Yun Qishen

Chapter 225

Chapter 225: Heart Solution (10)
Looking at the black-hearted businessman who was tied up by me, I was really happy.

I took his storage ring over to prevent him from doing anything.I held the garlic-smelling spray at him in one hand, while watching Takizawa heal Yun Chenfeng in the distance.

"Brother Young Master... ah!! Bah, Bah, Bah!"

Hiss - (spray sound)
This kind of person shouldn't let him open his mouth, I'll spray him with his anti-wolf spray whenever he makes a move!happy!
"Cough...not...cough...ah, it hurts!"


Deserved, this guy deserves no sympathy at all.I sprayed on the spot where I punched him.

"Yun Qishen, stop playing, you will come to see your second uncle with the healing technique." Takize let me go after leveling Yun Chenfeng.

I threw the anti-wolf spray back, left the black-hearted businessman and came to the second uncle.

"Hey! Why are you covering the mosquito net for the young master! Young master, bro, mosquitoes!!"

Hearing Mo Langqin's painful and helpless cry for help, I was so happy.I admit that I deliberately did not cover him with mosquito nets. He hates mosquitoes so much, so I will let him get along well with mosquitoes.

I checked Yun Chenfeng's body first, he was fine, I then treated him with a healing spell.

I obviously didn't attack with magic power. According to common sense, the second uncle's wound should heal gradually, but his wound did get bigger and bigger.

Yun Chenfeng spat out fresh blood from his mouth, and I hurriedly stopped the treatment.

"What's going on?" Takizawa was not very clear.

My eyes moved to Mo Langqin, "You must know! What the hell is going on here!"

Mo Langqin didn't open his mouth to make a sound at first, I stared at him, and after a while I was about to go and beat him again.

Mo Langqin sighed and said, "Your second uncle has a reverse spell in his body, and he was willing to become like this in order to bear the guilt at the time, but he didn't tell you about this magic bead? He As long as he is attacked by spells, it will expand his wounds, and healing spells are also an attack on him."

After I finished listening, I rushed over and grabbed Mo Langqin's collar, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Young master, brother, you don't give me a chance to speak. Besides, you torture me so much, the young master only told you because of Yun Chenfeng's face."

"It's like saying how kind-hearted I am! Did I wrong you by doing this?" I let go of Mo Langqin's collar and pushed him back again.

"So what can you do?" Taki Ze wiped the blood from the corner of Yun Chenfeng's mouth.

"Of course there is, sir, I have many ways!" Mo Langqin replied complacently.

"I believe in you!" I stared at Mo Langqin, who looked at me helplessly.

"What's the solution?" Takize looked at me and Mo Langqin.

Mo Langqin twisted his body after hearing what Takize said, meaning to untie it for him.

"Yun Qishen untie it for him."

Takizawa said to me in an icy tone, "I'm really angry, it's not cheap, this unconscionable scumbag!"
"What tricks do you dare to do to make you look good!" I threatened the black-hearted businessman, but it seemed to be of no use to him.

"Everything has a quid pro quo, doesn't it? I'm a serious businessman."

Looking at the slapped face here, I must have beaten too lightly just now.

After releasing Mo Langqin's restraint, Mo Langqin stretched his waist and stretched out his hand towards me.

"Give it back to me."

Go, go, give!I returned the storage ring to him, and the people in my place quickly became very unhappy.

When the black-hearted businessman took the ring, he took out an elixir from the ring, and then he threw it towards Takizawa.

Takizawa grabbed the elixir with a wave of his hand and gave it to Yun Chenfeng.

"Hey! I'm not sure if it's poisonous, you're in such a hurry..."

"Aiya~ Young Master, Young Master, I have said that Young Master, I am a serious businessman. How could the medicine pill exchanged for my life be poison. Young Master Brother, you have too deep a prejudice against me."

I haven't finished speaking yet, you kid dare to get in the mouth of Lao Tzu, and even a little master!Annoying people.

I was thinking of asking Mo Langqin to tell me something, and as soon as I got close to him, I saw him take out the purple jade knife and face me.

"One, two or three, my son and brother have seen you back!"

Because I couldn't get close to the purple jade knife, I saw Mo Langqin lost my eyes with a smoky pill, and I couldn't see it either, so I picked up the spray can at my feet and threw it into the smoke.

"Ah! Young Master's anti-wolf spray!"

I only heard this sentence, and then the smoke cleared and I didn't see the figure of the poor guy.

My original anger was suppressed by the sound of my second uncle's cough.

"Second uncle! How do you feel?" I hurried over to look at him.

"Qi Shen... I'm fine. Where did you go just now?"

"Um..." I just nodded.

"I want to know what you think, what do you think about the friendship between the fairy and the devil..."

What time has this happened, I haven't taken care of myself, what the world is...

As soon as I was about to speak, Takizawa interrupted and said to my second uncle, "If you want to deny your own thoughts, don't drag others into the water. People's thoughts are different, and they only think about what is good for themselves. No one is as stupid as you, Dedicated to others, to put it bluntly, it is still for your own humble dream!"

what's the situation?I'm a little short circuited...

Yun Chenfeng sat up slowly and calmly gave himself a mouth.

"Second uncle!"

Don't be so hard on yourself!
I have seen the red handprint!

"Satisfied? It's all my fault, I shouldn't have always believed in the friendship between fairy and devil... I'm a fool, I'm stubborn! I'm not a human... I..." Yun Chenfeng was trying his best to deny himself.

The first time I saw my second uncle cry, I couldn't bear to look at him.

Maybe the second uncle has his magic power and will let people protect him, he is not weak, but...

Takizawa and I both went over to hug Yunchenfeng, and the three of us hugged together.

"It's the same for me if you're stupid. You saved my life. I just don't want you to carry such a heavy and almost impossible burden alone." Takizawa still said coldly.

"Second uncle... I'm sorry... I made you worry..." I don't know what to say... No matter how I'm not the real nephew of Yun Chenfeng, the warmth brought by a hug at this time is huge.

The three of us didn't know how long we had been hugging each other, until Yun Chenfeng regained his composure and said, "Stop hugging... I feel a little breathless. Besides, it's a little disgusting for the three of us to hug each other."

Yes, this is my second uncle who plays cards unreasonably, heartless second uncle.

Takizawa was the first to let go, and I was pushed away by my second uncle...

The next day, my training with Takizawa also started.After a few days in a row, I felt my strength increased and the influence of the demons gradually diminished.

Yun Chenfeng didn't seem to have any unusual attitude, and just one month later, he suddenly disappeared.

Takizawa told me that the place where Yun Chenfeng went should be from Xunmen.

From looking for the door... there must be something I want to know.

(End of this chapter)

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