Yun Qishen

Chapter 247 Travels to the Ghost Country

Chapter 247 Travels to the Ghost Country (9)
"...Not only did he change my clothes, but he also bit people like a mosquito, what the hell! He also pressed my head, fortunately I used a body protection spell at the time, otherwise my face would look like it is now The ground here is the same. It has become bumpy, maybe I didn't pay attention to the back, if you don't hold me, I still can't feel the injury on the back... Ye Qi?"

When I told Ye Qi about what I had woken up to, I suddenly felt that the strength of Ye Qi's hold on me became weaker.The surrounding atmosphere also became a bit icy cold.

[really disgusting-]
The black skeleton attacked my black silk thread again, and the golden flower was falling, and I was afraid that it would not be able to support it in a while.

Even though the strength of holding me was weak, Ye Qi still didn't want to let go of me.

"Hey, it's enough to hug after a long time... Heisi won't be able to support it for long... Sigh? What spell are you chanting?"

I was about to push Ye Qi away again, but at this time, Ye Qi chanted a spell that I was somewhat familiar with.

He is summoning a beast...

"Hey...don't tell me you summoned that pig..."

As soon as I finished speaking, I felt myself being pulled away by a force.

Soon I realized the power of unicorn pig claws.

"Did you do this on purpose! Press me down as soon as you come out!"

"Shut your mouth, you scumbag! Do you know that Ye Qi is looking for you for three months..."

"Golden Qilin, I'm going to trouble you again." Qi Qi stepped forward and pulled me up again, "Is it alright."

I nodded and said nothing.

I looked up at the golden unicorn.

What kind of eyes does it have, is this pig looking down on me!

[Humph - is it enough to ask for help! ]
The golden petals dissipated, and the black silk broke instantly.

The entire black skeleton attacked, and the golden unicorn not to be outdone, spit out unicorn fire to resist.

Suddenly, there were crackling sounds, and the black skeleton popped its head in the golden-red flames.

The skeleton hand also attacked the golden unicorn through the flame.

The heat wave is also approaching me and Yan Qi. I want to treat my back first while the pig is fighting with the black's a bit difficult to treat my own back...if Gu Choumian was there All right.

"I'll help you..." Qi Qi took out a bottle from somewhere, I remember that it seemed to belong to the pig... Sigh... let's do it.


I don't know what's going on with me now, I'm suddenly very embarrassed.I could feel Ye Qi's hand running on my back.I feel a little excited... no no, I definitely can't be a pervert!It's like rubbing your back in the bathroom.

The wound on the back was healed quickly.But Ji Qi's hand didn't leave, I felt he was tracing the word "Taki" on my back.

It should be that the unicorn's gastric juice just now destroyed what I had hidden with the magic.

"...Don't describe it! It's important to fight monsters!"

It's just a crop top...but I still have to put the top on, I admit, I don't want people to see what's on the back.

But in retrospect, the Takizawa I saw before and the Takizawa who gave me a tattoo were really different... Maybe there is some strange connection between them. Could it be that Takizawa has restrained himself because of the presence of the second uncle?
Maybe it was because the Spiritual Realm Dao taught Ye Qi a lot of things in the world, so Ye Qi could quickly respond to some of what I said.

"Fighting monsters to upgrade? You can't just fight the monsters of minions~"

When I turned around, I saw the smile on the female watch.

Now that smile doesn't seem so unpleasant.Did I really treat him badly before, and I really deserve him to be so kind to me?
"The devil is looking good at the little Taoist priest? Do you want to see more~"

Ye Qi's blue eyes were clear, and the evil red under the corners of his eyes made his face even more charming.

Why didn't I notice it before, maybe I didn't look at him in the eye, and I was often persuaded by him to speak with a female watch. At this moment, I liked him like this from the heart.

"Yeah." I replied and turned my head away from looking at him.

Sure, I feel like my face must be as red as a tomato right now!No, man hey!Hold back hey!

calm down……

Just when I hinted at calmness, Ye Qi leaned over again...

It was also at this time that the golden unicorn was repelled.

The golden blood dripped from its front legs to the ground, and flowers and plants grew on the ground.

evil ——

The black skeleton screamed eerily.

The golden unicorn was provoked, and it didn't take long for it to step back and bite the huge skeleton again.

Naturally, I was also trying to limit the movement of the black skeleton.It's just that Jin Qilin doesn't seem very happy.

The golden unicorn cut off my black silk with its claws, "You don't need to intervene! This thing belongs to this divine beast!"

I'm kind enough to help pig is not appreciated.

The fierce attack of the golden unicorn first broke the arm of the black skeleton, and then the shoulder blade on the other side.

The heat of the unicorn fire is getting higher and higher, and the surrounding furniture is also burnt out.The huge black skeleton did not retreat due to the broken arm and one shoulder and was even burned by the unicorn, but attacked even more violently.

evil ——

Another different cry came.

Only for a moment I saw a blue lightning strike the golden unicorn, and the sudden light blinded my eyes.

When my eyesight was restored, I didn't see the huge black skeleton again.

"Damn, I was rescued!"

The golden unicorn's rich voice was full of anger. I was observing the surroundings at this time, and the skylight had been opened in the hall just now.

The golden unicorn then changed back to its round shape. It should be healing and wanted to lick the wound with its mouth.


It's not that I want to laugh, it's that it's too fat to lick that cut on the front leg.

When Ye Qi saw the past, he picked up the golden unicorn and put medicine on it.

Although I knew that the kind of schadenfreude I laughed at just now wouldn't work, I wasn't too happy to see Ye Qi hugging that pig.

The surrounding noise is getting louder, is there reinforcements?I spy around, some scattered ghosts are approaching.Staying here is not the way.

"Evil Qi!"

As soon as I turned my head to look at Ye Qi, I was greeted with the headbutt of the golden unicorn.

"What are you doing, a dead pig!"

I staggered and sat on the ground when the pig approached me and glared at me with its eyes.

"This one is for Mo Qi! You scumbag! Do you know how uncomfortable your disappearance is for him. If he didn't care about you, this divine beast would have kept him away from you, an ungrateful scumbag."

Is this pig teaching me a lesson for Ye Qi?I looked over the golden unicorn to look at Qi Qi, and he still had that smile, the same forever.

He cares about me, and I care about him now.But the important thing now is not to fall in love... let's talk about the two of us...

Wait, the important thing now is not to talk about love, that person left me a love wine again, is that what it means...

That doesn't mean that I still have to live up to the will of Qi Qi for me...then just wait until things are over.

Even if people in the world object, I Yun Qishen will never live up to your feelings again.

You said you would never be my enemy...

"Evil Qi..."

Ye Qi heard me calling him to approach quickly.

"...I won't run away in the future. I am devoted to you, and I will live up to you for the rest of my life."

I thought that what I said was especially appropriate and especially sensational.

In the end, the pig, the golden unicorn, slapped me in the face, "Speak human words!"

 Me: Speak the vernacular!
  Jin Qilin: Speak human words!
  Ye Qi: Say it again!
  Cloud: Go!
(End of this chapter)

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