Yun Qishen

Chapter 207 Chapter 206

Chapter 207 Chapter 9 Cultivation of all parties ([-])
(God's perspective)
As for Xiaoshao's practice, this child was arranged to practice in the God Beast Valley.

Although Daoist Chengxu manages the divine beast, he is not someone who can communicate with the divine beast, and Xiaoshao has a pure and strong character in her heart.As long as she enters the valley of the beasts, the beasts will naturally hand over things to this little girl.

"But master...I..." Xiaoshao hugged Xu Mingjian tightly and watched the white snow fluttering in the sky, hesitantly dared to enter the valley of divine beasts.

"Don't worry... Xiaoshao will definitely do it." Xuyun Daoist touched Xiaoshao's head, "Xiaoshao's kind-hearted beasts will definitely not be difficult for you."

"Well..." Xiaoshao had to tremble into the barrier of the Valley of Divine Beasts. Every few steps she took, she stopped and looked back at Daoist Xuyun, who just waved at her.

After seeing the little spoon disappearing on the other side of the enchantment, Daoist Xuyun turned around to leave.

"Void cloud!"

Daoist Xuyun turned his head and saw that it was Daoist Xuqing.

"You're back? How's the enchantment over there?"

Xu Qing heard Xu Yun's question and replied quickly, "Liu Yun said that it will be recovered in three days. We also found that there is an immortal road trapped by the snow on the mountainside. I think they are simply self-inflicted."

Xu Yun sighed, "You don't have to be angry for these outsiders."

"What happened to those two people? Did you say anything again?" Xu Qing asked again and again, "What are you doing here in the Valley of Divine Beasts with such heavy snow? What happened?"

Daoist Xuyun sighed again, "The two people were taken away by the master. As for me, the master asked me to teach my little disciple some magic beasts, so he came to the Valley of the Gods."

After hearing Xu Yun's words, Xu Qing also looked at the enchantment of the Valley of the Divine Beasts, "Just like it was back then? When you practiced in the Valley of the Divine Beasts, you learned your inner demons in one fell swoop... At that time, you and I and the second senior brother Among the four senior brothers, you are the first to have a demon in your heart, and if the master stopped you in time, you don't know what would have happened now."

Xu Qing suddenly thought of the previous incident where Qi Qi tied Daoist Xuyun to the Valley of the Divine Beasts, "And that stubborn idiot tied you to the Valley of the Divine Beasts, how irritating this thing is!"

"The matter has passed, why do you still want to worry about it? At that time, the seventh junior brother was also eager to save people."

"Desperate to save people? I think he seems to be in a hurry to die. In order to save Yun Qishen, he almost lost his own life. Now even I find that this stubborn bastard is getting more and more shameless and wants to stick to others. body!"

Xu Yun sighed again, "How can we care about his business, as long as he doesn't bother us, it's fine."

Xu Qing didn't speak and nodded, and the two Taoist priests Xuyun Xuqing returned to the Immortal Sword Sect.

When Xiaoshao turned back again, the shadow of the master should have been separated by the barrier of the Valley of the Gods.

The small spoon moved forward, and the surrounding scenery became different. The wind and snow outside, but the fragrance of birds and flowers inside.

There are all kinds of divine beasts around, and these divine beasts are running around happily.

Xiaoshao's mood gradually became more relaxed, she looked up at the sky, and through the layers of leaves she could see the white clouds and the blue sky.

Suddenly Xiaoshao's eyes turned black, but it wasn't blocked by anything but a momentary blindness, but here the blindness disappeared.

Xiaoshao then walked around casually with Xu Mingjian.

"It's like a cultivation cave..." Xiaoshao murmured.

Suddenly, several larger mythical beasts appeared in front of the spoon.

Xiaoshao opened her big brown eyes and hugged Xu Mingjian tightly.

"You are the little girl from before!"

The beasts didn't open their mouths, probably because of telepathy, Xiaoshao could understand what they said.

"What are you doing..." The Xu Mingjian in Xiaoshao's arms gradually became hot.

"We just want to ask you, our Lord Jin Qilin!"

"Yes, yes, was Lord Jin Qilin threatened by that stubborn bastard?"

"Poor Lord Jin Qilin..."

Here the mythical beasts gathered around a small spoon to ask questions, and over there, the golden unicorn sneezed suddenly when he was teaching Ye Qi's spell, which gave Ye Qi a chance to attack the golden unicorn.

"Oh~ Jin Qilin, you are also distracted~"

Ye Qi withdrew the attacking mana and threw the red sword again.

"How can this divine beast be distracted! It must be that scum who is cursing this divine beast!"

"Don't say that~ Although Yun Qishen is unflattering, he won't talk about others behind his back for no reason~" Yan Qi smiled.

After listening to Ye Qi's words, Jin Qilin looked down on Yun Qishen even more, Jin Qilin adjusted his posture and sighed with his nose, "Look at your virtue! Even if you say good things about him, even that scumbag won't remember your goodness! This divine beast is about to attack!!!"

"No~ I know he loves me~" Xie Qi Hongjian blocked her body to meet the attack.

The golden unicorn rolled his eyes and smiled disdainfully, and then spit out a roar of unicorn fire to attack the evil spirit.

All the beasts on Xiaoshao's side also understood. It turned out that the stubborn stubborn Qi was recognized by the golden unicorn and must be teaching him spells.

"Then, little girl, why did you come to the Beast Valley?"

"Yes! Yes!"

These beasts of different shapes are very friendly, and Xiaospoon is relieved.

"My master told me to practice in the Valley of Divine Beasts, but I didn't know how to cultivate after walking for a long time..." Xiaoshao looked at the beasts in confusion.

The beasts understood it as soon as they heard it.

"There is a spiritual bead in our God Beast Valley. Only those who are pure in heart can gradually gain powerful spiritual power, but once they have evil thoughts in their hearts, they will be magnified wirelessly and eventually die because of the backlash of their inner demons." A white mythical beast He lowered his head, "Sit up, and I'll take you to the vicinity of that spiritual bead."

The little spoon hesitantly touched the head of this divine beast and climbed up.

The divine beast raised its head, and Xiaoshao also saw the scenery that she usually couldn't see.

"It's so beautiful." Xiaoshao couldn't help but admire.

"Yeah, the Valley of Divine Beasts can be said to be the most relaxing paradise in the troubled world. It won't be disturbed by outsiders. When you get to the vicinity of the Lingzhu, the little girl will have to go on her own!"

Xiaoshao knelt on the head of the white mythical beast, and from time to time there would be little birds and little mythical beasts playing with Xiaoshao.The little spoon also smiled happily.But the happy world is very short, and suddenly Xiaoshao couldn't stand the scorching heat of the Xu Ming sword in his hand and let go, and then Xiaoshao was blinded again in front of his eyes.

In an instant, Xu Mingjian was no longer hot, and the eyes were no longer pitch black.Small spoon rubbed his eyes, what the hell is going on?Do I have a demon too?What is my inner demon?

When they arrived near the spirit bead barrier, the white divine beast put down the spoon.

"Thank you."

"You don't need to thank the little girl... The road ahead will leave you alone. Listen to me. If there is anything uncomfortable, you must go back the same way. I will wait for you outside the barrier."

This divine beast also felt a little strange just now, and it was very worried about this child.

"Thank you for your concern, I'm fine! If there is any danger, this sword will protect me!"

Xiaoshao showed the Xuming sword to the beast, then turned around and went to find Lingzhu by himself.

 I'm about to do something

(End of this chapter)

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