Yun Qishen

Chapter 251 The Battle of the Ghost Lord

Chapter 251 The Battle of the Ghost Lord (3)
(God's perspective)
In the dark hall, there were only ghostly lights on both sides of the main seat. The white-haired man dressed in black gorgeous clothes sat on the main seat and played with the red bones in his hands.

"King Cheng, someone brought it."

A small black skeleton salutes at the feet of the white-haired man.

The white-haired man threw the red bone, then stood up and stepped on the skeleton to smash it.

The spooky ghost appeared from a dark place at this time, and he saluted forward.

"My servant sees the ghost master."

Ji Cheng did not catch the red bone and smiled at the ghost general, "Are you talking about the ghost master in my hands? As far as I know, this guy left a will, but he wants to make the alien you mentioned as the ghost master. Wow!"

"Irregulars are aliens after all. Now that the former ghost master Ji Konghan is dead, it's time for King Cheng to ascend the throne." The ghost ghost will look at the red bones in the hands of Ji Chengbie, "King Cheng knows that the red ghost bones are only available now. Ji Konghan owns it alone, this ghost bone leaves the body, and the ghost who loses the ghost bone will die without the power to return to the sky."

"Yi Mei!" Qi Chengbie shouted and wanted to test the sincerity of the ghost general, "You kept saying that you would be loyal to me, but you made me believe in a perfidious traitor!"

"My servant was born for the ghost country, and died for the ghost country! There is absolutely no second-mindedness! If the servant does not think that you are suitable for the ghost country, the servant will not come to serve you."

The ghost ghost will have a strong and powerful voice.

"Oh? Then why did you betray Ji Konghan? He is obviously the actual master of the ghost country, why is he not worthy of being the master of the ghost country in your eyes?"

"First, it is stupid for him to privately agree to the conditions of outsiders; second, he opens the door to the ghost country to welcome outsiders, which is ignorance; third, he doesn't put the people of the ghost country first, and creates different types of people! This is selfish! Fourth, he His death is a manifestation of his irresponsibility! His sloppy nature does not look like a ghost master at all. Since the day he ascended the throne, he has no power as a ghost master. This is powerlessness! Lord of a good country!"

The spooky ghost general's tone was filled with anger, but it revealed his true feelings.

It doesn't look like his performance is an illusion, but he still can't fully trust the defector.

"What an idiot, ignorant, selfish, irresponsible and powerless! My cousin can still be criticized by ghosts when he dies. It's really a failure of ghosts..." Ji Cheng parted his eyes and rolled his eyes, "The ghost ghost will obey orders!"


"In order to prove your loyalty to this king. I order you to chop off the head of the alien and give it to this king. This king will announce everything here on the day of the ghost master's enthronement ceremony! Let the red ghost family never have a peaceful day! Retreat! Let's go!" Ji Cheng parted to his heart, thinking about Ji Konghan's smiling face, and the anger in his heart was hard to suppress.

finally!Finally there is this day!Father, brother, mother, son and minister can take revenge for you!

"Your servant will take orders." The spooky ghost general even withdrew.

After Qi Mei's aura completely disappeared, Qi Cheng Fare summoned a few small black skeletons, "You watch that guy for me, and if he has abnormal movements or let the alien go, kill him for me!"


The little skeletons came from the darkness and disappeared into the darkness.

Ji Chengbie looked at the red bone in his hand, feeling a little uncontrollable, that was the joy of victory.

And those outsiders, I'll let them know what happened to me, the ghost master!
Looking at Jiangliu again, he brought the wolf with Jiangliu to the Wangqing Woods again.

The pink petals still drifted down as calmly.

Jiang Liu got off the wolf and spread his hands upwards, even though the petals gathered quickly.

Just like last time, the petals stopped in the air, and time stood still.

After the flower group burst, the figure of Jiang Liu's mother appeared, the red figure that Jiang Liu saw together last.Soon the flesh-and-blood appearance turned into a red skeleton.

Although Jiang Liu had never seen her mother really become like this, it still made him feel very kind.

The image dissipated, and the petals continued to drift.

"Why...why you...why do my relatives treat me so ruthlessly... Obviously family love is the most irresistible thing, but why are you just abandoning me...I don't want your charity...but... …”

Unable to hold back, tears flowed from Jiang Liu's eyes, "But... I just can't do it... I can't do what you gave me. I know you're good to me... It's because you treat me Okay, but I can't repay you... A-niang... Uncle... Uncle... I just want my family to live happily, just like they are practicing the Dharma. Let's all live happily together It's me's me...doesn't deserve the love of family..."

Jiang Liu put his hands on the ground, and the tears in his eyes also fell on the forgetful petals on the ground.

He wept sadly, his hands hit the ground, the loss of his relatives hit the 12-year-old boy hard.

He experienced the death of his mother when he was a child, and the uncle he just recognized now also left him.

He knew that the masters, brothers and sisters of the Dharma Sect were very kind to him, but these were far beyond family affection.

Blood flowed out of Jiang Liu's hands, and this pain was nothing compared to the pain in Jiang Liu's heart.

"Jiang Liu." After Chihua arrived, he turned into a human figure and ran towards Jiang Liu.

"I... didn't I say don't come! I don't want people to see me like this... I should be strong... I should live with anger... But I'm too weak..."

Chihua put his arms around Jiang Liu and held him in his arms, "There is no mother in the world who would be willing to leave her child... Your mother died to give you a better life, I understand that you know better than anyone... ...Jiang Liu, you just need to be yourself. If you don't want to be in a ghost country, we will go back and find Xin, so that you can live a happy life in the Dharma door. Not everything has to be bravely faced..." Chi Hua The figure of her dead child appeared in front of her eyes, "Sometimes you can choose to escape and escape into your mother's arms. Your mother has chosen the right person so that you will not be troubled by alien eyes, so that you can grow up healthy. …”

After listening to Chihua's words, Jiang Liu, who had endured the crying when he came out, burst into tears for a while.

"Ah! Mother... Mother..."

Jiang Liu hugged Chihua tightly, and Chihua felt a little sad for a while. If her child were happy she would be now...the eyes of an alien...what a painful existence...

Just as Chihua and Jiang Liu were embracing each other, a huge ghost force approached.

The pink falling flowers around were blown away by the ghost force, leaving a path without falling flowers straight towards Chihua and Jiangliu.

The strange ghost figure gradually approached, and Chihua's eyes became fierce.

The white blade quickly attacked, and the target was Jiang Liu.

Holding the Huayin Sword and turning the silver wire easily defused this attack.

"The spooky ghost general, I was ordered to take the head of this alien from you!"

(End of this chapter)

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