Yun Qishen

Chapter 219

Chapter 219: Heart Solution (4)
(God's perspective)
The poem says: follow the way, its bright, and leisurely its way.Those who go against the path should be suppressed, and only their path will be prosperous.Seeking God's will, and then obeying fate.

To know why the destiny is, find the way of wisdom.

In the strange light for a while, Takizawa and Daoist Tianyan had already passed dozens of tricks, but when they separated again, they did not look tired.

"Everything is up to fate. Why do you struggle again, your life should end here. The evil way will be eliminated."

The Taoist Tianyan stroked his beard again, Fuchen lightly rested on his arm, and his tone was steady.

"Let it be fate? Hehe, then what is heaven in this world? What is good? What is evil? What are you!" Takizawa prepared the ultimate move again, and the black and red mana lingered on his wrist, and was gradually gathering in the palm of his hand.

"All good is heaven, you are evil. And I am the one who came to kill!"

The knot in the hands of Taoist Tianyan rushed over to resolve his ultimate move when Takizawa had not yet fully gathered his energy.

"Do you think you killed me?" Takize turned around and teleported to the back of the Taoist Tianyan, and then put his force behind the Taoist Tianyan, and the Taoist Tianyan disappeared like smoke.

"Hehe, are you afraid of me before you use the Void Phantom Technique?" Takizawa hurriedly scattered the black energy for defense.

"Hahaha, this is just part of the plan to kill you, so that you can trap yourself with your demonic energy like you are now!"

The voice of Daoist Tianyan came from nowhere. Takizawa quickly discovered that a golden barrier was unfolding. He gathered the black energy and attacked the point generated by the golden barrier.

When the black gas exploded in contact with the golden barrier, Takizawa took the opportunity to use the Void Phantom to escape.

The Taoist Tianyan lost his eyes and did not pay attention to the black qi.

"Then I really underestimate the enemy!" Takizawa's phantom smiled knowingly.

"Do you think you left this place alive?" The blue mana attacked, and Takizawa's phantom was shattered and dissipated.

The Taoist Tianyan realized that he had been deceived, and quickly searched the surroundings with the technique of observation.

At this time, Takizawa had returned to the forest where Yun Qishen was.

Takize saw from a distance that there were several immortal disciples around Yun Qishen, but Yun Chenfeng was not by his side.

Yun Qishen's current demonic energy is bound by inner demons, and under the observation of Xiandao, he is just an ordinary person.It must be these immortal disciples who took Yun Chenfeng away.

Takizawa quickly hid the black energy around him, and suddenly realized that something was wrong.

If the Immortal disciples took Yun Chenfeng away, why would anyone stay and watch Yun Qishen?The purpose is absolutely impossible to wait for him Takizawa to come back, so it seems that it is to let Takizawa act to attack Yun Qishen and then solve why the two "ordinary people" are trapped in the magic barrier.

That being the case...

Takizawa hid a place where a black and red light ball hit Yun Qishen without the immortal disciples noticing.

Here Yun Qishen was still thinking about why these Xianmen disciples stayed, and he was more worried about the situation of his second uncle, Yun Chenfeng.

Suddenly, a black-red ball of light flew towards Yun Qishen, hitting Yun Qishen's chest directly.

This stuff!Why is it of Takizawa!
Just at the moment when Yun Qishen was hit by the mana, he felt that the mana light ball did not have much power.

It turns out that this is the case, this is an illusion, in order to attract this group of immortal disciples.

Yun Qishen was then bounced far away by the mana according to Takizawa's intention, and hit the tree directly.

"Liu Liu! Observe the surroundings! There are demons attacking!" A Xianmen disciple pulled out his fairy sword and was alert.

The disciple named Xiao Liu quickly used the observation technique.

Takizawa once again used the technique of Void Phantom to lure away the group of young disciples.

"Going over there!" Xiao Liu pointed to the place where Takizawa's phantom escaped.

"Let's go!!" The disciples of Xianmen also rushed over there.No one went to check Yunqishen's situation.

Seeing that the disciples of Xianmen were far away, Takize quickly flashed to Yun Qishen's side.

Yun Qishen also sat up, "Where have you been?"

"When do I need to tell you about my affairs?" Takizawa took Yun Qishen to another place first.

"Where did Yun Chenfeng go?" Takizawa used other mana to force out the mana damage Yun Qishen had just suffered.

"You're too ruthless here, it's a killer move..." Yun Qishen became relaxed after spitting out black blood, "My second uncle was taken away, but I don't know where these immortal disciples are from. Clear."

"You're really useless without the art of peeping your heart." Takizawa sneered.

Yes!Yes!Yes!Yun Qishen rolled his eyes.

Takizawa's world-weary eyes turned to one side, and it seemed that a disciple of Xianmen was looking for it, and it seemed that the phantom had been discovered.

"I think I know where - from Xunmen." Takizawa took Yun Qishen and flashed again.

From looking for the door?A very familiar name... Wait, isn't this the sect of asking Qianyao to cultivate Taoism!
"Why are you so sure? There are many immortal sects in Sangyu country. You are only sure about those disciples?" Yun Qishen was analyzing.

But Takizawa ignored his analysis, and just asked coldly, "What did your second uncle say when he left?"

"He was taken away without speaking." Yun Qishen replied.

"He must not have been taken away in his own identity... Whose identity did he use?"

Takizawa's tone revealed an eagerness to search.

"He uses the identity of Qianqiu Rong's predecessor..." Yun Qishen noticed that Takize suddenly let go of his dodging hand as soon as he finished speaking. As a result, Yun Qishen abruptly fell from the tree and fell on the on the ground.

"You did it on purpose!!!" Yun Qishen took off the leaves on his head, patted the soil on his body, and roared at Takizawa who was now on the branch.


More importantly, Takizawa admitted it, and Yun Qishen was even more angry.

"I'll take care of your second uncle's affairs, and you are here to solve your inner demons. I don't think there will be immortals coming here... But whether you can survive is still unknown." After speaking, Takizawa Huayan disappeared. .

Yun Qishen angrily threw stones in the direction of Takizawa's disappearance, why is it still unknown if I can survive?Why didn't Xianmen disciples come here?How did I talk to this guy to offend him!asshole!
Just when Yun Qi stood up angrily and looked around, there was a rustling sound from the surrounding grass.

Not only rustling but also his things, Yun Qishen looked back, and a black shadow quickly attacked.

"What a big centipede!!!"

Yun Qishen, who had no mana to use now, had to sprint to one side.

At the same time, Takizawa came to hide from Xunmen.

Yun Chenfeng was also brought into the main hall by the Xianmen disciples.

Above the main hall is the Taoist Master from Xunmen, the Taoist Tianyan.

The Taoist Tianyan smiled as he watched the man in black robe slowly approach.

 I've watched a lot of golden light puppets recently, hahaha

(End of this chapter)

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