Yun Qishen

Chapter 223

Chapter 223: Heart Solution (8)
(God's perspective)
In the middle of the night in the Sangyu Country Forest, Yun Qishen walked around in the forest while Yun Chenfeng fell asleep.

Takizawa doesn't know where to go again, he should go to explore the previous barrier again.

What puzzled Takizawa the most was the formation of the barrier, but now that Yun Qishen's power has not been fully recovered, and his inner demon has not been removed for a day, he cannot use the technique of peeping to break the barrier.

People should be more relaxed the more they walk, but Yun Qishen returned to a place where he "experimented" as he walked.

"This is so simple, even destroying a nation for immortality... Heyuan also sacrificed the lives of all the people of the whole country with the incense of the soul... Wait... Will there be a difference between immortality and borrowing the soul to prolong life? connection?"

Yun Qishen didn't understand that Immortal Fairy Ling Mei didn't use the effect of soul-repelling incense to maintain her youth.

If the incense of the soul is on the surface to provide mana for the lacquer, but behind it is to revive something?

Yun Qishen feels that there are some places that make sense.

Coincidentally, Takizawa also came straight here when he came back.

"What are you thinking?" Takizawa asked coldly.

There was a kind of joy in Yun Qishen's heart, "I figured it out!"

"Figured out?"

"Wujianzhong! This organization has some big suspicions. If this organization is behind the scenes, it can tell some things." Yun Qi looked deeply at Takizawa's world-weary eyes.

Takizawa did not speak and waited for Yun Qishen to continue.

"Isn't it that there are some immortal people among the Wujianzhong who still have a short life? Think about it. Back when they stole the sea and Ake, they stole the red ones instead of the golden ones. Medicine pills. Could all these things be for the sake of the person who will die soon?"

"But the incense stick and the elixir of immortality have nothing to do with them." Although Takizawa agrees with this point of view, there is no clear clue that it is the ghost of the Wujianzhong.

"That's why I said that if, maybe the enchantment contains the secrets of the Unbounded Beings." Yun Qishen thought with his hand against his chin.

"Perhaps... I think you told me more than this." Takizawa looked at Yun Qishen and looked at him again, and it was immediately clear.

"My second uncle wants me to accept my inner demon, but I don't think the truth will always wait for us to explore, so I want to ask you the fastest way to surrender to the inner demon."

After listening to Yun Qishen's words, Takizawa smiled and surrendered?Ha ha.

"Then you will come here tomorrow, and I will teach you." Takizawa was about to leave after speaking.

Yun Qishen took a step forward and pulled Takizawa's sleeve, "I have one more thing, I want you to tell me what you know about my second uncle."

"Oh, do you want to know that much? Some things can't be changed even if you know them. You just want to satisfy your curiosity." Takizawa shook off Yun Qishen's hand.

"Can't you? I just want to understand more comprehensively."

"That's a good thing to say... When you are exploring the past of others, you should think about what you have that can be exchanged for equivalent?"

Just as Takizawa left the words again, Yunqi spoke deeply.

"I... I really don't have anything that can be called equivalent. You know that I am a person from another world. You even fell in love with tattoos and lipsticks through my memory."

Yun Qishen's unpleasant mouth opened, and Takizawa continued to walk after hearing this.

"No... I want to say. I'm not sure what is equivalent, because the past things in my heart, whether right or wrong, can't be measured by value. So the evaluation can only be made by others." Yun Qi's deep eyebrows slightly wrinkled.

"Well, you have a deep resentment for your father, although you think you can get around it with witty words. But it will only show your disgust for him. I just listen to him."

Takizawa turned to look at Yun Qishen again, Yun Qishen showed a look of disgust, but after a while, Yun Qishen sighed.

"If you think it's equal, I'm talking about..."

Yun Qishen told Takizawa about his past life.

Takizawa snorted after hearing that.

"The difference between your father and these people is that he experimented with his own son."

Yun Qishen stretched his brows with his hands, "Can you tell me about my second uncle now?"

Takizawa closed his eyes and said slowly, "Twenty years ago, I was hunted down by Immortal Dao, and then once my mana was exhausted, when I was seriously injured, it was your second uncle who saved me..."

20 years ago, Yun Chenfeng was about the same age as Yun Qishen is now, because the boy's impulsiveness rescued the demon king Takizawa at that time.

Yun Chenfeng is a rare genius, and his ideal is to let the immortals and demons get along peacefully and friendly.But his ideals only have two people to support him, one is his childhood sweetheart Mizixin and the other is his senior brother Qianqiu Rong.

The matter of saving the devil was hidden from the Taoist Guanyou, but he was accidentally caught by the Taoist Guanyou.

At that time, when Yun Chenfeng was rubbing the medicine for Takizawa, the Taoist Guanyou rushed into the house to give Takize a fatal blow.But at that time, Yun Chenfeng blocked this fierce attack for Takizawa.

The paper couldn't contain the fire, and it was rumored that Yun Chenfeng had helped the Demon Lord many times, and it became more and more serious.It was even rumored that Yun Chenfeng had done a cowardly thing with the Demon Lord.

"'One day spring willow green, play PZH' is his ideal, although the cruel fact makes him breathless, the stubborn guy here has never forgotten his humble wish." Takizawa finished the story. Turn around and leave.

Yun Qishen stood there, his second uncle's wish was too humble.Even if immortals and demons are good friends, people's hearts are always against foreigners.

Got it————

The sound of cicadas sounded. Yun Qishen didn't notice that there were cicadas chirping. Did this sound keep ringing, or did it start just now?
Yun Qishen raised his head and looked at the broken moon in the sky, his wish was always vague.

Takizawa went back to Yun Chenfeng first, but saw two figures approaching Yunchenfeng one step ahead of him.

Takizawa hid his breath to hide, he watched the two shadows stop beside Yun Chenfeng.

"Chenfeng is here, which means that the magic bead is also nearby? If you have something to do, hurry up and find him! I'm about to be bitten to death by mosquitoes!"

The flames of the fire illuminated these two mysterious people, one was wearing a black robe, and the other person who was talking had a mosquito net outside in addition to wearing a black robe.

Yun Chenfeng woke up at this time and saw these two people.

Yun Chenfeng hurriedly got up and saluted another man in black robe, "The disciple has seen the master."

"You don't have to do these superficial things to me. I have tolerated you with the greatest tolerance. Chen Feng, hand over the magic beads."

The man in black robe who spoke was the Taoist Guanyou, and he still wore an ice-cold mask.

The man in black robe, who was still wearing a mosquito net, was the black-hearted businessman, Mo Langqin.

"Oh! Can't you two leave the forest? Damn mosquito!!" Mo Langqin took out the mosquito repellent from the ring and sprayed it violently around him.

(End of this chapter)

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