Yun Qishen

Chapter 263

Chapter 263 A Hundred Years of Forgetfulness (1)
(God's perspective)
Before Yun Qishen sensed that Chi Hua was in danger and left the barrier attic, the trapped crowd prepared to use Hua Lian to separate the wandering ghosts among the possessed skeletons according to the plan of Yun Qishen and Ye Qi.

After waiting for Chen Yueluo to gather the monsters, Yun Qishen first restricted the movement of the skeletons with black gasification black silk.

"Seriously, this trick of the Demon Lord is really useful~ Can Dekong teach me the little Taoist priest personally?"

Ye Qi is now complimenting Yun Qishen around him. Jin Qilin is used to it, but in case he can't stand it any longer.

Why didn't he know that Uncle Seven had become so shameless now, he simply stuck to Yun Qishen.

"Uncle Seven..."

Not far away, Chen Yueluo was also trapped by the black silk and couldn't move. In order to prevent him from being hurt by the black silk, the posture he posed made Yun Qishen laugh inwardly.

The golden unicorn saw the situation and spit out the unicorn fire, and soon all the black lines were attached to the unicorn fire and surrounded the skeletons and wandering ghosts.

The wandering ghost who could have crossed the black line was unable to move for a while.

[Du Hualian——]

Yun Qishen and Ye Qi are used together, and the black-gold lotus and the black-purple lotus dance in the air.

The scorching black flames surrounded each skeleton, and forcibly removed the possessed wanderers from their bodies.

"Ah!!! The fire is burning all over me!!"


Chen Yueluo and Xiao Zhi also endured the power of Du Hualian.

In case, I was worried, but I stopped worrying when I felt that Chen Yueluo, a guy with wood water attributes, had nothing to do.

At this moment, Yun Qi felt a little uneasy, even if he started to run in the direction he was worried about...

After all the wandering ghosts in the attic were trapped by the golden unicorn, Xiao Zhi also spit out a jar of wine.


[The method of sealing the ghost country's enchantment is to first take the blood of the ghost master's heart and the blood of the ancient royal family, and then combine it with the giant sword to seal...]

Ji Konghan, who turned into a ghost fire, was inside the black air barrier that Ye Qi had prepared for him.

Because the ghost bone was destroyed, Yun Qishen only left a small piece of ghost bone for Ji Konghan.

Therefore, in order to maintain the power of the ghost, it can only become the appearance of this fire group.

Jiang Liu and Chihua are taken care of by Chen Yueluo and Wanyi.

Yun Qishen and Jin Qilin followed Ye Qi and Ji Konghan back to the place where the ghost kingdom was sealed.

The specific method of sealing is only known by the ghost masters of the past dynasties, so it is necessary to keep the air cold.

Yun Qishen was naturally unhappy, but for the sake of Qi Qi, he still left the ghost life of Qi Konghan.

"What's next?"

Ye Qi played with the black air barrier that trapped Qi Konghan in his hands, while asking about the specific method of sealing.

[You must absorb the black gas in the giant sword before you can use it to seal, and this is another point...]

Ji Konghan was suddenly indescribable, even when Ye Qi approached the golden giant sword that fell to the ground.

Because the silver bracers protect Ye Qi's own black energy, the black energy on the golden giant sword refused Ye Qi's touch.

[The magic energy attached to the giant sword here is too strange, we can only add a layer of seal to it.And the weight of this giant sword is not ordinary. I heard that the most powerful ghost in the ghost country in front of him can even open a mountain with one finger, but he can't move it. 】

Ji Konghan's story was too unbelievable, which aroused Ye Qi's interest.Ye Qi had to lift the giant sword to play, but the giant sword did not move at all while refusing to touch it.

"Hey! Ye Qi, don't be arrogant!"

Jin Qilin was a little worried when he saw Ye Qi's hand being resisted by the black energy of the giant sword.But in fact, Ye Qi naturally doesn't listen to Jin Qilin's words, he won't give up easily on the things he likes.

Yun Qishen couldn't bear it any longer, he went up and grabbed Mo Qi's hand, and the other hand picked up the giant sword.

"Don't you understand human language... No, it's pig language, and if you understand it, you'll become a pig... Anyway, don't be stubborn."

Very decent, right!I think I'm so handsome right now.

When Yun Qi deeply thought about whether he was handsome or not, he opened his mouth.

"The devil is so powerful~"

Only then did Yun Qishen notice that the giant sword in the other hand was not as heavy as the ghost said.

"Hey! Are you kidding us? Is this sword real? Do you think you're not small enough? Shall I pour water on you! Masanoro (Japanese: idiot)!"

Yun Qishen poked at the black barrier that trapped Qi Konghan with his hand.

"The devil is so imposing! It's like the street hooligan in the story that the old man (Spiritual Realm Dao) and I told before~" Ye Qi clapped his hands in the back.

"You...are you sure this is complimenting me?" Yun Qishen looked back at Mo Qi again.

His smile that peeled off the dark clouds and saw the sun made Yun Qishen almost believe that he was not scolding him just now...

"Yeah~ How can the little Taoist say that the devil's is not?"

Or oh... it's you green-haired calf...

Yun Qishen raised one eyebrow awkwardly.

Ji Konghan had a strong desire to survive, and he was running around in the black air barrier.

[I'm not lying, the giant sword is not easily moved!Besides, I'm already like this, and it doesn't do me any good to lie. 】

"I believe you idiot!" Yun Qishen said casually and turned to the barrier.

The golden unicorn narrowed his eyes and looked at Qi Konghan, who had turned into a ghost fire... It should have no mouth... Where did the sound come from?It should also have no power to transmit sound.

Yun Qishen came forward as soon as he left the golden unicorn, and Qi Konghan suddenly felt a sense of oppression.

Where is this guy's mouth?Where is the sound coming from?

The golden unicorn turned out to be real.

Knowing the specific sealing method, Ye Qi and Yun Qishen also started to act.

"It's just that there are wandering ghosts outside, those..." Yun Qi looked at Mo Qi deeply.

Ye Qi kept a smile at Yun Qishen, "I'll leave it to them in case they act, Chen Yueluo's mouse will also be used to the fullest, right? The devil should also praise me as a little Taoist~"

"Okay, compliment you! My family is awesome!"

Yun Qishen was half-hearted and half-hearted, and he really thought about some things thoroughly.

"So what did you do?" Yun Qishen really couldn't think of what Ye Qi did, it would be difficult to catch them one by one...

Ye Qi's smile was suddenly malicious, "I put a soul-sucking spell on Yueluo and his mouse. Since the power of Qilin's fire can repel those wandering ghosts, can't the opposite power be attracted?"

Ruthless, you are really too ruthless...

At the same time, in case is taking care of Chihua and Jiangliu.

But Chen Yueluo was chased by groups of skeletons and wandering ghosts outside.

"Uncle Seven!!!"

Chen Yueluo thought that these three words would be the key to saving him, but at this moment, Qi Qi's eyes were always on Yun Qishen.

[...Actually, there is one more thing I haven't finished...]

Ji Konghan said again tremblingly.

Yun Qi looked at Ji Konghan with a deep frown, looking forward to what nonsense he would say.

[Those who have the blood of the ancient proud royal family before using the sealing technique, drink Wangyou, Wangqing, and Wangchen with three glasses of wine before taking out the blood. 】

(End of this chapter)

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