Yun Qishen

Chapter 2106 Chapter 264 Gu Ao Mo Family

Chapter 2106 Chapter The Gu Ao Mo Family

"Where is this place?" After Mo Langqin opened his eyes, he saw a dense forest. He was lying on a thick branch at the moment, and the spots of light shining through the leaves were swaying on him.

"It hurts, it hurts..." He felt a pain in his waist and back, as if he had been beaten to death. He held his head and frowned, "I remember that I seemed to be Something was given to me...oh, no...ah, my head hurts."

"Mo Laoqi! How long are you going to sleep? You can't attend today's class!"

Just when Mo Langqin was completely confused, someone broke into the forest and seemed to be calling him.

"Mo Laoqi? Are you calling me?"

Mo Langqin turned his head and looked down. A short-haired man wearing black and red clothes also raised his head and met his gaze.

The short-haired man in black and red clothes raised his hand and pointed at Mo Langqin, "Hey! Did you hear me calling you? Come down when you wake up!"

"Who are you?" Mo Langqin asked from his soul.

The short-haired man then shouted, "You're confused! You don't even recognize me or your second brother?"

"Second brother? I don't have a second brother!" This is how Mo Langqin remembered it. He was even more afraid that this person was here to trick him. He didn't want to die.

"Good boy! Wait for me here!" The short-haired man put his hands on his hips and said in a soothing tone, "Okay! I apologize. It was the second brother who was wrong in the previous class. The second brother should not scare you with ghosts! I'm sorry! Please forgive me, brother! I won't be punished if I don't go to class quickly!"

"..." Mo Langqin looked up and down at the short-haired man.

Judging from this man's attitude, it doesn't look like he's just pretending... could he really be his younger brother?

Mo Langqin was not clear-headed at the moment. He touched his head and became even more suspicious.

"Mo Ruo! Mo Langqin!" Another person broke in. This person was also wearing black and red clothes. The clothes looked like school uniforms, but that was not what Mo Langqin was wearing.

The person who came here was taller than the person with short hair, and his hair was of medium length. He also had a few small braids tied around his ears and tucked behind his ears.

"Brother Mo Li." The short-haired man immediately changed into a longing look and bowed slightly.

"Why is there another one?" Mo Langqin turned his head and looked at this person carefully. He soon noticed that the color of this person's eyes was different. Although it was not obvious, it was very obvious to Mo Langqin.

His eyes were so strange, Mo Langqin couldn't help but complain in his mind.

"Why are you still hanging around here? Classes are about to start. Let's go." Mo Li spoke directly to the short-haired man. After speaking, he followed the short-haired man's instructions and looked up at Mo Langqin.

The short-haired man named Mo Ruo quickly explained, "I won't call Langqin now. He's just dazed in the tree like a fool."

Mo Langqin immediately became angry when he heard this, "You are the fool!"

But Li Qiye frowned and mumbled in confusion, "It's gone..."

Mo Ruo suddenly became curious, "Brother, what is missing?"

"Langqin, come down."

Li Li waved to Mo Langqin, but Mo Langqin didn't accept this trick.

"I don't want to go down there. What if you guys get together to mess with me? Go down and die! Oh no!"

Mo Langqin's words made people want to beat him up. Mo Ruo rolled up his sleeves and was about to climb the tree to drag Mo Langqin down, "You kid!"

"Mo Ruo, I'll handle it." Li Li stopped Mo Ruo and directly raised his hand to summon a ghost beast, "Destroy!"

The sudden appearance of the ghost beast scared Mo Langqin and he fell down from the tree, "Oh my god! Ghost!"

But Mo Ruo held his stomach and burst into laughter, "Hahaha! Look how scared you are! Come on! We are a ghost-controlling family! Are you okay with being afraid of ghosts?"

"Conquering ghosts?" Mo Langqin heard the strange term as soon as he sat up. "Quiet..." Mo Li approached and placed his hand on Mo Langqin's forehead. The more he probed, the more strange he became, "It's strange, who took away Langqin's soul?"

"What do you mean?" No Ruo was still out of state.

Li Qiye directly concluded, "He doesn't remember who we are."

"Ah? Can I get it back?" Mo Ruo was a little nervous, "Langqin still owes me a few skewers of mutton!"

"I never owe anyone money! Thank you!" When Mo Langqin heard about money, he was sure that a serious businessman would always pay for his money! No credit!

"Brother, look at him!" No Ruo pulled Mo Li's sleeves to show his pity.

The more Li Qiye thought about it, the more something was wrong, "There's something fishy about this matter, I think it's better to take him to Grandpa to have a look."

"Well..." Noila Mo nodded in agreement, "Let's go and see grandpa."

Li Li hooked his fingers, and Mo Langqinli stood up uncontrollably.

"No! Why should I go with you! Damn it, feet!" Mo Langqin couldn't control his body and roared, "My feet won't obey me!"

After yelling, he yelled again, "Where are you taking me! Let me go!"

No Ruo turned back to look at Mo Langqin with doubt on his face, "You really don't remember us?"

"Hmph. If you dare to hurt me, I will definitely not spare you!"

Mo Langqin's reaction made Mo Li and Mo Ruodu believe that there was something wrong with him.

Soon, under the leadership of Li Moli, they arrived at grandpa's house.

"My grandson Mo Li has met grandpa."

"Long live grandpa."

After seeing the old man in a robe with snow-white hair, Mo Li and Mo Ruodu greeted him politely. Only Mo Langqin pouted and stood aside without saying a word.

The old man took the tea cup to his mouth and took a sip, then asked Mo Li and the others, "Why didn't you go to school instead of coming to my place?"

Li Qiye hurriedly explained, "Grandpa, something happened to Lao Qi."

"Is something wrong?" The old man then turned his attention to Mo Langqin, "Come here and let me take a look."

Mo Langqin was reluctant to go over, but he couldn't help but lean over. The old man put his hand on Mo Langqin's head and felt it. This time it was Mo Li's turn to be curious and asked, "How is it?"

The old man let go of his hand and explained, "There is a trace of human soul missing, but it's not a big problem. Langqin, how much do you remember?"

"How many? I don't even recognize you!" Mo Langqin was so angry that he almost wanted to curse.

No Ruo kicked Mo Langqin's leg, "Respect your elders!"

"Eh, it doesn't matter. He has lost a trace of his human soul and his personality will inevitably change. Since he has forgotten it, you can teach him again when you have time." The old man patted Mo Langqin on the shoulder and told him, "Langqin, remember this. , I am your grandfather, he is your eldest brother Mo Li, and this is your second brother Mo Ruo. "

Before Mo Langqin nodded, Mo Li pulled him outside again, "Since Langqin has nothing to do, my grandson will take the two of them to class."

"Tell your third uncle to prevent him from punishing Langqin."

"I know, Grandpa."

Mo Li bowed slightly and pulled Mo Langqin away.

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