Yun Qishen

Chapter 261 The Battle of the Ghost Lord

Chapter 261 The Battle of the Ghost Lord (13)
(God's perspective)
"Small squeak!!!" Chen Yueluo was not frightened at all, but frightened.

That is the stone that Uncle Seven asked to keep!

This mouse is truly indescribable.

In case they looked at Chen Yueluo with a frown and blame, but they couldn't go out because of Qi Qi's enchantment.Otherwise, Chen Yueluo would have pinched Xiao Zhi's neck long ago, roaring and spitting it out.

Chen Yueluo could feel how much he looked down upon him when he saw him, but he could only say sorry to them in embarrassment.Live like an old mother who apologizes everywhere for her child's wrongdoing.

Ye Qi put a hand on Chen Yueluo's shoulder, "Okay, let's see what happens to your mouse ancestor, it will surprise everyone every time."

That's right... Accident... Now even the seventh uncle says that this is my ancestor...

Most of the wandering ghosts flew out without staying, leaving only those possessed black skeletons that continued to attack Ye Qi's barrier.

There were no wandering ghost skeletons approaching on Xiaozhi's side.

However, the mouse didn't seem to have enough to eat, and its next target was the golden sword.

Eurasian, it looks like something is going wrong.

Ji Qi noticed Xiao Zhi's movement here. He was curious about what strange things the mouse would spit out, but there was nothing.

The golden giant sword is something Yun Qishen wants, but it cannot be eaten.

"In case, Chen Yueluo." Qi Qi felt Yun Qishen in his arms move his hand, and he was probably about to wake up.

"Wait a minute, I'm going to lift the barrier, you go to manage the mouse ancestors of your family, Yueluo, in case you cooperate with the unicorn fire of the golden unicorn to block these wandering monsters and skeletons." Yan Qi turned to look at the golden unicorn again, "Jin Qilin Kirin..."

"Don't worry, this mythical beast understands... irascible brat! You have to cooperate with this mythical beast well! Don't blame this mythical beast for hurting you!"

Jin Qilin didn't listen to Ye Qi and quickly walked to Wan Yu's side.

"Grumpy... Yes, I know." Even if it would be uncomfortable to hear this pig call him a cranky brat, now is not the time to quarrel.


Ye Qi gave an order, and the black air barrier mixed with unicorn fire broke open, and Chen Yueluo and Wan Yi rushed in opposite directions.

However, the golden unicorn rushed forward and took a direct sip of unicorn fire.

Chen Yueluo quickly grabbed Xiao Zhi, but fortunately it didn't eat this giant sword... If you eat it, it will definitely not kill you, the mouse, but Chen Yueluo will be played to death by Ye Qi.

Chen Yueluo could see how much Ye Qi cared about this sword, not so much about the sword, but rather about Yun Qishen...

Ugh?Why does my head suddenly if I want to remember something...what is...

Because of Chen Yueluo's appearance, some skeletons and wandering demons came towards him. Chen Yueluo subconsciously wanted to pick up the giant sword, but he couldn't hold it at all... a little embarrassed...


Xiao Zhi's cry made Chen Yueluo wake up suddenly, and the flywheel flew out to cut the air wanderer approaching him and the skeleton below into two sections.

If it hadn't been for the cowardly guy to get emotional and go back by himself, I wouldn't be able to bear so many sins... I didn't take Xiao Zhi back when I left, I'm sorry for that.

Chen Yueluo originally believed that if these skeletons were cut in half, they would turn into dust mustard and dissipate, but the current skeletons would not turn into enchantments at all because they were possessed by wandering ghosts.

In case it's the same here, if you just use the fairy sword to kill, it won't hurt these skeletons at all.

The golden unicorn finds that skeletons possessed by wanderers are not afraid of physical and magical attacks.

But the wandering ghosts would not approach the Qilin Fire, and it was the same in the Soul Devouring Curse Formation. Because of the Qilin Fire, they did not attack at that time.

In this case……

"Yi Qi, can you know the method of leaving the soul?"

Jin Qilin originally asked a serious question, but he couldn't be distracted, so he didn't look at Ye Qi.

At this time, there was a voice that had just woken up.

"Divorce? Is there something wrong with my ears? When did Ye Qi get married? Divorce?"

There was a bit of banter on her delicate face, and the words from her hoarse voice made Jin Qilin a little angry.

"Divorce this divine beast! Come on!" Jin Qilin knew that Yun Qishen had woken up as soon as he heard it.

"Hahaha, you pig is admitting something weird!" Yun Qi smiled deeply and looked at Hao Qi, he was deliberately serious, "You two are really?"

"I'm afraid the devil is in a daze. The little Taoist thinks you're opening it in the wrong way, or I'll knock you out again, the little Taoist?" Ye Qi knew that Yun Qishen was joking, and he was very happy to see him wake up. , Unconsciously also joked.

"Hahaha, I'm joking." The guy laughed and said something terrible.

Yun Qi Shenchong Evil Qi smiled.

"Haha, little Taoist priest, I'm joking too~"

Jin Qilin retched for a while, but his mood was indeed relieved a lot.

"Uncle Seven!"

Chen Yueluo's side began to be restless, and the wandering ghost skeletons that had been cut in half chased Chen Yueluo in various ways.

Just in case he was about to pass, Ye Qi stopped him.

"In case, you are cooperating with the golden unicorn now, and you don't care about the rest."

Ye Qi looked at Chen Yueluo's side again, "Yueluo, you are holding on for a while, try to delay for a while!"

"But Uncle Seven...I know..." Chen Yueluo could only sigh, he hoped that Ye Qi would come up with a solution soon.

Yun Qishen first patted the soil on his body, and then looked at his hands.

"By the way, what kind of magic is the law of divorce?"

Yun Qishen said that divorce is easy.

"It's from the soul!!!"

But the golden unicorn is annoying. If you can't be distracted, the golden unicorn will press Yun Qishen's head on the ground, and you won't be able to buckle it!

"Xingxingxing, Lishun... What kind of magic is it? Is it the extraction of the soul?" Yun Qishen suddenly thought of the time when he was looking for the golden and jade magic weapon.

"These skeletons are possessed by wandering ghosts, and wandering ghosts are afraid of unicorn fire. Since the two are not harmed by physical spells, then separate the wandering ghosts and skeletons. You are right in what you mean by breaking through separately and leaving the soul... You separate the wandering ghosts from the skeletons, and this divine beast uses unicorn fire to control their movements."

Jin Qilin explained and also shared his plan.

Ye Qi smiled after hearing this, "I do have a spell that can separate the soul."

"Du Hualian." Yun Qishen interjected.

Ye Qi then smiled and looked at Yun Qishen again, "It's still the devil who knows the little Taoist priest~ It's just that the little Taoist is less black now, so please ask the devil to help me a lot~"

"Yeah." Yun Qishen nodded his head, "Then we have to gather the monsters first..."

Yun Qishen and Ye Qi set their sights on Chen Yueluo, who was pulling hatred.

Then Yun Qishen and Ye Qi looked at each other and smiled, their smiles were so malicious.

Chen Yueluo suddenly felt cold behind his back, and he looked back again, how could even the skeletons on their side start chasing him! ! !

"Yueluo! Come on!" Ye Qi's voice entered Chen Yueluo's ears.

In case both Jin Qilin and Jin Qilin stopped defending and attacking, everyone's eyes were fixed on Chen Yueluo.

Chen Yueluo was moved to tears, how could he have such a heartless teammate...

I am so hard...

(End of this chapter)

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