Yun Qishen

Chapter 257 The Battle of the Ghost Lord

Chapter 257 The Battle of the Ghost Lord (9)
I couldn't believe what was in front of me at all. I was confused and doubted whether this place was real.

My mind is as sticky as a paste, I know that I am the real me, but I still can't determine between me and the "inner demon" who is the real Yun Qishen.

An inexplicable force suddenly appeared in my hand, preventing me from clenching my fist.The power here feels very familiar to me, and this familiarity also reassures me.

The wound on my hand is also healing, and Taki Qianye's figure is approaching me step by step.

The current Taki Qianye's eyes are different from the gentle eyes he gave me in the past, and now they are ruthless and full of murderous intent.

Am I going to die here?
Even though I can't hold my hands tightly but I can close my eyes.

"Just run away, run away from anything you don't like!"

The voice of "inner demon" reached my ears.

Running away, yes... I'm running away again.

【The cloud is deep! ! !you wake up! 】

This voice... is evil! !
Suddenly, as if a thread that had been shackled to me was broken, my mind suddenly became clear.

Yes...I can't escape anymore!

None of this is real, it's a dream.

If it's a dream...then...

Taki Qianye's silver threads were tightening, and just as they were attached to the sides of my cheeks, thousands of silver threads gave birth to black flames.

In an instant, all the silver threads instantly turned into black threads, and golden buds slowly grew out on the black threads.

The black threads broke from all around me, and they quickly turned into black smoke and gathered in my hands.

"It's impossible... You can't defeat me... Taki Qianye is about to kill him!"

The "heart demon" yelled at me but never attacked me.

But Taki Qianye dodged and protected in front of the "heart demon".

"I've always thought wrong..."

I can't bear it, but I have to do it.

I frowned and looked at Taki Qianye, "I always thought that my inner demon was me...but..."

The black gas turned into a black golden sword, and I moved the flying sword to attack the "inner demon".

When Taki Qianye used the silver wire to resist this attack, I turned black energy into one hand and attacked Taki Qianye.

Probably because of my lucidity, this time I used a lot of black energy and it was strong enough to let me pierce Taki Qianye's body with my hands.

"But... I was wrong... My real demon is not myself, or maybe I've been running away, I owe you too much, and my demon has become you. I don't want to admit you time and time again. It will be my inner demon. But now... Qianye... I'm sorry..."

I took my hand out of Taki Qianye's body, and Taki Qianye's hand slid across my face.

He smiled knowingly and turned into red dust mustard.

And my "inner demon" gradually disappeared.

"You can't completely forget me, and I'll be there again."

A sentence left before the "inner demon" disappeared completely.

"At that time, I think, I will defeat you..."

The black dust mustard surrounded me and entered my body. For a while, I felt that I seemed to be very strong, and my strength seemed to become stronger.

In other words, this is where my strength has always been.

I looked around and it was still yellow sand.

It's just that if this is a fantasy that allows me to defeat my inner demon, am I considered to have defeated my inner demon.Otherwise there are other things waiting for me.

【exactly. 】

A thick voice came over, so familiar, it was the voice in the woods.

"Who is the senior?"

I searched for the source of the sound, but there was no one around.


[I am nothing, or I am only a part. 】

what does this mean.

"Is the purpose of the love-forgetting wine you gave me before to make me forget my feelings?"

I want to ask for a certificate.

【Here you have to understand for yourself...】

"So is it the illusion that the seniors asked me to come?"


"What about the purpose?"

[Find a way to summon the Spirit Snake Holy Monarch, and make you its summoner. 】

Holy Monarch Spirit Snake... That dead fat pig said... He fell into an illusion only after he spied on that crystal.

[This is the place where souls communicate with each other, and the Holy Monarch Spirit Snake has lost his strength and wisdom. 】

The thick voice spoke again, and then several giant snakes that swallowed the sky appeared in front of me.

[They are all the power of the Spirit Snake Holy Monarch. 】

Holy crap - one can blow me so far, how much is this meow!

[The giant snake that represents power is going to be destroyed, but too long has passed, and the snake that represents wisdom is also mixed in. 】

[The strength and wisdom of the Holy Monarch Spirit Snake were dispersed, so he became what he is now, but his dedication to the golden unicorn has not changed. 】

Do you eat whole be honest I want to try it too.

"So Xiaocha is the Holy Monarch Spirit Snake?"

【Yes. 】

"Then what am I going to do next? Kill these snakes that represent power? Resurrect the holy monarch of the snake."

[You can understand my intention, which means that you are not so ignorant. 】

hey... i'm not stupid...

【I am also impressed by your victory over your inner demons. 】

[All you have to do is kill the snake of power and find the snake of wisdom.Then resurrect the serpent saint.Be careful not to hurt the serpent representing wisdom.This is the heart of the sage, and if its wisdom is compromised you will not leave here. 】

I suddenly had a bold guess.

"Could you be the wisdom of the Holy Monarch Spirit Snake? You said you were part of it."

[I don't know either, my mission is to help the people that the Holy Monarch likes here in the ghost country, so that you can forget your feelings for you, and maybe it will be better for the people you love. 】

[When you came to the ghost country, it was destined that one of them would forget the other...]

[And now, please use your power to save the holy king of the snake, the respected devil Yun Qishen]

The thick and ethereal voice disappeared in the wild sand.

He said that the person I care about and I are destined to forget our relationship... Me and Ye Qi... I don't want to forget him... I finally treated him...

I don't want this...something else...

The Demon Lord that I still respect... I love to hear it... It's just that if someone says this to me, it will definitely embarrass me...

Sure enough, after the sound disappeared, the giant snakes also started to move.

The heads of three or two giant snakes were facing me, and they opened their mouths to spit out sound waves.

Hey, hey, besiege this place!One is enough for me...


In a flash, I ran towards a giant snake that kept aiming at me.


The air waves attacked with the sound waves...

No matter what the dignity of a man is, dig a hole and drill into it! ! !
I quickly opened a hole in the ground with black gas, and then avoided this round of sound waves.

The sound wave hit a giant snake on the opposite side.

The giant snake that was hit turned into black dust mustard and floated towards me, and then I also absorbed these things.

It seems that I am also able to produce wisdom in a hurry 233333
 totally uninspired

(End of this chapter)

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