Yun Qishen

Chapter 221

Chapter 221: Heart Solution (6)
(God's perspective)
There was only the sound of liquid dripping around the pitch black, and black seeds bloomed in it.

After the successful birth of the previous child named Xiaoshao, Wen Qianyao determined that the Heart Devouring Pill he made could also occupy the heart of Xie Qi, and then let the Spirit Realm Dao taste the pain of being killed by his apprentice. .

But Ye Qi's heart is really chaotic, and the remaining consciousness of asking Qian Yao can't find a place to lead to the depths of Ye Qi's heart.

"who are you?"

A gentle female voice entered Qian Qianyao's ears.

Asking Qianyao to be wary, he turned around and saw that it was a woman with green hair.

"I want to ask who you are!" Wen Qianyao directly attacked the green-haired woman without saying a word.

The green-haired woman stepped back and entered the darkness.Asking Qianyao's residual consciousness also disappeared into the darkness.

In the Lingyao Pavilion of the Immortal Medicine Sect in Jingling Mountain, Lai A was checking Xiaoshao's body.

Yun Qishen's sword pierced Xiaoshao's body at that time, but the child should not die. Xu Mingjian seemed to save the child afterward.No one has a clue as to why.At that time, even Daoist Xuyun believed that Xiaoshao was dead.

When Ye Qi woke up and rushed out of the door, Mi Zixin found a trace of vitality when he probed Xiaoshao's spiritual veins again.It just so happened that the elixir that Xiao Zhi spit out could save the child's life.

But four or five days later, the child is still in a coma.

Ye Qi asked Lai Alai to investigate the elixir he was taking.

"This child has the same breath as the breath left in your body. The breath left in you is also gradually decreasing. Do you have any special feeling?" breath.

"Because I didn't feel anything, that's why I thought it was strange. I asked Qian Yao to control the spoon to feed me the elixir. The elixir here is enough to kill me, but I actually felt that nothing happened."

Ye Qi stood in front of the small spoon bed, "Can you take out the lead to control this child?"

"It's difficult, and it's not impossible. But the main thing is that this child will face it herself in the future. Although the consciousness of asking Qianyao is gone, this time may become her inner demon." Lai A stopped checking Xiaoshao's body. Come and spy on Ye Qi.

A chaotic darkness.

"No, although I can perceive the same mana remnants in your body as this child, but your heart cannot be spied on by the art of peeping."

Lai A shook his head, and the golden unicorn lying on the shoulders of Ye Qi sarcastically said, "I heard that if you eat too much sugar, you will become a fool! You big bug!"

"Be careful that Benlong makes you a roast pig!" The one spit out a small mouthful of purple fire at the golden unicorn.The golden unicorn also spit out unicorn fire at Laia.

Ye Qi pondered and ignored the two beasts here. Isn't my heart a way to spy on my heart...

"Yi Qi, listen to what Ben Long said, if you have any discomfort, you must say it."

"Understood~" Ye Qi returned to his senses and smiled at Lai A.

Lai'a was also used to Ye Qi's smile, "Benlong has to deal with matters in Jiangbang. You kid, take care of yourself."

Lai Hualong left, and Jin Qilin looked up at Ye Qi, "Why do you miss him? That scum is worth your attention?"

"Are you jealous again?" Qi Qi touched the golden unicorn's head with his hand.

"Cut!" The golden unicorn said not the same, and then he would eat sauerkraut.

Xie Qi then summoned his divine beast tortoise from his hand.

Just summoned it was just a turtle shell, about the size of a palm.

Jin Qilin also looked curiously at the thing that Ye Qi summoned. He knew before that he had a mythical beast turtle named Jin Hua.

The turtle came out with a purple transparent egg in its mouth.

Ye Qi took the egg out of Jin Hua's mouth and took it with a small spoon.

In the eyes of Jin Qilin, this thing (Jinhua's eggs) was delicious before he had eaten.

Ye Qi put Jin Hua aside, and the turtle walked around slowly.The golden unicorn also jumped over curiously, stepping on the turtle shell with one paw, "There are also private goods, all of which will be released to this god!"

Jinhua obediently indented into the turtle shell, and then slowly took out a Jinhua egg.The golden unicorn unceremoniously brought it over to eat.

yummy...a little addicting...

Ye Qi sighed and left Jin Qilin and Jin Hua turtle alone and walked out of Lingyao Pavilion and stood at the door.

The snow covered the ground outside the house, and the sky and the earth were all white.Ji Qi looked at Tian and put a word "heart" in black Qi in his hand.

He had been wearing his dark red Taoist uniform since he woke up, probably because of the protective spell, so he couldn't sense the cold.

Except for the noisy sound of the golden unicorn coming from the Lingyao Pavilion from time to time, the surroundings were eerily silent.And Qi Qi hated this kind of atmosphere the most. He even hallucinated Yun Qishen to say sarcastic words aside, imagining that he squeezed over to make a joke at Yun Qishen, and Yun Qishen rolled off casually.

He will be fine...

Ye Qi was so sure.

--split line--

"It's okay, you bastard!!" Yun Qishen thought that this kind of disgusting and unreasonable thing in front of him would soon pass.

He even hypnotized himself, it's okay, it's okay.Soon he denied himself.

Why didn't the disciples of Xianmen come to this place?Because this is a place to test elixir.

He didn't know why these guys turned into centipedes, he only knew that there were a lot of medicinal pills falling around, and this group of "monsters" also devoured those strange and strange ones when they ate the same kind. Elixir.

They have the upper body of an ordinary person but the body of a centipede.This is just before the transformation.

After being chased by the "monsters", Yun Qishen arrived at the birthplace of these "monsters".

The vegetation around was withered, and the smell of rotting corpses and the smell of rust merged together to form a red smoke.

Yun Qishen stepped on the skeletons one by one and came under a relatively huge dead tree, surrounded by many "guys" who were half human and half centipede.There are even several large centipedes...

If the number of knots on the body of these centipedes represents the amount of food they eat, then...

Yun Qi thought deeply about something extremely terrifying. He didn't want to admit the fact, but he felt a section grow after the "monster" ate it.

The centipede bodies of the "monsters" that came under siege all exceeded twenty joints.

In other words, each of them brutally killed more than 20 of their own kind...

[What are you still hesitating about?Just kill!kill!kill! ]
Yun Qi took a deep breath and looked directly at his inner demon, "Shut up! Don't think I can't help you if you hide in my heart! I will definitely kill these 'monsters'! But now! I want you to listen. my words!"

[Then you can bring out the power that can make me surrender! ]
Yun Qishen once again felt that his own voice was so annoying that he could speak, but now he can only receive it.Not for others, but for himself.

 [Indulge in golden light and cannot extricate himself]
(End of this chapter)

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