Yun Qishen

Chapter 217

Chapter 217: Heart Solution (2)
(God's perspective)
Sangyu Guoguoguan, Yun Qishen looked at Takize and handed the pass token to the soldiers of Guoguan very normally.

Yun Qishen's face became clear, "Is it so that you don't startle the snake?"

"When did Qi Shen become so smart?" Yun Chenfeng took out three black cloaks from the haystack.

I've always been smart, Yun Qishen muttered.He is still not used to the character of Yun Chenfeng, and he is not nervous at all when he says something, and sometimes he even listens to half a sentence and does not play cards according to the routine.

The three of them put on black robes in unison after they passed through the national gate and entered Sangyu Kingdom.

The immortal path that captured the demon and refined the medicinal pills came from the Sangyu country. Takize came to destroy the immortal path 20 years ago, but after that, he was hunted down by all walks of life in the immortal path before finding out any clues about the culprit behind the scenes.

Takizawa was rescued by Yun Qishen's second uncle, Yun Chenfeng, when he was seriously injured.

"Since that Immortal Dao has been destroyed, what clues will there be after 20 years?"

Yun Qishen was wearing a black robe and stood outside an enchantment.

"This is an enchantment set by the immortal way 20 years ago. It is said to be a powerful enchantment left over from the ancient proud country. My ability is not as good as it was in the past. Even if the enchantment is the spiritual realm, it may not be able to be solved." Takizawa used His hand was attached to the barrier, and the barrier did not bounce off Takizawa.

"Then how do you find this clue?" Yun Qishen looked around the enchantment for a while, but no one around paid attention to the three of them.

"I originally hoped that your mind peeping technique would help, but now it seems that if you don't get rid of your inner demon, all the mana will not be able to be used." Takizawa gave up and touched the barrier with his hand, "This barrier doesn't work. It will hurt anyone, but no one can break it. Only by using the technique of peeping to the heart can we break through the barrier.”

When Yun Qishen used the spell a little, it did have a feeling of being blocked, and it was very laborious to use.

"Why don't we find a place to let the deep inner demons fade first, so that we can unlock the enchantment as soon as possible and let us find the key clues." Yun Chenfeng suggested on the side, "I think my proposal will definitely work. accept."

"Ah ah!"

After Yun Qishen agreed, the three came to a remote forest next to Koizumi.

Takizawa set up a barrier so outsiders couldn't see or feel their presence.

"You will rest here in the next few days, and your second uncle will teach you the specifics about how to dilute your inner demons."

After Takizawa finished speaking, he disappeared without knowing where he went.

Yun Qishen didn't know how to start, and Yun Chenfeng didn't speak.

The two looked at each other for a long time.

In the end, it was Yun Qi who couldn't bear it so much that he asked Yun Chenfeng how to do it and what to do in order to reduce the demons in his heart.

"Do you know what your inner demon is? What does he usually say to you?"

Yun Chenfeng's calm tone is now a little irritable when it reaches Yun Qishen's ears.

"What is it..." Yun Qi recalled deeply, he was me and he kept asking me to kill...

Yun Qishen told Yun Chenfeng his inner thoughts, and Yun Chenfeng just nodded.

"Your heart is magically transformed into your appearance in order to gain your dominance. He let you kill, you must be dissatisfied with something."

After a while, Yun Chenfeng spoke again, "What are you dissatisfied with?"

Dissatisfied place?Yun Qishen also pondered, what exactly is he dissatisfied with... No clue at all.

"I saw you and the person named Ye Qi were very close before, and I heard Takize say that his life is part of his black air. Because of this worry?" Yun Chenfeng asked Yun Qishen without speaking. .

"That's not true! How can I worry about him! My inner demon is not because of him!" Yun Qishen waved his hands in denial.

Yun Chenfeng looked at Yun Qishen's blushing expression and smiled knowingly, "It seems that the demon is not because of him, it may be because of him."

for him?Why don't you mention him again!But...he should be fine now...

Yun Qishen's expression became a little gloomy.

Yun Chenfeng looked in his eyes, "I don't mention him, I heard about the death of the Son of Jiangbang. Because of Taki Qianye?"

Yun Qishen's eyes slowly widened, and Yun Chenfeng knew that he was right.

"Is it Taki Qianye?"

"It's not him!" Yun Qishen denied it seriously, "It has nothing to do with him either!"

Yun Chenfeng sighed, "If you don't face your inner demon, you will never get out. Something is binding you, and then you want to find a breakthrough in the binding, but you deny it yourself. This kind of breakthrough, so there is an inner demon."

"How could I deny myself, hehe."

Yun Chenfeng sighed, "You know what you are, and I will teach you the method as you wish, but it's okay if you don't want to listen. Life and death are decided in your heart. So it's futile for you to deceive yourself and even talk to me. ."

He understands Yun Qishen, but he can't change it.He knew what was going to be wrong, but he couldn't control it.

[Yes... I am you, and you are me.You can't kill yourself! ! ! ]
"To shut up!!"

After a period of silence, Yun Qishen suddenly covered his head and screamed.

Immediately came a slap from Yun Chenfeng.

"Remember it's you at all times! You have to face it! Don't deny it!"

Yun Chenfeng held Yun Qishen's cheeks with both hands, "What the hell are you, Yun Qishen, whether you are an ordinary person or a devil, you have to take a clear stand! If you continue to do things like this without direction, you are the only one who suffers!"

Yun Qishen looked at Yun Chenfeng's face, tears welling in his eyes.

Yun Chenfeng touched Yun Qishen's head with his hand, "You are just an 18-year-old child in front of me, you don't need to carry things that you can't carry alone. Even if I know you don't belong here, But you will always be my nephew."

"Second Uncle..." Yun Qishen wiped away the tears he just shed with his hand, "I am a failure. I would be so overwhelmed by myself. Haha..."

"Who isn't? All the pressure is put on oneself by oneself, and people will only blame this pressure on others, so there will be demons. Another person in people's hearts is responsible for exerting them on themselves. An excuse for stress."

Yun Qishen listened carefully to Yun Chenfeng's explanation of the demons, this time Yun Qishen no longer stubbornly or denied inwardly.

At the beginning, he was always beating others by himself, but now he has been beaten twice.

Yun Qishen touched his face, did Yun Chenfeng know that Yun Qishen was not his nephew, so he started so hard?

Now the news that Yun Qishen is alive has not come out, and I don't know what happened to Jiangbang.

Takizawa was not nearby at this time, and he returned to the barrier to observe, and Takizawa also met his opponent.

At the same time, a group of Xianmen disciples happened to pass by outside the barrier where Takizawa cast the spell.

"There is an enchantment here... there is magic on it... Could it be the devil who jumped off the cliff and disappeared?"

"It's very possible! Set up a formation! Break the barrier!"


(End of this chapter)

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