Yun Qishen

Chapter 2095 Chapter 253 Hush

Chapter 2095 Chapter Hush

"It's strange, Yun Qishen's aura has completely disappeared." Yao Yue stopped and looked around, Yun Qishen's energy fluctuations completely disappeared from his barrier, "Interesting, he can actually be in my barrier Disappeared. Yun Qishen, I don’t know if it’s because you are capable or because the damn goddess of fate is looking after you.”

Just when Yao Yue was holding the scythe and was about to search for Yun Qishen elsewhere, the phantom of the falcon appeared in front of him.

"Yao Yue." Falcon's voice was very anxious. He looked around for Yun Qishen's figure, but in the end he found nothing.

Yao Yue crossed her arms in front of her chest and looked at you with a strange expression, "Falcon, you have injected consciousness into it. Are you so eager to see me?"

At this moment, the real Falcon is using magic to maintain conscious movements outside the barrier. "Even if you lose part of your power, you can go back to your forest. Why do you have to hold on to Yun Qishen?"

Yao Yue sneered mockingly, "He got my power, so I should train him, right? Huh, besides, I don't know where he is now."

"What?" Hearing the news, Falcon outside the barrier was shocked for a moment, which made Qi Qi standing next to him worried.

Yun Qishen won't really encounter anything.

"I've said it so plainly, you still don't understand?" Yao Yue said to Falcon's phantom consciousness, "Yun Qishen was taken away by a certain existence here. This existence seems to have some powerful power. After all, there are very few people who can break my barrier."

"Well..." Falcon fell silent after listening to Yao Yue's words.

Yao Yue also stood in front of him and waited for a while.

"What? You're not in a hurry to help this time?" Yao Yue raised her hand and patted Falcon's phantom consciousness, "Haha, okay, go and tell the green-haired guy next to you. The person he is worried about is okay now. . That’s just a few deaths, but it’s much more than you did back then.”

Falcon looked at Yao Yue in surprise and said nothing. Then he saw the corners of Yao Yue's mouth slightly raised, "I'm just afraid of hurting you, a peacemaker."

"Thank you..." Before Falcon could finish thanking him, Yao Yue disappeared. Although Yaoyue can show a moment of tenderness, in fact he still hates Falcon, and Falcon knows this very well.

Falcon's consciousness quickly withdrew from the barrier, and Zhai Qi hurriedly approached to ask about the situation, "How's it going? Have you seen Yun Qishen inside? How is he?"

Falcon decided to hide the part of what Yao Yue said just now. He replied to Xi Qi, "He is safe, but it is still his time to exercise. Don't worry, I will ensure his safety."

"Brother Falcon!" Lan Ze pulled his arm aside before Falcon could finish speaking, "I have something important to tell you."

"You go ahead." Zhai Qi clenched his fists and turned around and returned to his position. He tried to enter the barrier like Falcon did before, but the result was not as smooth as he expected.

"Yes." Falcon received permission and followed Lanze to the side to discuss the matter.

"What's wrong Lanze?"

Lan Ze's attitude became extremely serious, "I noticed a compass reaction in the barrier. I'm afraid that thing is targeting Yun Qishen... In short, the energy fluctuations in the barrier and the energy in Yun Qishen's body The heights coincide, which means that if Yun Qishen hadn't swallowed the compass next, the compass would have swallowed our..."

"Shh." Falcon turned his head slightly and glanced at Hao Qi, who was concentrating on breaking through the barrier. Then he turned around and gestured to Lanze to lower his voice.

Lanze understood what Hayabusa meant in the blink of an eye. He whispered, "I know what you mean, Brother Hayabusa! But we can't stop the compass matter at the moment. This matter needs to be reported. I'm afraid that if it is leaked, some people will be angry. panic."

Falcon nodded, "Well, I think Lu Siqi will find a way to deal with it. I'll just go and talk to him about this matter."

"Actually, there is another thing that I just noticed." Aizawa handed the space energy detection instrument of his mobile phone to Hayabusa and looked at it. "Special energy from other spaces is flowing continuously to Ritsuto."

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