched his hands into fists, "I know this."

Ritsuto patted his face with his hand to force himself to wake up. He then smiled deeply at Yun Qi and said, "Hey! You see, you don't have anything to do these days anyway, so why not go out for a walk. You go back to ancient times Queen Ao, before you disappear, I have one more thing to ask for your help. Help me investigate the space vulnerability, and it’s best if you can solve it for me.”

"I see."

"There's more." Lu Ren came up to Yun Qishen and asked in a low voice, "Are you really not going to apologize to Xi Qi?"

"Why are you bringing up that green hair all of a sudden?" Yun Qishen was obviously getting angry.

The lawyer patted Yun Qishen on the shoulder, "Don't be so angry. Punching and kicking won't change anything. Besides, weren't you the one who made the first move in this matter? Desire is so easy to control you? Besides, that matter doesn't matter anymore." The story has changed. Now everyone can come back. Just forgive him and treat it as a dream. Don't care too much. If you want to care, just care about me. After all, I am the one who forced Ji Qi to do it. Such a decision was made.”

Yun Qishen glanced at Luren's fake smile, which was more professional than Mo Langqin's at the moment, "You're telling me that I'm so narrow-minded?"

Ritsuto stretched out a finger and waved it in front of his eyes, "No, no, no, of course you are not a small-minded person, you just have a twisted personality and have no intention of being honest. If you like this person, you just like it, and if you don't like it, you don't like it. Express your frankness Just a little bit. You don’t have much time left.”

"You don't need to worry about me." Yun Qishen fended off Lu Ren and walked out of the room.

The lawyer said politely, "Go slowly, I won't see you off."

As the door to the room opened and closed, Ryuto's heartless smile faded. He picked up the paper on the table and continued to sketch.

The shadow here noticed that Yun Qishen walked directly to the door of the apartment after leaving Luren's room. He asked with concern, "Female cousin, are you going out?"

"Well, let's go out for a walk." Yun Qishen called out while changing his shoes, "Zie Qi, do you want to go together?"

Ji Qi looked over in surprise. At the same time, Jiayu and Heiying were also surprised.

Jia Yu hurriedly pulled Wei Qi over and said, "It's a rare thing. Wei Qi, go quickly, go quickly!"

Yun Qishen stepped on his shoes twice and then opened the door of the apartment. "If you want to go together, hurry up. I'm going out first."

"I'll be there soon!" Zhai Qi hurriedly changed his shoes and went out with Yun Qishen.

The black shadow looked at the door and sighed, "It's rare to see a female cousin with the nerve to apologize."

Jiayu half-squinted his eyes and showed a gentle smile, "It seems that Ritsuto's persuasion was quite successful."

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