Yun Qishen

Chapter 2100 Chapter 258 For myself

Chapter 2100 Chapter For myself

"It's been three days, it's so deep..."

Xieqi's hand touched the edge of the barrier set by Yaoyue, and his heart turned from worry to panic. He asked Falcon about Yun Qishen's current situation, and Falcon only replied that Yun Qishen was doing well.

He doesn't have the ability to peer into people's hearts like Yun Qishen, so he can only believe these words.

Jia Yu raised his hand and patted Zui Qi's shoulder. Looking at Zui Qi's sad face and those dull blue eyes, Jiayu could only use encouragement, "Don't worry, it'll be fine. I believe he will It will be fine, and you don’t need to worry too much about him. Didn’t Xiao Falcon already say that he will ensure Yun Qishen’s safety.”

"If I were stronger..." Qi Qi clenched his fists. Yes, as long as he became stronger, Yun Qishen would not suffer such things, and he would be more easily noticed by Yun Qishen.

Jia Yu sighed slightly and advised, "Zie Qi, don't always think like this. Sometimes being strong can't protect the people around you. It's a good thing for us to become strong for the people around us, but we can't pursue it blindly. Power isn’t it?”

"Well..." Zuiqi was not moved by Jiayu's words, but he could hear it in his mind.

Seeing that Ji Qi was interested in listening to him, Jiayu continued, "Think about it, these days, just for the pursuit of strength, have you ever had a good chat and meal with him? There is no emotional contact at all, and you only have strength all day long. powerful."

Jia Yu shook his head and said, "You can't do this."

Zuo Qi turned to look at Jiayu and questioned, "But I don't have the strength... I can't catch up with him at all. All I want to do is stand at the same height as him. Only in this way can I..."

Jiayu directly interrupted Zuo Qi's wishful thinking, "Ze Qi, everyone is different after all. Your characteristics have begun to be assimilated by Yun Qishen, and your feelings have become humble. This is not acceptable."

Xie Qi's eyes were firm, and Jia Yu could also detect Xie Qi's determination at this moment.

After hearing what Jia Yu said, Ji Qi almost blurted out.

"You should look at yourself squarely first." Jia Yu's words carried a power, but at this moment, Ji Qi didn't know how to accept this power.

"Wait a minute." Seeing that Jia Yu was about to leave Ji Qi spoke again.

Jia Yu continued, "You have to decide this for yourself. I can't give you any advice. Gu Ao will be repaired soon, and we won't be able to see each other for a long time. You should always hold the communicator. This is the only way to contact me.”

"What do I want to do?" Zhai Qi frowned.

No trust?

When did you start losing trust?

"I want to become stronger."

Jia Yu also came back and looked at Xi Qi, "What's wrong?"

"Is there anything you want to do most besides protecting Yun Qishen? Don't tell me anything. You need to become stronger." Although Jia Yu doesn't particularly understand Yun Qishen and Ji Qi, after getting along with them for a period of time, He also almost understood some of the character traits of these two people.

And since when did you start to feel so humble and completely without a sense of existence?

Ji Qi thought for a moment, and then slowly lowered his head, "Jia Yu, you are right..."

"How can you achieve happiness when you worry so much about gains and losses? Although you can show enough trust in Yun Qishen, you really don't trust him at all in your heart."

"Can you teach me how to face myself?"

Jiayu nodded, "Yes, we are all individuals after all, and we all have things we want to do. Before learning to love others, we must first learn to love ourselves."

Upon hearing this, Jia Yu smacked his lips in displeasure, "Tsk, did you not understand what I meant?"

"No, I mean for my own strength. I like other people's strengths. I want to play pranks, eat the food I want, and walk around leisurely."

This is evil, he still remembers what it should be like. "This is a good thing. Your idea is right." Jia Yu was very happy to see that Xie Qi could realize himself.

"But... I want to wait for him to come out and see that he is safe before leaving." Zhai Qi looked at the edge of the barrier again. He felt that he should tell Yun Qishen when he was leaving and save Yun Qishen from finding him.

"Can't you do this again after you return to Gu'ao?" Jiayu felt that there was no need to rush for such a thing, and relaxation was the main thing.

Zaiqi shook his head, "No way... It will be too late to return to Gu Ao. You are right, in this relationship, I am too humble. I should also change, I even began to doubt, I Where did you start to like him, and when did you become indifferent to him..."

"This feeling is very painful, I know it." Jia Yu stood next to Zuo Qi again and patted his shoulder.

"Does this count as escaping?" Ji Qi asked Jiayu.

Jiayu thought for a moment and replied, "I don't think so. You go to find yourself just so that you can understand what feelings you have now when you come back."

"Is it liking, selfless love, or attraction from the same source. You just want to find out."

"You are the character, but at the same time you are not."

Jiayu imagined Ritsuto's appearance in his mind, but in the end, aren't everyone just a string of words in his mind... Being able to appear unique in words is a miracle in itself, and everyone is a miracle.

"I know." There was light in Xie Qi's eyes, and he had his own personal goal.

At this moment, Falcon rushed over in a hurry, shouting, "Brother Jiayu! You and Ji Qi get out of the way! There are energy fluctuations!"

As soon as Jia Yu pulled Zuo Qi to jump away, the barrier exploded.

【Bang! 】

With a loud noise, Yao Yue and the unconscious Yun Qishen appeared in front of them.

"It's so deep!"

Just as Xie Qi was about to step forward, he was stopped by Jiayu, "Xie Qi, don't go there!"

Yao Yue raised her eyes to look at Xie Qi's eager look, and felt happy, "Hahaha, are you anxious? Brother Lumao, your sweetheart is here, why don't you come and take care of me?"

"Yao Yue, what are you going to do!" Falcon raised the red snow stem to protect Zuo Qi, "Now that you have recovered the power of the curse, you should go back to the forest, right?"

Yao Yue waved her hand, "Falcon, don't be so anxious. I didn't do anything bad."

He then raised his fingers towards Falcon and said, "I have something else here that I think you guys would really like to hear."

"..." Falcon gave Jiayu a wary look, and Jiayu immediately changed his direction and approached Yun Qishen.

Looking at the large and small cut marks on Yun Qishen's body, Jia Yu, who had clearly seen so many wounds, actually exclaimed, "Oh my God, what on earth have you been through these few days! So many wounds!"

"Yao Yue!" After seeing Jia Yu taking Yun Qishen away, Zhi Qi also looked at Yao Yue with fire in his eyes.

Yaoyue whistled and put her hands on her hips proudly, "What's wrong, green-haired brother?"

"I will definitely get it back!" Zhaiqi gritted his teeth. After saying that, he followed Jiayu's footsteps to treat Yun Qishen.

"Ha." Yao Yue just smiled disdainfully.

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