Yun Qishen

Chapter 2068 Chapter 231 Heart

The wind blew through Jiayu's silver hair, and a flash of memory flashed in his blue eyes. He raised his head and looked at the sky in the distance, and then sighed, "Because of his red hair, Xiao Falcon was not as popular with most people in the royal city when he was young as he is now."

"Why?" Yun Qi asked with deep concern.

Jiayu patiently told, "Like Guao's country, we also have demons here. Xiao Falcon and I are both demon hybrids. But Xiao Falcon's appearance is more of demon blood, so he has demon blood. I have red hair, and I inherited the silver hair from the demigod clan. At that time, the Holy Empire was at war with the demons, and there were constant wars. It was not as peaceful as it is now. Both Hayabusa and I were aliens in the eyes of people at that time. "

Yun Qishen looked towards the west, "What happened next? How did you enter the cursed forest?"

Jiayu pursed his lips and looked towards the west. His aqua eyes moved slightly as if he recalled something sad, "We have a pair of twin cousins, and one of the sisters has a better relationship with Falcon. Although in the family There were many people who objected, but the sister did give the falcon the courage at that time, and she was able to lead the falcon to become cheerful. Later she disappeared, in the forest to the west. That was the year when I lost my memory , thinking about it, a lot of things happened that year. It was like a trick of fate, the lawyer designed it this way, but the lawyer at that time was also the same age as us, so naturally he planned whatever he wanted."

Jiayu took another deep breath, "Later, Falcon went to the forest in the west to find the sister. He disappeared for a few days. I was also worried that he broke in just to find the little sister. There is no truth in it. Nothing special, not even any monsters. Just walking all the way in, the road is not that clean. There are a lot of animal remains."

The black shadow on the side looked over with concern, "Did you just lose your heart when you came out safely? Didn't you lose other things?"

Jiayu smiled softly, "Actually, this so-called heart is more inclined to the true love in everyone's heart. People's hearts are different, everyone is different, and what I lost is the heart that perceives family affection."

"So you are basically treating Mr. Falcon..." Heiying was stopped by Jiayu's boos mid-sentence.

"Hush, keep this secret from Xiao Falcon for me." Jia Yu smiled and couldn't see his sadness. Without a heart that feels family affection, can we really care for others?

Where does this feeling of caring for others in Nagayu's heart come from? Friendship?

Jiayu continued, "And Xiao Falcon didn't lose any heart, but our cousin died. When I found Xiao Falcon, I found her body. I can only say that the death was a bit tragic, Xiao Falcon. What he lost at that time was far more important than the loss of any emotion in his heart. Only Hayabusa himself knew what happened at that time, but he never explained to us that he took over the responsibility for his cousin's death. He said that it was him The only thing I could do for that sister. Later, the family punished him and went to the demon realm. Two years later, he came back on his own and became very powerful. No matter what I become, no matter what little Falcon No matter what, we are the best brothers. We have always been brothers who depended on each other."

"Even if you can't feel this family affection?" Yun Qishen's casual words made Jiayu feel a little uncomfortable.

Jia Yu kept the smile on his face, "If you can't feel it, then you can't feel it. I said that only now can I care about Ritsuto and all of you. The lost sense of family affection may be too selfish. It’s okay if you don’t want to.”

"It's really rare for Mr. Falcon to be like this now." Black Shadow sighed, "What method was used to allow two hostile countries to coexist peacefully like now?"

"I don't care about politics, and I don't talk about politics. I only know that the current Holy Empire needs the demons, and the demons also need the Holy Empire. There have always been barriers, but the development of interests is the most important thing at the moment." Jia Yu turned his head and looked. Xiang Falcon was in the house at this time, "Little Falcon is the same now. He doesn't need everyone's care and approval. He only needs the approval of himself and us around him."

Yun Qishen was silent for a moment, and soon he made a decision, "I still decided to go to the forest to the west to look for Zhu Batian and the others."

"You will lose something if you go. Do you really want to go?" Jiayu didn't want to stop Yun Qishen from going, he was just giving Yun Qishen a reminder. After all, there was still a week before he could go back to Gu'ao. If Yun Qishen lost something, he was afraid something would go wrong.

"I brought these people back, and I have to take responsibility. No matter what is in the forest to the west, I will not be afraid of it. What emotions are there in my heart that have not been deprived of it? Just like you, even if No matter what emotion I am deprived of, I will not change." After saying this, Yun Qishen walked towards the west path. "Then be careful." Jiayu watched Yun Qishen walk to the west.

Jiaqi nodded slightly to Jiayu and then caught up with Yun Qishen, "Demon Lord, the little Taoist priest will accompany you."

"Don't cause trouble for me, don't stab me in the back!" Yun Qishen ordered sternly.

Ji Qi naturally had the smile that parted the dark clouds to reveal the sunshine, "Don't worry~ Isn't this protected by the Demon Lord~"

"I...I won't go." When Heiying said this, Yun Qishen and the others had already gone far away.

"I'm so worried. People just lose a little emotion, and there is no danger to their lives." Jiayu watched Yun Qishen and the others go away, but his own stomach began to protest, and he was a little hungry.

The black shadow patted Jiayu's shoulder lightly, "Mr. Jiayu, is there a possibility that you may think so because you have lost that part of your feelings?"

" there anything wrong with what I said?" Jiayu tilted his head slightly.

"It sounds very wrong to us." Black Shadow smiled politely.

"That's it." But Jia Yu didn't particularly care about this matter.

Rakshasa, who was standing aside and listening to Jiayu and the others, also intervened at this time, "Heiying, I'm glad you can come too, um... I have something I want to give you, I wonder if you can... Come here with me?"

The black shadow was stunned, why did he suddenly look for him?

"That...okay." Black Shadow shyly scratched his hair and followed Rakshasa to the side.

Jia Yu took out his communicator and checked the time, then his eyes rested on the photo of Xiao Falcon and Xuan Ruo on the screen saver wallpaper.

Although family ties are important, friendship will not lose.

Jiayu smiled, "It's not a pity that such a heart was taken away. It also allows me to enjoy our friendship more."

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