Yun Qishen

Chapter 2078 Chapter 241 Becoming Stronger

Chapter 2078 Chapter Becoming Stronger

"Hi! I'm here! Did you miss me~" Jiayu appeared in front of Yun Qishen and Zuo Qi carrying a luxurious lunch box with his family crest printed on it, "Xiao Falcon has made a lot of delicious food! Hurry up Come and try it!”

Seeing Jiayu's relaxed look, Yun Qishen was a little scared and worried for a while. After all, when Jiayu came back from the cursed forest, he was already on the verge of death, and it only took one day for him to recover to what he is now. Health is something that Yun Qishen cannot achieve even to the best of his ability.

"How do you feel now, Jiayu?"

Yun Qishen looked at Jiayu's back. He still remembered that a layer of skin was peeled off Jiayu's back, and even the bones could be clearly seen.

Jiayu put the lunch box on the table. He smiled and said, "Oh, they are all minor injuries. How about you, how do you feel after this day of actual combat?"

Yun Qi sighed deeply, and others also approached Jiayu, "I'm a little tired from fighting, but I actually feel like I haven't made much progress."

After listening to Yun Qishen's words, Jia Yu looked up at the human body data analysis on the electronic screen, "But I see that your values ​​are really going up, and the same is true for Xiqi. It's just that Zhu Batian... just said You guys, didn’t Zhu Batian come with you? Where is he now? The food will be cold soon."

Yun Qishen looked around. Except for some team members from the same side, Zhu Batian did not appear.

"I didn't see him either."

After Yun Qishen finished speaking, Ito, who was about to use his chopsticks, explained: "He came back earlier than you. It seems that he said he was not feeling well, so he went back to the dormitory to rest first, but I asked him to come back as soon as the war started. ”

"That's it." Yun Qishen nodded and no longer cared about Zhu Batian's affairs. He then turned around and saw Zuo Qi staring at one side in confusion, "Zai Qi, why are you so stunned? Take the plate of chili on your right. Pass it to me."

"Okay." Zhai Qi came to his senses and handed the fried pork with chili pepper in front of him to Yun Qishen. He then asked Yun Qishen, "Qishen, don't you think Zhu Batian is very different these days than before? Is it different?"

Yun Qishen replied while eating fried pork with green peppers, "Zhu Batian's abilities mainly come from others asking for help. His original world was the end of the world, but naturally no one would call for help in Xuanyuo and he wouldn't need to save him. Although he His ability is very strong, but in the rules of this world, his ability may have become very ordinary. In fact, we are all like this, how can he be any better."

Zaiqi was silent for a moment before picking up a mouthful of food and putting it into his mouth. He then whispered, "It feels really uncomfortable to go from having supreme power and being surrounded by everyone to suddenly having no need."

"Yes, being weak in itself is an uncomfortable thing, so we have to become stronger." After Yun Qishen said this, he put a mouthful of chili pepper into his mouth. He who usually doesn't like spicy food finally tasted some spicy food at this moment. Come. He shed tears and looked at Jiayu in disbelief.

Jiayu smiled at him with a successful expression, "Xiao Falcon knows you like spicy food, so I specially added it for you. It's exciting."

"This is so exciting." Yun Qishen felt that his tongue was completely numb. Even people like him who are not afraid of spicy food can't handle it. It's so spicy that others can't pass it on even if they try it!

At the same time, Zhu Batian hid in a corner of Area C of the battlefield and secretly took out the fragment from the Cursed Forest. His eyes were full of desire for power, "As long as I use this... I will be able to It’s as powerful as ever.”

Suddenly a gust of wind blew from behind Zhu Batian, and an indistinct sound also appeared at the same time.

"You'd better put that thing back."

Zhu Batian hurriedly picked up the pieces and looked behind him in horror but found no one. He quickly raised his sword and stood on guard, "Who is it!"


After clearing away the dishes on the table, Jiayu said goodbye to Yun Qishen and the others, "Okay, the time for the truce has come. I'll leave first. I'll come back to see you when the first phase of your actual battle is over."

"Okay." "See you in two days."

After watching Jia Yu leave, Ito, who was in charge of battlefield reconnaissance, also pressed the start button. The barrier was opened again, and their practical class started again.

"Then let's continue." After Ito put on the electronic communicator, he began to introduce the mission at night. "The next part is a night battle. The enemy's night battle is their always weak point. Based on the analysis of previous actual combat data, we can use the terrain to Concealment can better avoid the opponent's observation. "

"Okay, I get it." Yun Qi took a deep breath. Although he felt that overcoming other people's weaknesses was not very upright, it was necessary to know yourself and the enemy on the battlefield. It was right for Ito to investigate the opponent's weaknesses on the battlefield. Victory That's the only rule on the battlefield. But what Yun Qishen wanted all along was to be powerful enough to hit the enemy directly.

"But you'd better not take it lightly." Ito called up the distribution map of enemy personnel and said, "Although night fighting is their weakness, they have added an indiscriminate warlock for the first time this time."

"What does this mean?" Yun Qishen raised his head and stared at the electronic screen.

"A magician other than the pupil technique, and this magician's attack does not distinguish between friend and foe, so he is called a non-discriminatory magician." Ito continued to assign tasks while pressing the electronic buttons, "Next, based on the cumulative calculation of the material distribution area, the night's The first supplies will be distributed in three areas: A3, C6, and Z5. Hmm... Zhu Batian hasn't come back yet?"

"Well, I don't know where he went." Zha Qi replied.

"Forget it, I'll contact him later. You two go to A3 and C6 respectively."


After Ito finished his tasks, Yun Qishen and Hao Qi left the central conference room.

When he got outside, Zhaiqi's brows immediately lowered, and he looked in the direction of Area C, "It's so deep, have you noticed anything weird?"

Yun Qishen also frowned and looked in the direction of Area C, "There is Zhu Batian's aura around here. Is that what you want to say?"

Ji Qi nodded, and Yun Qishen also took a breath at this moment, "In this case, you help me go to Area A to wait for the supplies. The location of Zhu Batian's aura is relatively close to the mission location. I will go over and check the situation."

"I'll go with you too."


After some discussion, the two of them ran towards the direction where Zhu Batian's breath came from.

Ito naturally also observed the movements of the two of them, "What are you two doing? You have left the combat area!"

"Sorry Ito, we need to help our friends first." After Yun Qishen turned off the electronic communication, Ito also lost their positions, and he had to send others to complete the material task.

"It's illegal to show off like this..." Ito sighed and answered an emergency call, "Hello? What's going on?"

Ito stood up in shock, and his voice rose a little higher, "What? All your people are missing?"

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