Yun Qishen

Chapter 244 Travels to the Ghost Country

Chapter 244 Travels to the Ghost Country (6)
I don't know exactly where I went, but there are trees full of flowers blooming around.Although it is pink, it is not a cherry blossom. If this thing is deliberately touched, it is like touching a drop of water.If you don't touch it intentionally, it's similar to ordinary flowers.

Before I knew it, it was already dark when I arrived here.But the trees glowed so faintly that I couldn't help but catch my eye.

It's a place where you can feel at ease.

"Infatuated with immortals and demons, I can't handle the dust and wind. Once the spring will be green, the drama PZH."

An ethereal male voice burst into my ears.

Once spring willow green... This is not the second uncle... Who could it be!

I couldn't find the direction from which the sound came from, all around me were pink petals scattered from the tree.

"Who is reading poetry? Can you come out and meet me?"

I really care a lot. This sentence is the second uncle's wish, isn't it? Will it be the second uncle's friend?

"You can't see me now... Wait until your inner demon is completely gone. I will naturally go to you." The voice was so ethereal that it made me feel like it was speaking directly to my heart.

"Then what do you mean by suddenly appearing now?"

The surrounding petals were blown by a gust of wind, which confused my eyes for a while.

"I'm here just to tell you to recognize your purpose, and you still have one important thing to do."

This ethereal voice is far and near, and I can't feel any magic and magic energy.

"What's important?"

Just listening to the ethereal voice and smiling, "I'll let you figure it out for yourself here. Your thoughts determine the life and death of this continent."

When the flowers dissipated, the ethereal voice disappeared.

This person is definitely not simple, if he does not know the magic of sound transmission over a thousand miles, he is a hidden master.

It's just that I have something important to do?
Which poem did he read to get my attention?Or to remind me about the second uncle?Did the second uncle have an accident?
What is the important thing, he also deliberately added two more poems.

Fairy Demon... Dust Wind...

Do you want me to get that magic weapon as soon as possible?No, it's definitely not that simple, there must be something else.There are so few clues that I haven't been able to grasp the big picture yet.So many things what is the most important...

Is it also related to the dream I had before?

In this case, I really should get that giant sword as soon as possible, and then go to the second uncle.

I walked while thinking, and as I walked, I came to a stone table.

The stone table is also covered with pink petals, and there is a bottle of sake on it.

On it are written the four words [One Mind and Forgetfulness].

What do you mean?
It looks like it was prepared for me, it should be the owner of the voice just now.

I didn't drink that glass of wine, in case someone deliberately tried to poison me.

But I spied out that the bottle of wine was not poisonous, and it still had weak mana remaining on it.

The mana here has a similar feeling to the petals falling around.

I had to leave with the bottle of sake, my original intention was to go back to Chihua.

As a result... I have already said that I can fully adapt to the environment of the ghost country, but I can't stand the people of the ghost country.

Look at all the scrawny people here... Half human and half skeleton, I'm afraid of the devil! ! !

Even though I didn't show it clearly, when I got close to me, my whole body didn't feel right.

"This little jie... son, is it the Forgetfulness Wine in your hand?"

The person who suddenly approached me to talk to me was a female ghost whose appearance I could admire more. She was no different from ordinary people except for a few protruding bones on her face and arms.

"Forget love wine? I don't know if this wine was given to me by someone else." I had to tell the truth, was she going to call me miss just now?

"Can the young master give me the Forgetfulness Wine here?"

In the face of the female ghost's request, it's not that I don't want to give it to her, and I won't lack a piece of meat anyway, but this wine must be one of the clues.

"Can you drop half of it?"

The female ghost nodded, and she took me to a dark place.

I wondered why she was pulling me away, so I used the technique of peeping into the heart of this female ghost.

Forget love wine, this female ghost wants to commit suicide?Use the wine here? ? ?
"Wait!" I quickly shook off the female ghost's hand, "What are you going to do with Wang Qingjiu?"

"Well... Since it's called Wangqingjiu, it's natural to forget feelings."

This female ghost is lying perfunctorily.

"Since I agree to share half of your Wangqing Wine, I also hope you can tell me honestly. You want to use this Wangqing Water to commit suicide, right?"

I was too lazy to talk nonsense with her, so I just went straight to the point. I didn't want the ghosts to arrest me because I gave this wine to the sons and daughters, and in turn she committed suicide.

" do you know what I think." The female ghost was a little surprised.

"If you don't tell me, then I'll be rude and find the answer myself."

I don't know if I used the peeping technique to scare this female ghost. How can I say that my eyes will light up when I use this spell.

Tucao, carry a light bulb with you 2333
"I said..." The woman touched the bones protruding from her face, "Wangyou, Wangqing, and Wangchen wines can make the ghost look new and forget the past and be reborn once. The longer the brewing time, the greater the effect. At this stage of wine, as long as you add something, it will turn into poison."

"You know what I'm talking about, the reason why you want to kill yourself."

I think there is definitely something difficult for this female ghost to say, but I can't spy on it at all, it seems that someone has given her an enchantment.


"If you don't say it, I won't give you the wine here. You can find another way to commit suicide."

Just when the female ghost hesitated to tell me, a bunch of black skeletons suddenly appeared.

what! ! !
I was so scared that I almost jumped up and shouted.

"Forget love wine? Take it!"

One of the skeletons ordered to attack me and the female ghost.

If you don't look for trouble, the trouble will come to you.

I unleashed black gas to wrap these skeletons, then I grabbed the female ghost's hand and ran to the side.

"Actually, Young Master, you don't have to save me. Young Master Yijiu is in trouble here."

The female ghost said while running after me.

I didn't realize at the time how troublesome the trouble she was talking about.

I was pulling the female ghost and was about to pass a corner, but suddenly more than a dozen black skeletons appeared.

I had to turn around and the female ghost changed direction.

Suddenly I felt that the hand in my hand became lighter, but I looked curiously at it - a broken arm.

A black figure swung a knife straight down, cutting off the female ghost's arm.

The female ghost and I were also separated by this guy who suddenly appeared.

This guy is wearing clothes similar to that of the ghost country ghost master, and he has a ghost mask like a Prajna face on his face.

As soon as I turned around and recovered from the surprise of the broken hand, I was suddenly punched in the center of the mouth by this guy.

(End of this chapter)

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